One for the Engineers/Mechanics - GPS mount

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Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Northumberland, UK
Hi Guys,

I've posted this on the FJROwners site, but thought I'd seek a second opinion here if that's OK.

I never thought something so simple could turn into such a chore.

The Story so far......

I want to install this RAM fixture onto the stem nut at the top of the fork-yolk/Tripple-tree (for want of the correct term) on my 05 FJR1300.


My initial approach was to buy a new stem nut (so I could replace the old one if I came to sell) and tap it to accept the 1/4"-20TPI (UNC!) thread on the RAM ball.

However, when I received the replacement stem nut, I discovered that the top was only 2mm thick, which is not thick enough to tap.

My next thought was, OK, I'll drill the stem nut and bolt the RAM ball from behind. So I removed the stem nut from my bike and then discovered that the fork post is solid (I was under the impression that it would be hollow) and there is no space behind the stem nut to accomodate a nut for the RAM ball.

So.... after several days thinking about this, I have come down to two options....

1) Drill a 'well' into the top of the fork post (about 15mm dia and about 10mm deep) to make space for a nut to hold the RAM ball.

2) Purchase a 'raised' stem nut from Techmount (via Bike Johnny). This appears to have a raised/thicker top to accept the bolt that holds the Techmount StemStand in place. The problem with this (apart from the £26 + shipping) is that I think this is already taped but I don't know what thread diameter and TPI is is taped with. I could end up with an expensive paperweight.

I am currently thinking of option 1, but am not shure if this small mod to the fork post will cause a weakness or other problem. Do we have any engineers here who could comment?

To save a little bandwidth, I should say that I am aware of other mounting options (mirror mount, RAM Universal mount, Dashboards, StemStand etc.) but I like my RAM mount and I want it central on the stem nut if at all possible (not that I'm stubborn or anything :lol: )

Any help, gratefully received.



Not quite exatcly where you want it, but within a couple of inches would be to consider a set of risers (maybe you were thinking about a set anyway). If you have a set of risers there's a bunch of exposted aluminum stock that you could drill and tap for this ball.

The reason I bring it up is because I'm thinking about doing that for attachment of a reading lamp. I could fabricate an alumninum plate to then screw to the risers or I'm thinking the ball, then make a plate that attaches to a RAM mount a bit more easily.

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Hi Ignacio,

The bike already has risers fitted. And yes I suppose that is an option. But I have this fixated and stubborn requirement to fit it where I want it. As a short term solution, I'm using the left hand mirror mount, but I don't like it there.

Thank's again.


Here's an idear.....

Techmount sells this


This might get a little wordy, but, hope it makes sense...

There are 5 pieces to this. The flat top (part 1), the bracket that the flat part screws onto (part 2), the arm (part 3), the bracket that holds the bottom of the arm (part 4) and the replacement nut (part 5).

Obviously, you don't need parts 1-3. Part 4 screws into part 5. You don't need part 4 either. See if they will sell you just Part 5. Then tap it and install your RAM ball into it.

edit...sorry, I just reread your post and this appears to be the same as your option 2. The hole that is currently tapped in the replacement nut is pretty small.

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I'm using the left hand mirror mount, but I don't like it there.
That's where mine was.

But I gave my Legend a lobotomy eventually with all the vibration.

Not gonna repeat that with a 2730 I just bought.

1) Drill a 'well' into the top of the fork post (about 15mm dia and about 10mm deep) to make space for a nut to hold the RAM ball.
If your going to drill a well for a nut (I cannot visualise this, but I'll go with it) why not just drill & tap for a 1/4-20 on the fork post( not sure what area you are describing here) and be done with it?

2) Purchase a 'raised' stem nut from Techmount (via Bike Johnny).  This appears to have a raised/thicker top to accept the bolt that holds the Techmount StemStand in place.  The problem with this (apart from the £26 + shipping) is that I think this is already taped but I don't know what thread diameter and TPI is is taped with.  I could end up with an expensive paperweight.
The tapped hole is small enough that you will be able to drill it out for a 1/4-20. Even if that position didn't work out, which I'm pretty sure it will, there is plenty of real estate to drill another hole. That part requires has a 36mm socket.

I have the mont pictured above. It was $80 IIRC. I also have the ram mounts using the mirror holes/boss to mount them.

The Stem Stand top nut is thick. I think you can get just the nut from them. Mine was the first '04 FJR that tried the original Stem Stand. But there is a subtle difference between the '03 and '04 that didn't allow the nut to secure the top triple tree. I had to wait until they modified the nuts to fit the '04. The top nut is drilled and taped to accept a small screw from the top so clearance isn't an issue.

I do have the original Stem Stand nut that did NOT fit the '04 But it would work on an '03 or the on '04 with a washer....


Many thanks for the replies guys.

I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to respond. Based on these replies and those from some other forums, I've ordered a stem nut from Techmount and intend to drill/tap it to take the ball (Based on info from Randy & Skyway, I'm hoping the existing thread in the nut is smaller than 1/4", so there is room to open it out).

Once I have the completed install, I'll post some pics.

Once again, many thanks.



Just found this thread.

Another forum member, Motordog1, who is not really active anymore did exactly what you guys are talking about - he mounted a RAM ball the the Techmount stemstand stem nut. He even posted a photo, but I can't find it. Looks like the photobucket link is no longer valid.

I emailed him, so perhaps he will be along to assist.

He totaled his FJR not too long ago, and replaced it with a purty new red Aprilla Futura:


So if he comes along, give him some grief! ;)

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Here is the stem mount / ram ball mount I used on my FJR. I purchased the entire mount but found that it transmitted to much vibration for camcorders and harddrive gps units. If you could contact techmount and just purchase the stem nut and then tap it for a 1/4 by 20 and then use a little blue thread locker it works quite well.


This is my current set up.



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You can do as I did. That is I bought the stem nut as a replacement part from Stem Stand. Installed the Ram Ball and am very happy with the installation. Very little vibration and exactly where I want the Garmin.

I faberkated a mount of my own, just like on OCC.

Seriously, I took a 1/2inch steel rod, cut to about 4 inches long. I drilled and tapped the top for a RAM ball. I drilled and tapped the bottom for a screw. Then I made an steel bracket that uses the two fuel tank bolts to secure it to the bike. The screw comes up through the center of the bracket and the rod attaches there. I painted everything silver to match the frame.

The upside of all this work is that my GPS visually sits on top of my tankbag, and is rock stable, and does not move with the bars.

I cannot take credit for this idea. I saw someone on this board who created this out of machined aluminum. It was a work of art, where mine is somewhat crude.

If you desperately want to see it, I'll take a picture and post it.


Just to complete the thread, I Thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my final install.

It is the same as that used by Motordog in his posting above.

As I mentioned, I ordered the Techmount replacement stem nut from Bike Jonny. The original nut on an 05 FJR1300 looks like this...


And once you remove it, you are presented with this solid (execept for a smallish hole about 4mm dia by about 5mm deep) post...


Here is the replacement techmount nut which has had it's centre hole drilled out and taped (by local engineering firm) to take the 1/4" - 20 TPI thread of the RAM ball...


And here is the combined item installed on the bike. This is all that is visible when the GPS mount is not installed...


This means I can now mount my TomTom 'One' using the Brodit cradle combined with the normal RAM system. This takes around 20 seconds using the excellent RAM system. This is how it looks from the riders perspective...


This is the setup I was after, and is MY prefered solution.

Many thanks for all the suggestions and general feedback.



Great pics and nice install. I too like the stem nut install. I am surprised nobody actually sells these. I ordered the nut for the same install. A bit pricey for a freakin nut but well worth it for me due to all my electronics are Ram ball mounted and now very easy to swap between bikes.
