Out of the mouths of babes...

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I rode to King City yesterday for a Patriot Guard mission to honor Army Spc. Eduardo S. Silva, 25, of Greenfield, Calif.

Thanks to the support of the American Legion riders, we had about 30 bikes show for the escort.

The route to Greenfield took me over Hwy. 198 from Coalinga to Hwy. 101, which was a sweet stretch of our favorite kind of pavement.

After the service, I noticed a young boy checking out my bike in the line of cruisers. As I made my way back to it, he kind of moved away, then came back once I opened the trunk.

"Hey Mister."


"Your motorcycle is COOOL!!!"

And some of the wind went out of the sails of the riders near me who take pleasure in making light of the power ranger whose bike can't be heard among the rumble....

Nice to see today's youth has superior taste in motorcycles..

Gotta get em started YOUNG! :)


Ok, where da twisties at!!!! :)

Gotta love it!

Last Saturday, my brother got married. Again. But that's another story.

Mrs. BG and I rode the FJR to the reception. It was held at a house out in the country.

I had 2 guys ask, "How ya like your FJR?"

One guy had a cruiser and was considering an FJR.

The other has a Connie and is considering ditching it for an FJR.

When we ride the Harley, I don't get questions like, "How ya like your Wide Glide?"

Go figure.

Hey Toe,

I get the same reaction from kids (and the ladies) when I'm parked in the middle of a line of Harleys on "Ladies Night" Thursdays at a Bar/Restaurant

called Nichole's in Wellington, FL. The Harley owners usually have that "WTF" look on their faces after spending all that money and everybody migrates toward

the pretty FJR. I enjoy the hell out of it. That's a Waaay cool thing you guys do in the Patriot Guard for the fallen troups. I met Patriot from LA. at SFO 09 and he

does the same thing.

COALINGA!! Damn, I haven't heard that name in a long time. I spent 6 months in Lemoore Naval Air Station in 1977 getting trained on the Airplane I was going

to be fixing in Japan for the next 4 years. Back then, if you were driving through Coalinga and you blinked twice, you'd miss it. Being born and raised in NYC, a

town like Coalinga was a culture shock to say the least. But, I had the time of my life with the young ladies in the area who just loved to go to the NCO Night

Club on the base. Many years ago I heard that Coalinga got leveled by an earthquake and they had to make a decision on rebuilding it or walking away. They

chose to rebuild. Good choice. Met a great guy who is one of my best friends to this day from Athens, GA. who had an MGB convertible and we spent alot of

time at my first nude beach (Black's). I thought I had died and gone to heaven, Calif was awsome! Thanks for stirring up some great memories! :rolleyes:

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I rode to King City yesterday for a Patriot Guard mission to honor Army Spc. Eduardo S. Silva, 25, of Greenfield, Calif.Thanks to the support of the American Legion riders, we had about 30 bikes show for the escort.

The route to Greenfield took me over Hwy. 198 from Coalinga to Hwy. 101, which was a sweet stretch of our favorite kind of pavement.

After the service, I noticed a young boy checking out my bike in the line of cruisers. As I made my way back to it, he kind of moved away, then came back once I opened the trunk.

"Hey Mister."


"Your motorcycle is COOOL!!!"

And some of the wind went out of the sails of the riders near me who take pleasure in making light of the power ranger whose bike can't be heard among the rumble....


I've had my FJR less than two weeks and have had this happen twice. My father-in-law rides with me and he has a '72 Harley all decked out in flames, skulls, etc. In the past 10 days, 2 kids have come up and said "Wow, I like your bike! It's like a sport bike with bags!".

my heart was warmed by my MIL last New Year's Day

a Vietnam Veteran's family requested his funeral be that day and the PGR were requested

my FIL passed a year before and he HATED motorcycles with a vengence and I was forbidden to talk or bring one near him

assumed MIL had the same attitude

I asked the AIW (Angelic Italian Wifey) if I could serve at the funeral...she, as always, said yes, please do...those people need you there

I then asked what about the New Years lunch your mother is preparing for the whole family

She said give her a few hours...called MIL and MIL said to come when ya want...asked MIL if it was OK if I come on the bike and leave early for funeral...said sure

Rode the bike and parked it on the sidewalk in front of MIL house

Rest of family streamed in over about 45 minutes with neither a look or knod to the bike or my wearing my gear...not a word

Ate my black eyed peas, cabbage, potatoes, and corned beef and an hour later had to go

MIL stopped her serving and cooking, looked up, and asked if I would show her my bike

When I picked up my jaw off the deck, I said sure.

She came out with me to the front of the house in her apron and asked what all the stuff was, the flags looked good, and she loved the color.

Geez, gotta love it and I have a great wife and MIL and count my lucky stars every day

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

My three favorites I've received are:

"How do you like your BMW?"

"How do you like your Ninja?" :assassin:

"That a Yamaha????"

After the service, I noticed a young boy checking out my bike in the line of cruisers. As I made my way back to it, he kind of moved away, then came back once I opened the trunk."Hey Mister."


"Your motorcycle is COOOL!!!"

And some of the wind went out of the sails of the riders near me who take pleasure in making light of the power ranger whose bike can't be heard among the rumble....

That warm feeling of satisfaction? the smile on your face? That's instant Karma. What goes around, comes around. You took time from your busy schedule to honor someone special. The little boy was your reward. I love stories like that.

I'm sure I've told this story before on this forum.

I was riding with friends who had harleys. We pulled in for a stop and lined our bikes up by the other harley bikes already parked. One of the riders not in our group came and looked at our machines and when he came to mine said "Wow, that's a beautiful looking ride! Now we know which one is the fastest!" They were more suprised when I told them it was a Yamaha.

The best way to explain the model was to say "It's a special-order bike... very few dealers carry 'em."
