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Thank you both for sharing your ordeal. Your accounts and updates have been an insperation and a positive

motivational account of what can be accomplished by all the hard work and words of encouragement that you,family and friends have put together to get Andy back to what he loves to do!!!! Conrats on the great

progress and continued best wishes!!!

Congrats to Andy and you too Jill. It take alot of courage to get back on the horse after a bad wreck. I know. I love the human spirit...

-maybe not an Energizer bunny-man...more like the Terminator! To be up AND riding again in such a short amount of time is nothing short of impressive...sounds like determination runs strong in the marriage!

Congrats on his getting back in the saddle.

I was riding with my original collarbone break within a month or so and then after the surgery I was back on it again within about 3 weeks.

I can't ride it day after day because just one day and all my muscles are tensed up and I need to recoup.

With all his breaks he is definitely a trooper.

Awesome!!! :clapping:

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
There is no way to say it better than that. Glad your up for it! TJ

Amazing progress has been made thanks to dedicated attention to his therapy. On 5-23, Andy broke his right leg in two places, shattered both elbows and left wrist, and compressed his thoracic spine. Two days ago, he got geared up and took to the road for the first time.

:hyper: :yahoo: :hyper: :yahoo: :hyper: :yahoo: :hyper: :yahoo:

However.... Tell him to take it easy....

the broken bone stuff is no biggie.... but the spinal compression shit takes way longer to heal then he thinks...

Just make him take it easy... no long trips till he feels up to par....

If he wants to talk to someone, my brother is a quad...been in a wheelchair for 36 years.... broke his neck diving into a swimming pool when he was tired...when he was 19.... and he knows what not riding is like....


I'm so glad Andy feels like riding.... just keep him on short trips....


This seems really fast. Then again, I wasn't the guy on his back, going through surgeries and working his ass off in rehab. All I can say is, "AMAZING WORK!"
