Ontario Fall Colour Ride and tour of the region

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FrostBack #2 - IBA # 44620
Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Sudbury, ON
One thing I've never done is actually document some of the extraction attractions that are within an easy day ride of Sudbury Ontario. It'd be a really great project if more people did it. I always find it interesting to see what its like around other peoples home towns.

So, with it being such a gorgeous day and me being on the unemployment insurance riding team.. Lets start the tour.


Wawa has the goose, Sudbury has the Big Nickle a monument to being the largest nickel mining operation in the world. This is near the top of the list in every 'big shit on the side of the road' travel guide.


The closer upper view. Man, they must've had some big pockets back in the day.

Sudbury, being the nickle mining capitol that it is, also has a reputation of being denuded of vegetation. Not true. But there are some areas where we do a pretty damn mean impression of the surface of the moon. Inco (International Nickle) started the regreening of the worst hit areas about 20 years ago. With million upon millions of trees planted. The worst thing to cover up were the slag heaps. Slag is a byproduct of the refining process, it's basically lava thats as hard as diamonds. Their are literally mountains of this stuff. In the last few years they've start regreening even that!


Here, you can see the dark pile. Thats slag. In the foreground you see the fresh green. Thats re-greened slag. In the background.. uh.. er.. thats Sudbury.


A few miles down the road you find this non-descript lake. Just like a thousand others on the side of the road. The odd thing is it's nearly perfectly round. Thats because its not a lake! Notice the colour of the water doesn't look quite right? Thats because its a reclaimed open pit mine! Formerly the Murray Mine that was taken out of production about 25 years ago.


Nowadays Vale Inco refines their ore in Coppercliff. Which is about 5 miles west of Sudbury. The same pollution that nearly completely denuded Sudbury now goes up the Superstack up into the Jet Stream to be carried far and wide and south. Its no longer our problem!

The Inco Superstack is 1247 feet high is the tallest chimney in the Western Hemisphere and the second tallest in the world. Around here, when theirs smoke coming out of the chimney, people prosper.

Okay, enough of this post industrial wasteland shit. Lets show you whats near Sudbury!


About 25 miles North of Sudbury, near Onaping is Onaping Falls, more commonly known as the A.Y Jackson Lookout on the Vermillion River. Who the FACK is A.Y. Jackson? Glad you asked, One of the founding members of the 'Group of 7' artists who are held in the highest regard in Canada for painting our landscapes at the turn of the century. Onaping Falls was a favourite subject of A.Y Jackson.

Ever Purdy.

From there, lets head west for a while.


Off Hwy 144. Colours are a poppin!


About 40 minutes west of Sudbury is the bustling metropolis of Espanola, a Domtar pulp and paper town. It doesn't smell nearly as bad as it once did. In the words of Peter Sellers in the movie, 'The Party': "Poo" The interesting bit here is they generate their own electricity from the Spanish River. Good on 'em.

Some 40 more minutes South of Espanola you arrive on Manitoulin Island. The largest freshwater Island in the world which has been populated by native cultures for nearly 10,000 years. Follow that Wikipedia link, its really interesting!


To get onto Manitoulin Island, you have to cross the Swing Bridge at Little Current on the North Channel. Which is either the largest, or only operating, swing bridge in Canada. To my surprise they've repaved the surface of it since I last crossed. No more tar covered planks! WOOHOO!

From there, we'll continue heading south to South Bay Mouth which is on the southern tip of Manitoulin Island. But before getting there you have to stay on Hwy 6 through Shaguindah, and Indian Settlement.


The only reason I mention it is so I could post that picture. Gotta love fall!

We finally arrive at South Bay Mouth some 40 minutes south of Little Current and are greeted by the Marina


South Bay Mouth is also the Port of Call for the Chi-Cheemaun ferry which shuttles vehicles between Manitoulin Island and Tobermory, near Owen Sound Ontario across Lake Huron. So kickstand down we go for a little walk.


Fine folks enjoying a beautiful fall day waiting for the Ferry to arrive. Without warning, theirs a blast from behind them. I spin, expecting to find Vogon Destroyer ships laying waste to this little piece of gods country to make way for an Interplanetary Bypass.


PHEW! Stupid me. It's just the Chi-Cheemaun coming into port. WAIT A MINUTE! Its Speed 2!! It's coming up the hwy, passing on the right!


Oops. My bad. The boats in the water on the channel. Sorry, must've had to much coffee strolling around like that.


A fine looking seagoing vessel for sure.


Sure is pretty here though.

Why, you'd almost think you were in Nova Scotia with all this nautical stuff going on around me.


Notice the pile of wood and the ATV on the deck of the tug. Betcha he's got a couple or ten cases of beer and has a big Thanksgiving feast planned for this long weekend in Canada. Rock on brother!

It's getting late, I need to get back to Sudbury before dark. Why I don't know. But its the plan. It's 4o'clock, its gonna be dark in 2 hours and I've only got a half pack of smokes... hit it!


40 minutes back, lets stop for a smoke break in Little Current and show you around a bit. This is the Marina.


The war memorial near the marina.


and a gratuitous shot of the fall colors looking toward the Anchor Inn which is fine place to eat.

Right, smokes done, lets make some tracks.

Oh oh, shadows are getting long and I'm still and hour and half from home.


Sure makes for some pretty fall color shots going through the La Cloche Mountains south of Espanola near Willisville.


Mmmm sweet. I'm getting good at freehanding pics on the fly!


Canada... **** YA!

PHEW. Made it back before dark.


I stop at Tim Hortons, because, I'm Canadian eh. I bump into Chris and Wild Bill (guess which one is which). Ya, the obligatory Tim Hortons in hand. But both these guys are B.I.K.E.R.S in the old school sense. Their days of raisin' hell are long behind them. Unfortunately I don't think Wild Bill will be around much longer. He's up around 500lbs, his knees are GONE. In fact, he still rides but has a walker strapped to the back of his bike. I like to tell people those are wheelie bars. But its a good pic of two great guys to sit and shoot the shit with. Just when you think you've heard all their stories.....

Thanks for the coming for the ride on a beautiful fall day. Hope you liked the pics, learned something and maybe will peak some interest in coming up this way some day.

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Thanks for the tour. and a great idear,

When i have FJR back on the road then ill do one from here in NZ.

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Nice, Stevie boy. You've gotten to be pretty damned good at Ride Reports.

2 questions:

1. What's with the Unemployment Riding Team? did you not start work this week ? Or was this ride on Sunday = First-Day-of-Work Eve ? :D

2. Is that the Tim Hortons at the junction of 17 and 6 to Espanola ?!

Keep on rockin' it, Bungie :good:

1. What's with the Unemployment Riding Team? did you not start work this week ? Or was this ride on Sunday = First-Day-of-Work Eve ? :D

2. Is that the Tim Hortons at the junction of 17 and 6 to Espanola ?!

Keep on rockin' it, Bungie :good:
1: Funny thing. I got back from our epic trip, sent them an email saying that it kicked butt and that I was now ready to make them the next Google as per our discussion before I left and.... I haven't heard back from them. Pfft.. whatever. I've got a contract in the works and my little side-project-thats-gonna-make-me-rich-rich-as-nazis!

2: Nope, but I did stop at that one for a bowl of chili on my way out to the Island. Glad I wasn't following me though.

You should do the same kinda thing for Freddy to build some interest for CFR. Your a kickass tour guide and should have no problems!

Here, I'll even start you off...


This is Flower Pot rocks on the Bay of Fundy a fun ride just 45 minutes from Fredriction. Rumor has it that the most potent weed in the world grows on top of those rocks.

This is Flower Pot rocks on the Bay of Fundy a fun ride just an hour and 45 minutes from Fredericton; 2 hours and 15 minutes if you stop for sticky buns and coffee in Alma. Rumor has it that the most potent weed in the world grows on top of those rocks.
:lol: Good one

This is Flower Pot rocks on the Bay of Fundy a fun ride just an hour and 45 minutes from Fredericton; 2 hours and 15 minutes if you stop for sticky buns and coffee in Alma. Rumor has it that the most potent weed in the world grows on top of those rocks.
:lol: Good one
mmmmmmm....sticky buns!!!

Thanks for the excellent tour, Bungie.... A.Y. Jackson, eh!! So does this mean you don't get all your culture from yogurt containers?

Thanks for the excellent tour, Bungie.... A.Y. Jackson, eh!! So does this mean you don't get all your culture from yogurt containers?
Hey, I hold the line at bringing my own sammiches to the ballet.

I know you've been up through most of my ride report area earlier this summer. I never did see any pics from that ride. Hell, I even took you into the top secret spot (and oddly enough, an artists community) so you could get some pics. Wanker. :)

Nice report Steve! You brought back memories from the Great Lakes tour Mike and I did last year that included the same area. We took 6 from Espanola down to Manitoulin. We crossed the swinging bridge, spent the night at a B&B in Little Current and then the next day took the Chi-Cheemaun across Owen Sound on our way to Niagara Falls. Awesome area folks! If you haven't been, go.

Great ride and report!

I've been thinking along the same lines but the "serious" colour changing here is about 2 weeks away.
