formerly Renegade, get used to it.
[vent/rant on]
Son of a @#$@#$%... Today we visited a potential vendor to validate some of our software on their hardware. It took about 3 weeks before we could coordinate time in their lab.
I've dealt with the m0m0 that is in charge of the sales engineers for the last couple weeks on and off. The trip for me was about 130 miles this morning so I rode there. One of my guys IT guys drove up and two engineers who support the project drove up separately.
The two engineers get into an accident on the highway about 40 miles away... Nobody was hurt but the car is probably totaled (one of those bumper to bumper chain reaction type crashes). But that's not what sucked.
The Lab manager, that guy... You know the type, the kind with that doesn't matter what it is, he's had or done better? One of us had to go get our engineers (since thankfully they weren't hurt), but I couldn't do that because I rode. So I was stuck there with him for almost 2 hours.
Of course he rides too... Used to have an FJR
, and before that an FJ 1200, and of course he's had a busa, and currently owns a Wing, but just got a new Zuki M109 (cherry red) but before he got it he of course switched out the wheels, and pipes, and blah, blah, blah....
I got to hear all about how he stole the wing, how no-body can pick it up if you drop them so that's why he rarely rides it anymore cause he doesn't want to get stranded if he drops it, although there was a great story about how his buddy, just leans it up enough to get his on the wheels, starts it up and pops the clutch to pick his up. (WTF??)
His new m109 is so powerful now with the new pipes, he didn't buy a Rocket 3 because he didn't like the way it moved when it was leaned over and you got on the throttle. blah, blah, blah...
I was waiting for an invitation to race but that never came.
He's a self proclaimed sport-bike rider, but only now has the boulevard and wing, but I learned that you can't ride a bike like the FJR fast in the twisties, at least not as fast as the M109. It's the best there is.
Well **** me.
2+ hours of nothing but ********.
[vent/rant off]
I feel better now, but dread having to work with this prick again.
Son of a @#$@#$%... Today we visited a potential vendor to validate some of our software on their hardware. It took about 3 weeks before we could coordinate time in their lab.
I've dealt with the m0m0 that is in charge of the sales engineers for the last couple weeks on and off. The trip for me was about 130 miles this morning so I rode there. One of my guys IT guys drove up and two engineers who support the project drove up separately.
The two engineers get into an accident on the highway about 40 miles away... Nobody was hurt but the car is probably totaled (one of those bumper to bumper chain reaction type crashes). But that's not what sucked.
The Lab manager, that guy... You know the type, the kind with that doesn't matter what it is, he's had or done better? One of us had to go get our engineers (since thankfully they weren't hurt), but I couldn't do that because I rode. So I was stuck there with him for almost 2 hours.
Of course he rides too... Used to have an FJR
I got to hear all about how he stole the wing, how no-body can pick it up if you drop them so that's why he rarely rides it anymore cause he doesn't want to get stranded if he drops it, although there was a great story about how his buddy, just leans it up enough to get his on the wheels, starts it up and pops the clutch to pick his up. (WTF??)
His new m109 is so powerful now with the new pipes, he didn't buy a Rocket 3 because he didn't like the way it moved when it was leaned over and you got on the throttle. blah, blah, blah...
I was waiting for an invitation to race but that never came.
He's a self proclaimed sport-bike rider, but only now has the boulevard and wing, but I learned that you can't ride a bike like the FJR fast in the twisties, at least not as fast as the M109. It's the best there is.
Well **** me.
2+ hours of nothing but ********.
[vent/rant off]
I feel better now, but dread having to work with this prick again.