Purveyor of Crooked Facts
No need for sorry. I hadn't had my cup of Joe yet when I posted. Wait......I don't drink coffee. I guess that's the problem.
Without getting into a dissertation on the subject, once upon a time I worked for two different agencies and for both I had to be certified in visual estimation of speed to become radar certified. I don't know about anybody else, but I was damn good at it. Just like most things in life, practice makes perfect. I would take my county attorney friend out on ride alongs with me he just couldn't understand how I could be so accurate, especially at night. I wasn't perfect, and there are lots of variables involved, but it's a learned skill like most things in life.
In six years I wrote two tickets based solely on visual estimation. (Couldn't get a radar reading due to other traffic). The first, the car was doing 110+ (Or 'Freaking Fast' - it's pretty damned obvious, especially when passing every other car on the interstate like they are standing still.) and I wrote for 85 in a 75 or something like that. The second one - well it went to court and I won. And that's all I am saying about that.
Without getting into a dissertation on the subject, once upon a time I worked for two different agencies and for both I had to be certified in visual estimation of speed to become radar certified. I don't know about anybody else, but I was damn good at it. Just like most things in life, practice makes perfect. I would take my county attorney friend out on ride alongs with me he just couldn't understand how I could be so accurate, especially at night. I wasn't perfect, and there are lots of variables involved, but it's a learned skill like most things in life.
In six years I wrote two tickets based solely on visual estimation. (Couldn't get a radar reading due to other traffic). The first, the car was doing 110+ (Or 'Freaking Fast' - it's pretty damned obvious, especially when passing every other car on the interstate like they are standing still.) and I wrote for 85 in a 75 or something like that. The second one - well it went to court and I won. And that's all I am saying about that.