Official Thank You

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Yeah, I want to make thank yous, too. Thank you for the huge assed torque wrench, Charlie. The guys that were working on Mark's bike on Saturday night also thank you for that wrench. Thanks for everyone who brought/bought me a beer or a Red Bull... & thanks to the Warchild look-alike that bought me dinner on Sunday night.
But seriously, Jim and I had a lot of help with this. TO THE CREW... Greg, Brent, Grumpy, Wayne, Doug... (did I forget anyone? my huge apologies if so) thank you for all of your help to pull this off. And to all of those who donated or begged presents... huge, huge thanks.

There was a huge door prize pot. I will be getting my ass in gear to get all of the contributors addresses or ways to contact them. Please do not forget to get in touch with these folks to thank them.


Yes, Jeff too. And you mister... you too. See I cannot remember everyone at one time. Sorry guys... my feeble memory again hurts someones feelings. It's not the first time & definitely won't be the last.

I want to thank everyone who pitched in - in so very many different ways. And thanks to all who attended. FJR riders are good folk; I wish I had met each and everyone of you.
It was the best and definitely the biggest birthday party I've ever had! Y'all come back to Almost Motorcycle Heaven soon.
dayum, i thought you were just a happy phuck!!!

it was ALL ABOUT YOU!!!!


glad to help...

