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Bike Effects

Well-known member
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Napa, CA
I am considering taking on a line of comm gear to sell on my site. My Web developer has a Starcom system on his FJR1200 and swears by it. I had a telephone conversation with him last week as he rode his FJ and it was very impressive. I didn't know at first that he was riding.

If those of you here that have used any of these systems could contribute your experiences, it would be appreciated.

I don't know anyone who tried both. Like you, I had a friend with a system. His was AutoCom so I went that way and so did another friend. The icing on my cake is I got a good price from a local dealer so I had retail location support, which helped during install.

We're all very happy Pro7 users. The Starcom was at the top of my list (price for features) but I didn't know anyone using it.

If those of you here that have used any of these systems could contribute your experiences, it would be appreciated.
Here are three previous threads along the subject line:




I'm beginning to think a good working aftermarket intercom is like the Lost Ark or the Easter Bunny. I'm currently trying a Softline and am apprehensive but should know more tomorrow.

Like toecutter, I still haven't found a unit with an Intercom function thats acceptably effective to me.

I use Autocom on my Sport Touers, and since I seldom ride two-up, am fully pleased with their performance. On the various bikes, I wire in a Valentine One, GMRS, and a digital music source, heard through Autocom helmet speakers (with mike) masked by 33dbA ear plugs.

The units have never faulted at 65,000 and 48,000 miles. A Pro7 will go in my VFR soon.

Best wishes.

I clicky'd the three threads. I am also looking for rider to passenger comm. Has anyone had any experience with Collett? MIFJR mentioned them, but had no first hand knowledge. For me, rider to passenger comm, and music input are all I'm really looking for. Their website talks a strong game. Can it be true? And inexpensive. They're in Canada. Maybe you could be their US distributor Jeff.

collett clicky

So far, all of this information is very helpful. I see that in every case, different results for different people.

Bear in mind Autocom are bringing out new kit next year with more functions available to make their system even more flexible.

Bear in mind Autocom are bringing out new kit next year with more functions available to make their system even more flexible.
That would explain their "sale". AKA, dumping the crap before an improved model comes out. I know, it makes good business sense. I'm also free to take my business elsewhere, which I'm currently attempting to do.

Bear in mind Autocom are bringing out new kit next year with more functions available to make their system even more flexible.
That would explain their "sale". AKA, dumping the crap before an improved model comes out. I know, it makes good business sense. I'm also free to take my business elsewhere, which I'm currently attempting to do.
Starcom's new system, Starcom Advance is already out. I may have a full report in the not too distant future.

I am considering taking on a line of comm gear to sell on my site. My Web developer has a Starcom system on his FJR1200 and swears by it. I had a telephone conversation with him last week as he rode his FJ and it was very impressive. I didn't know at first that he was riding.
If those of you here that have used any of these systems could contribute your experiences, it would be appreciated.
We recently installed an Autocom Pro-7 Sport and it is working very well. Same thing with cell phone conversations, the other caller has no clue, 3 way talking is cool. The automatic 50% fade out of music when rider/passenger talk is a very nice feature, plus full auto fade out for radar detector/GPS directions/cell phone. This is a full duplex stereo system and there is absolutely no static/wind noise picked up in the microphone. What makes this system so good is there is no static sound before or after rider/passenger speak. High speed conversations, no problem. Autocom is designed to operate in the region of 200mph and now I believe it too. Sound quality of our ipod through the system is also very good. Nice beefy cords and connectors as well. No experience on the Starcom, but this system simply kicks ass over the top of the line Chatterbox that we tried. Coming from a previously unhappy install of an expensive system, we were very sceptical to drop more coin. 2 happy Autocom users here.

The link to this video pretty much sums up the system.


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Starcom here...very happy, works well for everything we tried so far, and customer support is superb.

Intercom, iPod, cell, 2 waqy radio com (cb)

I reviewed comments of Dobias on another thread and his complaint about connectors is a problem I had too, until I solved it.

I guess what we need is a panel of experts (aka anyone we can find) to try each system and report!

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Do I detect a slight dislike of Autocom for some reason?
Not necessarily Autocom in particular, just ethically casual businesses in general. Most recently, Canon. I bought a camera last year, featuring a rebate. I sent in all the documentation per the difficult instructions, making sure and double sure that all was in order. A few weeks later, I get a general rejection letter but the fine print says I can resubmit the offer. Bastards, I've got you now! I had copies of all the documentation and sent it in again, and finally got my rebate about four months later. I wonder how many people they screwed out of their rebates? I've heard good and bad about Autocom and may actually end up owning one someday, if I can't find a damn intercom I'm happy with in the meantime.

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I clicky'd the three threads. I am also looking for rider to passenger comm. Has anyone had any experience with Collett? MIFJR mentioned them, but had no first hand knowledge. For me, rider to passenger comm, and music input are all I'm really looking for. Their website talks a strong game. Can it be true? And inexpensive. They're in Canada. Maybe you could be their US distributor Jeff.collett clicky
I've owned the Collett's for 3 years and use them for both the FJR (intercom) and for snowmobiling - sled to sled. It is not overly sophisticated technology but quite robust. I had a minor issue with a cord and visited their factory in Winnipeg. They not only sorted the issue, but updated the circuitry to their latest and greatest, all free gratis under warranty.

If you're not going to run a ton of other stuff through them (GPS, RD, Sat radio etc.) they're worth a look. There is no install on the bike whatsoever, nor are you tapped into the bike's electrics. The rechargable battery which clips to your belt, is easily up to a full day of touring. ;)

Thanks for the tip FJR. I am looking hard at them. Seems to be the solution for me. I don't have a radar detector, gps, sat phone, or latte machine yet, so this might be my answer for me. The only thing holding me back is the peace and quiet of riding two up without HER ability to talk. This may be a door that once opened is hard to close. OCCASIONALLY it would be nice to communicate at speed, but I don't know...

It does seem so much easier to use, and mount than all the other stuff out there. It's nice to know someone has had good service. I think for 200 bucks, I can hardly go wrong.

I recently installed the Autocom Pro 7 for my wife and I. She gives it a 10!!

I have only tried Chatterbox for this but after using the Autocom I can HIGHLY recommend it to anyone. The Ipod is hooked up and we love the sound. Very clear, no hassle to talk back and forth. Solid as a rock.

Will be adding a Garmin GPS 2610 when I get the right cord.


My Starcom stereo cable took a dump after 3 seasons.

I cut it open to find the cable was made of 3 of the tiniest wires in the world.

Not hard to see how they broke.

All 3 together are much smaller than a strand of sewing thread.

I replaced it with a heavier Radio Shaft cable.

My mobile phone works fine as long as it is at least 6" from the Comm. jack on the unit. Otherwise it is like a giegercounter.

Other than that, I have been very happy with it.

My wife loves it.
