PDP removal creates influx of new riders?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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if they'd tried that with my 07, I definitely would *not* have purchased one new. I would've waited until a good used one showed up. Good for them they put 'em in the showroom. Tho when I was in for my service interval, there wasn't any FJR in the showroom at all, no 07 or 08.

Plenty of scooters, dirt bikes and v twin cruisers with a huge exhaust can.

The reason it worked well for Yamaha is because they new exactly how many to build each year. The PDP would start sometime around the last week of January. They would close the PDP 3 months later, and the bikes would start arriving the 2nd or third week of July. I'm assuming this kept the cost of manufacture down and hence our cost as well. I know they were cheaper than most ST's, including the ST 1300. I'm not counting the Concourse since it was a much older design.


I've wondered, but have not seen any threads, on how the removal of the PDP ACTUALLY affected (effected?) the resale value of bikes ordered under the PDP.

I figured the price stayed up on used bikes as long as there was a waiting period, with a set number of bikes already sold or available for purchase. Once it was unlimited, so to speak, on units available, I figured the resale value of used bikes would drop as there was no longer a limited supply of used bikes on the horizon for those who wanted a bike but didn't want to wait and take a pig in a poke.

But hey... don't look to me for inspiration; my stocks are taking a beating this year.


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I've wondered, but have not seen any threads, on how the removal of the PDP ACTUALLY affected (effected?) the resale value of bikes ordered under the PDP.
While the PDP probably supported an artificial market for used FJRs, the main reason behind PDP was Yamaha not wanting to gamble on their place in the Sport-Touring market. I don't think they believed the FJR would be as popular as it is and one way to guarantee selling each one was the PDP.

Obviously, astute dealers found a way around their plan and they sold every bike that was ordered (actually or cleverly). Just as obvious is the fact that the FJR is holding it's own as a "stocked" motorcycle.

I wonder how the C-14 numbers are in comparison? That might prove the wisdom in Yamaha USA's decision to institute the PDP. The FJR and the redesigned ST 1300 (and the C-14) have certainly rewritten the "ST" market viability, even though it is still a niche market, it is a growing segment of motorcycling in North America. And we are all better for it.

All the dealers around the Littleton area have at least two C14's available on the showroom floor. So I would say it's a lot slower than the FJR was.

I also was a "waiter", 6 months to the day too! I never tired of being beat-up and verbally ass whipped and bitch slapped on that other board...do the noobs even know there was another board and all the political intrigue that got this waaay better one started ? Guess we're just a little more virtuous thats all ! :clapping: Besides, we got to ogle, fondle, spindle and mutilate our farkles before the soon to be farkled ones arrived. Would they believe we helped a certain benevolent admin actually buy another FJR after a deer killed his and itsself? Would Y'all do it today ? I'm the poorest MFer on this board I guarantee, money wise anyway, and I know I'd help out ANY of you guys any way I am able to. Thats the spirit on this forum so I say welcome to you non-waiter got to have it now impatient bastages ! :p As Ghandi said, " Be the change you wish to see" ! And my diaper is full so I gotta go change now !



I also was a "waiter", 6 months to the day too! I never tired of being beat-up and verbally ass whipped and bitch slapped on that other board...do the noobs even know there was another board and all the political intrigue that got this waaay better one started ? Guess we're just a little more virtuous thats all ! :clapping: Besides, we got to ogle, fondle, spindle and mutilate our farkles before the soon to be farkled ones arrived. Would they believe we helped a certain benevolent admin actually buy another FJR after a deer killed his and itsself? Would Y'all do it today ? I'm the poorest MFer on this board I guarantee, money wise anyway, and I know I'd help out ANY of you guys any way I am able to. Thats the spirit on this forum so I say welcome to you non-waiter got to have it now impatient bastages ! :p As Ghandi said, " Be the change you wish to see" ! And my diaper is full so I gotta go change now !


:clapping: :clapping:

The question is not why the pdp but how much can yamaha can make off the buyers market in America

The name of the game profit and sell, sell, sell ,and sell some more :) weekend rider

I had Goldwings in the 80's. Also a CX 500? and a PC800. All shafts. Then I bought the first year FZ1 after waiting on a list for 5 months in May 2001. While I liked it I was wanting more protection and bags. That fall I read a European magazine about the FJR but they would not bring it to America. I guess they remembered the GTS1000? Then while visiting the FZ1 site in late Feb. 2002 I saw a post for the PDP on the FJR opening on March 1. Went down the next day and plopped down $500 big ones without seeing, riding or even sitting on one. Had to educate the dealer on the PDP, sent mine overnight and ended up with #49 on July 17, 2002. Never have been so happy with a machine and I am glad I bought it. Sold the FZ1 a year later as I though imho that they were just too close in performance with the plus going to the FJR for the obvious reasons that make it the platform that it has become. The waiting and anticipacion of the first ride is way better than the instant gratification the current buyers are privy to LOL. Welcome aboard and ride it like you stole it!!!!!!!
