Options for pegs dragging?

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FJRForums' Red-headed stepchild
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
So, I have Larry's lowering pegs and love them. I moved from a sportbike to the FJR to be comfortable so it's my first priority. That being said I see a few options, I'm not looking for a night and day difference, just enough to keep them from touching down so easily. I only weigh 160 and the tires & suspension are stock for now. Both set to stock pre-load. I also haven't had the bike very long nor have I put on a real set of tires, to maybe see what direction I want to go. Thought I'd ask here first.

1) Shave off what I can of the stock pegs with a grinder.

2) Buy a narrower, thinner peg (if someone makes one)

3) Raise the rear through the linkage.

4) Lengthen the stock shock a few mm (if it can be done)

5) Buy an aftermarket shock.

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If you lowered your pegs then you have no options.........they will drag. The stock pegs with better suspension will drag if you run the least bit hard. Either ease up or at least go back to the stock peg height. At the very least use the feelers as your guide, when they touch down then ease up, do not grind them off. It's all fun and games until the hard parts drag.

Canadian FJR

Have you measured suspension sag yet? The stock suspension is known to be soft for most folks. Also I would agree with the previous post about going back to the stock pegs.

One other consideration is body position when cornering. A lot of folks lean the bike too much because their body position is wrong. Moving on the bike properly will make you quicker in the twisties.

What a joke. Like if you haven't owned an FJR since 2002 and know everything about it, you aren't allowed to ask questions

Oh my!!! Thin skin on a Friday :yahoo: I have owned a FJR since July of 02. ;) Sorry couldn't help myself. :rolleyes:

6) Ride only new tires that have maximum amount of tread

7) Ask the DOT to lower the pavement left and right of the bike so you don't scrape when you lean.

8) Wrap the tires with a roll of duct tape to raise them off the ground.

or my favorite:

9) Remove the aftermarket peg lowerers on Fridays! :p

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Saw several excellent answers.

Get rid of the lowered pegs - they drag easily for everyone.

Get a good, aftermarket suspension and set up proper sag and pre-load - this helps reduce (but not prevent) dragging of the OEM pegs.

Get some good training on how to carry some speed through a corner via body position instead of leaning the bike - which still has limited benefit with lowered pegs.

In none of the cases will you carry R1 speeds through corners without dragging the OEM pegs. The dragging decreased with a good suspension properly adjusted. It increases with lowered pegs.

Does one still get to flame the op if one has to work on Saturday? This really doesn't feel like Friday to me :scooter:

Don't be such a dumb ass?

Dude every single one of your posts are available for members perusal.

Ya pretty much sealed your fate 25 or 30 ago. If you can't search before asking?You deserve the shit we toss on ya.

Note to admins... It's time there was put in place, some type of IQ test before allowing new members.

And another... The dude can't carry R1 speed He came from a mid 70's Suzuki 125 trailbike

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Note to admins... It's time there was put in place, some type of IQ test before allowing new members.

And another... The dude can't carry R1 speed He came from a mid 70's Suzuki 125 trailbike
A quiz! Multiple choice, 80% or better passing score required before posts allowed.

What a joke. Like if you haven't owned an FJR since 2002 and know everything about it, you aren't allowed to ask questions
You misunderstand. You are always free to ask questions...however, others are also free to respond how they wish. This is the internet...don't be such a thin skinned whiny pussy. Look at the guidelines again.

All the answers to your silly question prior to your post above were very restrained in my opinion. It's when you cry like a little baby about your feelings that people start laughing.

Start to learn how to use this board. We aren't all here just waiting to search for you because you are too lazy to learn.

Saw several excellent answers.

Get rid of the lowered pegs - they drag easily for everyone.

Get a good, aftermarket suspension and set up proper sag and pre-load - this helps reduce (but not prevent) dragging of the OEM pegs.

Get some good training on how to carry some speed through a corner via body position instead of leaning the bike - which still has limited benefit with lowered pegs.

In none of the cases will you carry R1 speeds through corners without dragging the OEM pegs. The dragging decreased with a good suspension properly adjusted. It increases with lowered pegs.
Mr. Bounce is right. I got a good after markets suspension and altered my riding style. I can still drag my stock pegs but if I do, I know I am riding faster than I should be on the street, at least in most places.

The FJR is seriously under sprung. You have to do both front and back end. It will cost some coin, but man it is well worth it. You will not be disappointed. At 30k miles my stock suspension was completely shot.

Look at my picture and ride like that; that'll solve the problem. The more you hang off, the more upright the bike can be.

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Some good answers here. Not sure about the reason for the OP's thin skin, however. Just roll with it; everyone's having fun AND helping you out. Bounce did the best synopsis, IMO. Moving inboards on the bike will get you more turn (shorter radius) for same amount of lean, all other things being equal. Better suspension (FJRs are notoriously undersprung, so this usually means a stiffer spring) reduces compression in corners, the apexes of which are the places you're most likely to scrape. I wouldn't grind off the pegs or feelers (assuming yours are hinged like the OEM pegs) -- that's your canary in the coal mine (and safety margin) that you can ride before the bad hard parts touch down. Practice it on some rhythmic twisties and you can actually do a light touch down from side to side to side in rhythm before you get to the danger zone of levering the tire off the pavement from rigid hard parts touching down.

I wouldn't raise the rear suspension. I tried that on my adjustable Wilbers to remedy the scraping of my Muzzy header (better suspension set-up with heavier spring only real solution to that), and the side effects of the altered geometry are NOT worth it. You don't have to raise the rear very much to get a geometry that has the FJR hunting all over the freeway. Look down or away for a second and you're in the next lane -- seriously. I couldn't raise it enough to make any difference on the header scraping without making it spooky to ride on the straights and went back to very close to stock height to get rid of the nasty lane hunting it wanted to do.

The stock pegs on the FJR are a lot closer to the ground (esp. when leaned) than you're used to on the XX, and you're more limited in how far you can lean it before you start touching hard parts down. Put lowered pegs on it or lower the suspension and you're reducing an already limited margin. If you want to run with the lowered pegs, then there's only so much you can do to minimize the side effects (I think that was the clear message of Ray's freeway post), and you got advice here on most of what you can do already. The FJR with a good aftermarket suspension set-up and stock peg and suspension height is pretty nimble for a big fat sport-TOURing pig, but it's still NOT a sport bike.

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No Rich, I wasn't helping............or inadvertently, mebey I wuz.

I'm half past drunk now.

Once again we have a new kid who, for some reason.. Failed to look at and FOLLOW directions. Shit man.. I dunno................... :huh:

Pretty simple really. Maybe I should seek counseling for my lack of compassion for those , who for whatever reason, can't read?

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Is this guy serious? Every thread he starts is about something he does not like about the FJR. It vibrates. It needs a throttle body synch. It drags the footpegs now that they are lowered. No shit? Maybe the FJR is not the problem. Some people are just damned hard to help.

Is this guy serious? Every thread he starts is about something he does not like about the FJR. It vibrates. It needs a throttle body synch. It drags the footpegs now that they are lowered. No shit? Maybe the FJR is not the problem. Some people are just damned hard to help.

I agree with you Mr. Redfish. A lowering pge kit on an FJR is not what an FJR needs. Lordy......
