Oil Drain Plug Torque

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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jeez, you know how long I had to search for this post ?(so that I could be sure to remember the CORRECT torque for the drain plug)

somebody needs to take the 31 ft lb spec out of the FAQ !

Now !

I simply can not believe that the F'd up spec is still in there !!!!!

rant off ...

I don't understand the rant in the first place. Instead of ranting, an email to the correct source would have been more productive. Do you think somebody gets paid to keep the FAQ's up to date? Your lucky to have a forum like this to even resource. Chill... life is too short.

somebody needs to take the 31 ft lb spec out of the FAQ !....

rant off ...
Instead of ranting...you would be far better served to send a PM to the volunteer author of the FAQ in question.... and ask nicely. The whole sugar vs. vinegar thing. Otherwise, they might miss this thread you dusted off from antiquity and your blood pressure would shoot up 5 more points needlessly. :blink:

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Whatever !!!!

I use 17 ft/lbs - because this bolt is the same (sans magnet) as the rear end drain plug that is listed at 17. I personally believe the spec writer mis-typed the metric spec from 22 to 42 (17 ft/lb to 31 ft/lbs) on the engine drain plug.

My '00 Corvette has a VERY expensive aluminum oil pan. I always use a torque wrench on it.

I read all the old posts shortly after joining this forum and before I did my first oil change. My plug was way tight, so much that my 3/8 drive 6" long ratchet would not move it (with 1 hand-too short for 2!). So I had to use my 18" torque wrench to remove it, but couldn't read the results. Then I retighten the drain plug with the same 6" ratchet, then checked that torque. It was 20 ft/lbs, close enough.

Using the 'seat-of-your-pants' arm as a torque wrench on aluminum is a bad idea. Some of us have bad hands/fingers and whimpy arms, some have Mr. Atlas arms & hands.

somebody needs to take the 31 ft lb spec out of the FAQ !I simply can not believe that the F'd up spec is still in there !!!!!
(It's 'common knowledge') Yamaha don't know 's#*t'.....!

We should all build our own bikes and set/determine our own torque specifications -- so, they'll be "right". :blink: :)
