Peg dragging/ cornering clearence Noob question

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I lean my upper body toward the inside of the turn. I do hang off occasionally, but have never scraped the pegs doing this.And sometimes I just sit on top. At Deals Gap this spring I even rode it like a MX bike(body straight up/bike leaned) when I got stuck behind a parade :rolleyes: (slow moving cruisers).
Just for the record... MX style is to get over top the bike, pushing the bike as far down in the turn as possible. It's exactly opposite of the preferred street style.

I still scrape pegs frequently when two-up and three loaded bags. (Note: see avatar for visual representation.) But that's about 450-500 lbs payload (2-medium people, 2-side bags, 1-top bag). I just pull my inside foot all the way up the bike (as far as my old bones will easily go). That way I don't suffer the mental impact of a scraped peg.

If you are less than 32" inseam, you will likely scrape the toe of your boot before the peg. Those folks that are not altitude-challenged like me, don't have the boot problem because their feet sit at a much flatter angle. Again, note the avatar for visual reference. You can see that with the ankle restrictions in my riding boots, my foot is forced to remain close to perpendicular to my calf/leg, so the toe is naturally and forcefully aimed downward.

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How easy is it to drag the pegs on an FJR? Is it a problem for anyone? Can you ride to the edges of the tires without dragging?The reason I ask is that on my present bike('90FJ1200) it's TOO easy. :blink: I'll be upgrading by next season and the FJR is at the top of my

(short)list and I would like to factor this into the equation.
During normal touring I don't normally have an issue but during spirited riding I can grind the feelers all day long. In fact I just replaced both the right and left feelers tonight because I was starting to grind away at the left peg its self. Yes I hang off, and yes you can use the WHOLE tire. If you look at my profile the bike is at max lean. I have witnesses a fjr rider regularly scraping centerstand during a trip but I have yet to touch anything but pegs. I installed an Ohlins tonight hoping this will help. It already feels like it's riding 20mm higher and I haven't even checked or set the sag yet.

As a side note with 20k on the stock shock it was oozing oil past the shaft

I ride the FJR like I ride my Ducati... hard!! (not stupid)

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As noted above, it depends on weight and your cornering style and speed. If you are coming off a sport bike and ride aggressively you may touch the feelers occassionaly with a light load, but Cdog's picture above is pretty extreme. If you want a sport tourer with more clearance, consider the Concours 14 and the BMW GT. The Beemer has the most, but both have more than the FJR.

If you are less than 32" inseam, you will likely scrape the toe of your boot before the peg.
That'd be incorrect, since I'm 31", and never drag my toes. It's a matter of WHERE you place your foot on the peg, rather than inseam. I always ride with the ball of my feet on the pegs. But at the very least, you need to ride that way in the twisties, or risk having an accident. What I do now that I have custom pegs (no feelers), I push my boot a bit more outside the peg, so the SIDE of my boot (toe sliders) would touch before any hard parts, but NEVER my toes.

And just a side comment: those scrape marks on Cogman's bike look like an overweight situation rather than 'extreme' lean angle. Maybe riding 2-up, or a big fellow. Later gang.


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Nobody has said anything about what Gen bike they are riding, I have a Gen 2 FJR and scrape the pegs with what I think is a moderate pace. At a track day at Laguna Seca I would say my ground clearance was very limited. Recently I rode a friends Gen 1 bike with stock springs and shocks, it felt under sprung next to my bike but I could not touch a peg down.

Has anyone else noticed the same thing or was it just my imagination ?

Damn! You gotta get off the superslab and find yourself some twisties! :lol:
Out side of these Storms, you'll find little or no chicken strips on my tires. Well, pre-gravel munching, anyway. :(

I've never, ever scraped a peg and mine are lowered.
Sorry to hear that :(
What's the point of dragging metal when you don't really need to do so in the first place? Grinding your feelers down does not make one a faster rider. Squidier maybe, but not faster. ;)

I'm unable to figure out this 'peg dragging' thing: Seems like an "I can micturate violently at a distance with a more collimated stream than you can!" :pig_ball:

I've discovered that the stock FJR is entirely capable of making turns, in your own lane, at double the posted speed limit for any turn without dragging anything. That's good enough: I don't need anything else.

But if it's got 'posted limits' and 'lanes' it's not the place you should be doing that, unless you are a squid. :russian_roulette:

And if you are a squid: It Will Catch Up With You. :aaskull:

I've said it before and I'll say it again--I don't ever set out to scrap a peg or two as an indication of Manly Motorcycl Machismo or squidliness. I don't ever set out to scrap a peg at all. But I have done it many times on both sides, at the track and in the twisties. In the twisties it's always an indicator that it's time to cool it lest I violate my Prime Directive of pulling into my driveway at the end of every ride and saying "That was a good day." Crashing violates the "good day" parameters.

I am happy to scrap a peg as an experience of my bike's (and my) performance perameters so that if I ever find myself over-cooking a corner, I can press the bike deeper into the corner and not loose concentration and confidence because of new sensory input (namely peg scraping) that I hadn't experienced before. In fact, the experience of others on this forum tells me that when the peg starts scraping and I think that's the limit--it ain't. There's still more clearance, so don't panic, press it into the turn further, look through the turn, and keep a constant throttle--and then cool it! Jb

I had major peggage issues........ Then I hit my sidestand, my headers, and the side of my faring, Break pedal
Mr Penske helped me with that.

I have scrapped my pegs since then too but I am not a normal person. I am riding a bit too fast and am slowing down. I can get to the edge of my Pilot Powers too. But I have been playing the odds and that is not really the best thing. I am glad I got away with it so far but think I may need to re-evaluate. It is hard since I am a junkie :clapping:

hhmmmm sounds very familiar Mr. Cdogman, maybe I should seek Mr. Penske's help also.

I wasn't quite so lucky the last time I found the hard stuff on a left hand leaner (think it was the center stand) and didn't remove my foot quick enough. Foot stayed parallel with bike while the body went for a roll. Thank goodness the right leg went under the fairing and saved me an expensive repair there. :rolleyes: Doc let me keep the steel rod in the leg as a reminder to take it a little easier.

Ride Safe...

Seems like an "I can micturate violently at a distance with a more collimated stream than you can!" :pig_ball:
Let's see ya put That in your personal bin-o-facts profile Mr. wise guy :ermm: :grin:

Man, :dribble: I was about to bust out Websters fer a minute.

I've hit the pegs just once. Enough for me.

This thing is to heavy for that kinda shit. :pinch: Buy an R or at least a Gixxer.


I had major peggage issues........ Then I hit my sidestand, my headers, and the side of my faring, Break pedal
Mr Penske helped me with that.

I have scrapped my pegs since then too but I am not a normal person. I am riding a bit too fast and am slowing down. I can get to the edge of my Pilot Powers too. But I have been playing the odds and that is not really the best thing. I am glad I got away with it so far but think I may need to re-evaluate. It is hard since I am a junkie :clapping:

I'm here ta call yer bluff! Lets see a full side view. The angles just don't line up to me.


I'm unable to figure out this 'peg dragging' thing: Seems like an "I can micturate violently at a distance with a more collimated stream than you can!" :pig_ball:
I've discovered that the stock FJR is entirely capable of making turns, in your own lane, at double the posted speed limit for any turn without dragging anything. That's good enough: I don't need anything else.

But if it's got 'posted limits' and 'lanes' it's not the place you should be doing that, unless you are a squid. :russian_roulette:

And if you are a squid: It Will Catch Up With You. :aaskull:

Well there's one in every crowd.." I don't do it, therefore if you do it you're a squid" You don't know me; how I ride, how much I ride, etc.

Does riding "at double the posted limit " make you a squid? I wouldn't know, but I'm positive someone thinks so.

Some bikes touch down more easily than others, my FJ being one of them. Apparently the FJR does so too. This knowlege was the purpose of this thread.

If you cant bring anything positive to the table STFU.

I touch down fairly frequently, but if I know I'm going out to get a bit frisky, I harden the suspension and even raise the ride height. However, I have a Wilbers and have a great deal of adjustment available. I agree with some of the comments above that point out that if you're touching down a lot, maybe it's a bit too frisky unless it's in very familiar territory.

I've discovered that the stock FJR is entirely capable of making turns, in your own lane, at double the posted speed limit for any turn without dragging anything. That's good enough: I don't need anything else.
But if it's got 'posted limits' and 'lanes' it's not the place you should be doing that, unless you are a squid. :russian_roulette:

And if you are a squid: It Will Catch Up With You. :aaskull:
Sounds like, "do as I say not as I do" Is that reflection you see in the mirror looking rather squidly lately Scythian?

Well there's one in every crowd.." I don't do it, therefore if you do it you're a squid" You don't know me; how I ride, how much I ride, etc. Does riding "at double the posted limit " make you a squid? I wouldn't know, but I'm positive someone thinks so.

Some bikes touch down more easily than others, my FJ being one of them. Apparently the FJR does so too. This knowlege was the purpose of this thread.

If you cant bring anything positive to the table STFU.
Calm down, noob. <_< Dig the smilies he laid down in his post and chill, man. The point is that peg dragging ain't needed to go fast. Work on your suspension set-up and corning techniques and enjoy the wonderful world of spark-free riding.

-TWN, President PETPF (People for the Ethical Treatment of Peg Feelers)

I'll forgo my signature smilie here and instead, use radman's... :p

What I'm noticing is:

1) Those who are scared of it or have limited experience with it make the claim it's squidly and unsafe.

2) Those with experience with it claim they understand the risks involved.

I personally don't like it when it happens, so I don't do it very often (and I certainly don't set out to have a sparky day). However, I'd mention to those with cruiser and S/T experience only, that every sportbike on the planet has more cornering clearance than an FJR. I'd also point out that not all of us keep ultra-long distance tires on our bikes.

So, while peg-grinding may be closer to the edge of the envelope than some of you will personally go, I'm just gonna say "lighten up" as a kinder / gentler response for some of you.

Or, I could just suggest that the "never exceed the speed limit, never grind a peg, never wheelie, ATGATT" pussies go buy a Miata and leave the top down all the time.... But I'd never say anything quite so offensive.
