Opinions on stock seat (Gen II)

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...After following many seat threads over some 2 1/2 years, my impression is smaller/lighter riders under 225 lbs. GENERALLY are at least OK with the stock seat...
I certainly fit with that. I find the stock seat satisfactory, I weigh about 150* lbs (plus I guess about 20 for ATTGAT?).

*[SIZE=8pt]Yes, that's no misprint, I'm married to a wonderful wife :air_kiss: who cooks me healthy but tasty meals :thumbsupsmileyanim: , and I don't down large quantities of alcohol :nono: :alcoholic: :nono: . Means my bike's faster :yahoo: . Particularly as she won't come on the back :thumbsdownsmiley: .[/SIZE]

5'11" and 190lbs - the feej stock seat is one of the better OEM seats i've experienced. not even the expensive aftermarket seats are "wonderful" for the LD stuff. i.e., ride conditioning and time in the saddle provide the best payback. i'm keeping the stock seat and plan to get the aerostich tapered sheepskin to break the monotony during LD rides.


After following many seat threads over some 2 1/2 years, my impression is smaller/lighter riders under 225 lbs. GENERALLY are at least OK with the stock seat. My impression of those 300+ lbs. GENERALLY don't like the stocker. Those between those extremes tend to be mixed. No science, just a mental tracking to see what seats fit who, and which might be right for me; or altered for my riding.


I think that generally you are right. I'd guess there is a weight sweet spot at work here. Those heavy enough to have some butt padding but not so heavy as to really "bottom" out the foam are probably happiest. Really hefty guys would probably need stiffer or more padding. Light guys like me just dn't have enough padding on our butts and even though we are light weight I know I was looking for some relief for my boney butt.

I have done several 400 - 600 mile days on my stock '07 seat. 8000+ miles since 26 Aug 08.

The seat is important, but what you wear is possibly as important if not more so.

I recommend some good compression shorts, a sheepskin pad, and two days to complete your trip.

I alternate standing on the pegs and dropping my feet every 30 minutes or so. I also stretch out after filling up at gas stops.

Take your time and have fun. PLan for two days and just ride as far as you can/want to on the first day. If you make all 1200 miles, so be it. If not, stop and get a room and rest.

I've been deer hunting the past 4 days and have been away from my computer. Thanks for all the great suggestions. Yeah, I ride alot (12-16K miles per year generally) and have done 600 mile days on my Suzuki Bandit. I bought this bike to do some serious LD trips. I had heard the stock seat was pretty good on these bikes so I thought I might be able to get by, at least on this trip. I think I might buy a sheep skin just in case I run into some discomfort. I plan to break the trip into two days, unless the weather looks like it might be an issue. No IB run this time. That will come later. :)


I didn't see anyone answer your question about what kind of pain to expect...I'm 5'10" 190lbs and have done several 600 plus days on the stock seat. I get sore in the crease between my butt and thigh. I rode my friends triumph tiger for hundreds of miles on the TAT. The tiger had a sargent seat and I did not have the same pain. I'm looking into an upgrade before this years trip to nova scotia.

On longer rides, the stock seat doesn't work for me either (5'8", 210). I bought a new Yamaha Gel/Comfort seat and found that it isn't the answer for me either. Will be putting it up for sale soon.

I'm currently looking at the aftermarkets and will probably end up ordering a Corbin as I like how they look and have had good luck with them in the past.

I'm 5'9" and 158 lbs. Too bony. I developed very sore points where my pelvic bones hit the seat. My Bill Mayer completely took care of the problem.

I'm 5' 11", 160 lbs. I rode the stock seat for a little over a year. The only issue I had was that it pushed me into the hard lip of the seat around the tank. Since I didn't want a saddle seat, I went for the Spencers Seat Mod ( https://greatdaytoride.com ). I only had the rider's seat modified (only use the pillion for luggage—wife won't ride on the FJR). I had Frank lower the seat 1", move the pocket back 1" or so, and got the LD option using the Supracor foam they use. Cost: $75 plus shipping and only took a few days. Seat looks stock, but the feel is entirely different. Very comfortable now and I can slide around on it more easily than on a saddle type seat. An excellent economical option for those who like the look and feel of the stock seat.

The stock seat gave me a wedgie (5'10" and 250lbs - yeah another fat ass). I suppose if you wore loose enough pants and underwear it might be ok, but 600 miles of the stocker was depriving me of the full use of an appendage that is a necessary, and vital, componenet to my rich fantasy life. I put on the corbin that came with my used bike.

The stock seat on my bandit 1200 did the same thing to me, and both stock seats were worse on hot days when the forces of compression and heat worked against my 'huddled masses yearing to breathe free'.

Of course, both my stock seat and my ...... are gen 1.

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I am 5'9" and around 280 and the stock seat is fine to me. I"ve run 300 miles in a day and seems good to me. ( Thats not to say that some aftermarkets seat are not more comfortable, but it's just fine to me )


It is like setting on a 2X4 with nails in it. The worst seat I have ever had! Went to Colorado on it and damn near sold the thing. Now I have a Myer seat and all is well.

Purchased my FJR out of state and its first trip, with me on the stock seat, will be 1200 miles. I'm a short fat guy (5"8 @ 280 lbs) and was wondering what kind of pain I can expect? I see a lot of guys change out the seat for LD riding. Not an option for me on this long trip. Opinions? Tips?
I bought my 2008 in AL and rode a 950 mile scenic route home to OH. Stock seat was not a real problem. Ride a bit, get off and stretch, ride a bit, stand on the pegs, ride a bit. You will be fine if you move around a bit to keep the circulation moving.

At 5'10", 175 I have no problem at all with the stock seat. 4-600 miles days are easy for me. As others have said tho, what you wear is very important. The seams in your underwear will cause a painful crease where your buttcheek and thigh meet. Padded bicyclist's shorts do the trick for me.

A lot of people have commenetd that 300, 400, 500, or 600 miles are no problem on the stock seat, and I agree. It wasn't until I got to 1000 to 1100 mile days that I felt the need to send my seat to Russell. And as always, YMMV. Seat comfort is highly subjective and depends on a lot of factors that vary from one individual to another. My advice would be to put a lot of miles on the stock seat and see how it works FOR YOU before you decide if it needs to be changed.
