Paralyzed rider rides again

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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Wow. That's some incredible go-get-em. I couldn't figure out how to set up a bike like that myself, and I've got both legs working. He's got MY vote.

I voted for Brian also. Not too tough of a choice, let's see, it's between a guy who won't take being paraylzed in a mc wreck to stop him from riding and finds a way to do it or vote for a guy who put a lot of chrome on a chopper.... hmmmm.

You got my vote! (You were leading when I did). Inspiring!

Added my vote.

BTW, not that I would condone this or anything, but I did happen to notice that if you use a different browser, you can vote again.

There's a bike just like that running around Albuquerque.

A few weeks ago, some friends and I went to a local dealers "Bike Night." When we were there, a group of people showed up with an empty wheel chair and started making space for someone to sit. A couple minutes later, a guy showed up on a red crotch rocket with the same type stabilizer wheels this kid has. I didn't look real close, but it was obvious the levers were different, and I think the shift controls were on the handlebars.

The chair was delivered to him and I watched in amazement as this kid lifted his legs over the bike and got into the chair. I had no idea the wheels were solenoid activated, but my friends and I though it was pretty cool. Obviously, I just voted for the Ninja!

From what I can see, you can vote once a day. So voted again today and it works. Also, this is going to end on sept 30, so I'm going to make a point of showing this guy my support everyday until then. No way anyone on that list deserves it more then him... imho.

As of 4:00 today Brian leds 3165 (70%) to 1249 (28%).

Thanks for voting,and keep 'em coming.Yes,you can vote once everyday,a lot of people on the Ohio Riders forum have been.
