Our 2008 Trip out West - Part 2

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2006
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Albany, New York
We ended Part 1 at Detroit, OR. We continued North from Detroit along a secondary road NF 46 (Breitenbush Rd.) and pick up Rt. 26, then North on Rt. 35 past Mt. Hood (another snow topped mountain) and across the Hood River into Washington. Once into Washington, we traveled West on Rt. 14 to NF 25 North. We attempted to continue North on NF25 with hopes to be able to go in NF99 to Mt. St. Helens but we came to a road closure. The following pics are where we had to turn around and it was time for a break.

Iris with Pine Creek in the background.


Iris trying to tip this little rock over.


Our detour took us back along NF90 West, to Rt. 503 West. We then picked up I5 North to Rt. 504 into Mt. St. Helens. I must say it was well worth the detour as you'll see.

This pic is on Rt.504 into Mt. St. Helens.


Mt. St. Helens at her finest.


I really felt that this stump had something to say about what happened when Mt. St. Helens blew her top.


We left Mt. St. Helens back West on Rt. 504 to I5. North on I5 to Rt. 12 East towards Mt. Ranier. On Rt. 12 we spent the night at this B&B "Shepard's Inn" down this road.


They really were nice hosts. They treated us to some strawberry short cake for my birthday 7/10.


The following morning we headed for Mt. Ranier. The following pics are on the way to Mt. Ranier.


On the way up.


A nice lady took this pic of us by this little falls.


So majestic!!


At the summit.


They did have a little snow up there on top.


One of several pull off areas.


On the way out on the East side of Mt. Ranier on Rt. 123 North we encouontered some raod construction. Fortunately, we were first in line. But I think Iris' patience was growing thin. :rolleyes:


Ok after Mt. Ranier we headed North on Rt. 123 then onto Rt.410 North with Seattle on our radar. We will end Part 2 with a pic or two of our Seattle stop.


Mt. Ranier in the Background.


Hope you enjoyed this part of our trip.....we did. :yahoo: Stay tuned for Part 3.

On the way out on the East side of Mt. Ranier on Rt. 123 North we encouontered some raod construction. Fortunately, we were first in line. But I think Iris' patience was growing thin. :rolleyes:


Looks like Iris is ready to open a can of "WhoopAss" :)

Great report Jim, can't wait for the next one.


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Very nice! Good stuff......... Keep teasing me till i get thru there next month!

On the way out on the East side of Mt. Ranier on Rt. 123 North we encouontered some raod construction. Fortunately, we were first in line. But I think Iris' patience was growing thin. :rolleyes:

Looks like Iris is ready to open a can of "WhoopAss" :)

Great report Jim, can't wait for the next one.
