THANK YOU, EVERYONE...<yeah yeah, even you Tyler !>
It was a good day once I dragged myself out of the warm bed with live basset hound warmers on each side.
A FJR buddy called and we met on his lunch nickel.
Then my 17yr old daughter wished me a Happy Birthday when she got home from school, and showed me the all home cooked meal the AIW* prepared. Then da wifey came home from work, had a bite, and then...........................well, you know.
Home made Sweet & Sour Chicken, corn-peas-green bean casserole, potato salad with sweet pickle, and choc cream pie.
It was all amazing.
I'm very thankful for all of you and try hard to count my blessings even after my too frequent temper tantrums.
Thanx again
let's ride safe and be careful out there,
Mike in Nawlins'
*Angelic Italian Wifey