OK who was the non-ATGATT nerd

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it was me but in my defense i was drinking a lot of vodka and snorting ......errrrr,,,,, wait a minute, this was in kaliforny

wasn't me :D

If you think of the pavement moving fast under you as a belt sander, then it becomes easier to imagine why it's not a bad idea to wear something that covers most of your skin and won't shred within seconds. It's what you'd want to be wearing if there was a psycho running lose with a belt sander and threatening to sand your ass (um, he also has a really long extension cord).

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In Oakley yesterday, Silver FJR, shorts, tee shirt and if I remember right a blue helmet. Anyone here want to fess up?
After 48 years on 35+ cycles, almost all of it attired the way you deplore, I would be glad to make another loop through Oakley just for drill. I even have the irridescent blue face shield on my helmet. Actually have mellowed a little a year ago and bought a mesh Tourmaster jacket I wear with shorts on "dressy" occasions. If I were riding in Washington I would have more gear, but in SoCal if you want to tell me leathers are mandatory in 95 degrees, well then taking public transit sounds more appealing.

I ride quickly on the freeways always building defensible space around me, where I can see at least a 100ft ahead. I ride slowly in town where all the negligent cages are filled with texting soccer moms. I look at every car on every side street and just expect 100% of them to either pull out in front of me, or turn left at any moment.

Still riding comfortably after all these years......
