Pazzo GB on Pazzo Levers at Pashnit

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Now waitjustagoddamnedminute. The 19th post to this thread as I'm seeing it is:

Edit: Noted that the model list on his site didn't show the FJR. Am I going B)
NOT to point fingers at "double_entendre"
Uh huh. Sure. <entering victim mode>

but to highlight the issue (question at hand):
[SIZE=12pt]If that site doesn't list the FJR, has anyone who is interested bothered to contact them?[/SIZE] :unsure:

It seems that would be the best course of action to get an answer. :huh: THEN you could report back to this thread and give us the facts, ....."just the facts"......(Dragnet,Sgt. Joe Friday, ca. 1955) :clapping:

Jeff (BikeEffects) does have them listed on his site, but why would anyone expect him or this forum to answer for what another vendor has listed. I dunnah unnerstan? :rolleyes:

[SIZE=8pt]Or, you could wait until Gunny receives his engraved replacements and sells his current levers in the classifieds.[/SIZE] :yahoo:
Do they have that ultra cool engraving like Meatloaf's knuckle tattoos in Rocky Horror Picture Show?

But the 9th post (presumably pre-dander-up-mad-mike) is:

Still waiting to hear why FJR not listed...
Because Pazzo doesn't make levers for the FJR. :eek:

IF you order from any reputable dealer (Like Jeff @ BikeEffects) they would be able to tell you they substitute FZ-1 levers with a bushing for the clutch master cylinder (Hydraulic rather than cable).
Now I'm really confused 'cause MadMike answered the question, then he bitched about...ummm...having answered the question? <_< I'm very confused. I was askin' more out of intellectual curiousity 'cause I thought there had been a Pazzo Group Buy here already and that one (duh) focused on levers for the FJR.

Jeeeezus. It was just a question.

Where's the "hiding behind the wall" icon from advrider? :rolleyes:


Hands madmike a can of dander-down.

Tongue firmly in cheek..... :D

The only part of this GB that makes me envious is the custom engraving.

Whut, Yew needum marked fer klutch'en braiks? :unsure: Er mebbe yew wanna noe lift en rite? :huh: Ooohhhhhh, eye noe, yew wanna have'm wif flaymes! :glare: Ah-ha! Yewer gunna have'm etcheded sew yew kin git the "gals" tew lookie et yer etchins, "Hay baybee, yew wunna come en see mah etchins? Yew wanna skweez my levers?" :rolleyes:

Yewer too kewel fer skool! ;)

Jeeeezus. It was just a question.
And a very good one.

Where's the "hiding behind the wall" icon from advrider? :rolleyes:

Hands madmike a can of dander-down.

Tongue firmly in cheek..... :D
Nope, dander only slightly raised to a "1" or "2". Posterior irritation level @ "5". Disappointment level at "8". I thought the question was answered, then 2 more people (Epoche and ShinyPartsUp) asked the same question. I wasn't directing my ire toward you, sir. There are some people who should enroll in a "Reading Comprehension 101" course, or at least learn to read an entire thread before stating there had been no answer given. BikeEffects who is loooong on customer service and extremely helpful,

Jeeeezus. It was just a question.
And a very good one.

Where's the "hiding behind the wall" icon from advrider? :rolleyes:

Hands madmike a can of dander-down.

Tongue firmly in cheek..... :D
Nope, dander only slightly raised to a "1" or "2". Posterior irritation level @ "5". Disappointment level at "8". I thought the question was answered, then 2 more people (Epoche and ShinyPartsUp) asked the same question. I wasn't directing my ire toward you, sir. There are some people who should enroll in a "Reading Comprehension 101" course, or at least learn to read an entire thread before stating there had been no answer given. BikeEffects who is loooong on customer service and extremely helpful,
Ahhhhhh. So I should have gotten you some Preparation H for the posterior irritation. :D I'm not sure how to cure the "disappointment." I suppose "A Clue About Human Nature" might work, but it seems to be not available in the USA anymore. :lmaosmiley: "Hey, the answer didn't bite me in the ass. I'll get someone to do the work for me." :unsure:

Besides, the engraving thing is kinda cool, I thought--but until I drop the bike on both sides I'm not replacing the levers. :lol:


Jeeeezus...hit 40 and people start callin' ya sir. :to_become_senile:

I suppose "A Clue About Human Nature" might work, but it seems to be not available in the USA anymore.
Its my problem...some times of the day my meds start to wear off. I'll be glad when I can get back to work (Hopefully after New Years) rather than being "stimulated" by the forum.

Remind me to tell you my funny "Sir" story.


Jeeeezus. It was just a question.
And a very good one.

Where's the "hiding behind the wall" icon from advrider? :rolleyes:

Hands madmike a can of dander-down.

Tongue firmly in cheek..... :D
Nope, dander only slightly raised to a "1" or "2". Posterior irritation level @ "5". Disappointment level at "8". I thought the question was answered, then 2 more people (Epoche and ShinyPartsUp) asked the same question. I wasn't directing my ire toward you, sir. There are some people who should enroll in a "Reading Comprehension 101" course, or at least learn to read an entire thread before stating there had been no answer given. BikeEffects who is loooong on customer service and extremely helpful,

I didn't ask the question again. I was answering Jeff's question because he didn't know what people were talking about when they posted the levers weren't listed. Sheesh.........take more meds, will ya? :p

Jeeeezus...hit 40 and people start callin' ya sir. :to_become_senile:
You're not gonna like what you hear when you're 50.
By the time I get there, maybe 50 will be the new 30.

At least I expect they'll have diabetes, arthritis, and cancer cured. :rolleyes:


P.S. Mmmkay, MadMike, out with the "Sir" story. :D I figured I'd go ahead and ask before you forget, old man. *grins, ducks & runs*

P.S. Mmmkay, MadMike, out with the "Sir" story. :D I figured I'd go ahead and ask before you forget, old man. *grins, ducks & runs*
Been published before, here's the short version:

I pull into a "mini-mart", drive up to the front and park. As I'm getting of the bike a couple of "20-something sweeties" are coming out of the store. I'm off the bike and unstrapping my full-face helmet as they are approaching when one of them says, "Niiice bike...." as I remove my helmet and she sees my grey beard, she adds ".....sir!"

thppptttt=the sound of ego deflating. :dribble:

Er.... what was the thread about again? :whistle: :p
Okay, back on topic:

"Why doesn't anyone on the FJR Forum answer for the vendor as to why the FJR isn't listed under their Pazzo Lever fitment chart?" :huh:

I dunno. Why not PM one of the admins....say...Warchild :dribble: , and ask him? :bleh: :yahoo:

Aaaaight, here it is :rolleyes:

My PazzoRacing levers are seeing a shrink because of some serious issues they have.

Put yerself in the place of a finely-machined metal part that fits an FJR like a custom-tailored glove and it suddenly realizes it ain't even listed on the mfgr's fitment chart.

It gets worse, the same levers currently installed on my riding buddies' bikes (all a them FJRs by the way) are threatening a class action vs. Pazzo (incidentally, despite the name they ain't even goombahs, so you can't approach them in the ways of the old country :buba: ) to have their paternity assessed.

Will somebody please cast some light on the matter.

Muddled in Milan

Er.... what was the thread about again? :whistle: :p
Okay, back on topic:

"Why doesn't anyone on the FJR Forum answer for the vendor as to why the FJR isn't listed under their Pazzo Lever fitment chart?" :huh:

I dunno. Why not PM one of the admins....say...Warchild :dribble: , and ask him? :bleh: :yahoo:
My answer: Dunno, don' care. I'm buying from Jeff at Bike Effects later this month. He supports the forum year round, year after year. Decided I don't need no writin' on my scoot! Besides Yamaha that is............
