
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
I just read through a lot of the discussions on this site for information, and then of course went to the other site and read through the discussions on that site.

The first observation I noticed was that there wan't the doggin' and dissen' of people, and a bit more discussion of substance on the subject that I thought the board(s) were for (FJR info.).

This is not to say that I am still not going to frequent both boards, because I am. I think it is in my best ineterest to stay abreast of all relavent information regarding the FJR, and I will let the compaining, griping and politics of who is the bad guy here, to those that are more interested in that subject.

Have a great day and remember it's all about riding.


No offense igoforit, but if you knew more about the whole ugly situtation, then you would know that many, many, threads on this whole mess were deleted by the EZboard admin, and there were threats of banning members.

That kind of pisses people off, so they come here to vent about it, cause we allow open discussion, good and bad.

To each his own, but on this board, censorship is not something we believe in.


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You also have to understand that the other board has had 2.5 years to accumulate information and a very LARGE informed group. And yes, much of the harranging has been deleted. I think you'll fing out that the same core group is still on both (and many other) boards, and there's much to be had on them all. It does look like "the other board" debacle has calmed down and now hopefully we can all get back to (monkey) bidness. "Too much a monkey bidness..." (Had a Chuck Berry flashback, there...) :agent:

Wow.... All of a sudden I feel like I need to get back on my soapbox....














Nah, not tonight....

