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Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Sandown, NH
Snipped from another motorcycle group I participate in:


I guess it was inevitable but a Food Network host (Alton Brown) is taking his act and bike on the road.


Looks like he took a spill in Nevada and it will be aired in one of the shows.


Too bad we didn't know about this sooner. I'm willing to lay odds Chef Springer and his franks & beans on the go would have been the hit of the show “How to Cook On A Regulator Rectifier”


Side note about the afore mentioned "Chef Springer". Senior Springer is probably in his late sixties, mahaps a bit more. Last fall at a motorcycle gathering in Abbot Village, Maine Pete Springer took over ownership of a very well worn and tired Honda NX250 trail bike. Pete didn't like the rear sprocket, couldn't find one locally (!) so I watched him take two rear chain sprockets and MacGyver them into 1 and hand grind the teeth. He took it for a test spin and declared the seat unridable. He took a plastic lawn chair and cut the seat off and strapped it to his butt. He then proceeded to ride from Maine to San Diego on almost all dirt roads like that. One of Pete's specialties is engine cooking. He knows where to put water to boil for coffee, where to put the hot dogs, chicken and fish as well as just how long to leave them there until done to perfection. Following Pete often smells like riding behind an 85 mph restaurant. I have both photo stills and movies of Pete + seat leaving on his cross country ride on the 250 trail bike.

I watched the 'Two Fat Ladies' cooking show a couple of times. They rode a Beemer with a sidecar. Never tried any of their recipes........

Anyone know what type of bike he rides and the particulars of the crash? The above links were vague since the network is obviously milking the info for the show.

He has one of the more entertaining show on Food network it's nice to know that he's a biker too. B)

If the bike don't kill him the food might. He didn't look too good after the pickled pigs feet (in TN?) or the brain sandwich in Evansville, IN - so much for talking up my state. But there are some good reports of where to eat. I'm sure a book will follow.

The guy is entertaining though. Great Show!
