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Riding into work this am, cruising nicely at 80-90, got off the entance ramp and just as I start getting comfortable in traffic, over starts coming this Beemer cage thing, lone female at the helm. I figger shes into lane sharing, even though I'm not, when all of a sudden the impossible happens. She looked, saw me, and went back into her lane! Tensed as I was, hands at the levers, foot hovering above the brake, I simply was not prepared for this. After pulling over, and once the shakes began to subside, I realized I had witnessed the most bizarre event so far this year-A Cager Who Looks! And me without a camera. I intend to start bringing a camera with me, ready for the next time the strange and wonderful happens, or, who knows, a UFO lands next to me or something more mundane like that.
There must be a GOD after all! And maybe he rides. :yahoo:


The explanation, much to the chagrin of the male forum members, is it was a woman driver. Gosh, do I really need to point out the obvious to you guys?
You mean like she was on the phone with her friend who was in the car behind her who yelled "Lookout, your gonna scratch your car!"

The explanation, much to the chagrin of the male forum members, is it was a woman driver. Gosh, do I really need to point out the obvious to you guys?
You mean like she was on the phone with her friend who was in the car behind her who yelled "Lookout, your gonna scratch your car!"
And her story will be how this speeding motorcycle maniac tried to run her off the road, but using her excellent driving skill avoided the out of control biker.LOL :lol:

If you cause one more of these I believe you are eligible for canonization for sainthood by the guy w/ the crazy koo hat collection and his own brand of auto!

There HAS to be a logical explanation....
Have you ever seen radman? He has a face that could move a mountain, let alone cause a cage to jink, and that only a potato bug could appreciate.



I call BS based on the speed in traffic in the cities alone. You must be headed even farther out of town on your commute.

Also, I would have to agree with the possibility of a fellow rider that decided it was too cold here to ride in this morning and decided to cage it. (wussies!)

I LOL'd at the lane sharing comment.

Have you ever seen radman? He has a face that could move a mountain, let alone cause a cage to jink, and that only a potato bug could appreciate.
Thats not what you said last night.

large quantities of beer have been known cause this unfortunate are both old enough to know this by now

Riding into work this am, cruising nicely at 80-90, got off the entance ramp and just as I start getting comfortable in traffic, over starts coming this Beemer cage thing, lone female at the helm. I figger shes into lane sharing, even though I'm not, when all of a sudden the impossible happens. She looked, saw me, and went back into her lane! Tensed as I was, hands at the levers, foot hovering above the brake, I simply was not prepared for this. After pulling over, and once the shakes began to subside, I realized I had witnessed the most bizarre event so far this year-A Cager Who Looks! And me without a camera. I intend to start bringing a camera with me, ready for the next time the strange and wonderful happens, or, who knows, a UFO lands next to me or something more mundane like that.
See, LOUD pipes do save lives!! :rolleyes:

Speaking of miracles... I was runing up the highway, and look at the SUV just getting on the hi-way from the on ramp and I see this Latino fellow making The Sign Of The Cross. B'ham can be bad, but I rarely find the need to pray when driving.

Radman. I have two theories about this:

1.) There's a perfectly logical and understandable explanation for what happened. It's an explanation that transcends all the sarcasm and disbelief expressed so far in this thread. Of course, I have no idea what that explanation could be, but I suppose it's possible one exists.

2.) You have identified the ONE SINGLE non-riding cager, presumably on the entire planet, who actually treats motorcycles as she would any other vehicle on the road. I always knew there had to be at least one and I think you found her. I think we must seek her out, encourage her to procreate, ideally with a forum member (you had no description so I'm not going to volunteer just yet), and start the long process of developing a new....normal, if you will.....species of cager!

OK, so good luck with that :rolleyes:

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Speaking of miracles... I was runing up the highway, and look at the SUV just getting on the hi-way from the on ramp and I see this Latino fellow making The Sign Of The Cross. B'ham can be bad, but I rarely find the need to pray when driving.
He obviously saw you first. :(


It doesn't sound real. Either the military was testing new aircraft in your area or it was just a glare on your visor making you think you saw a UFO (Unusual Female Operator).
