performance award technicality

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Your best shot is to show up and hope the officer fails to.

As far as his failure to include certain items w/in the ticket........don't be surprised if the judge hands the ticket to the officer and askes him to finish filling it out....then advises you to pay the fine..I speak from experience happened to me....municipal/justice courts want the $.'s worth a shot to avoid the award record on your insurance. It certainly wont cost you more to send in payment, than to write the ck at the courthouse. If you got the time..I say go and hope the officer fails to show, if he does show..just walk to the clerk and write the ck rather than waiting till your could be waiting several hours.

For those of you that provided some good replys and suggestions. Thanx. I will post up what happens.

However, based on some BULL shit comments, I think I will just pay the ticket because I have been so bad.

Nah! Come to think of it, I will try my best to weasel out of it. would think I raped or killed someone and was trying to claim the glove didn't fit...therefore I should not be prosecuted. :rolleyes:

I received the award in Mark Twain National forest on Hiway 160 close to the intersection of 125. Nothing out there but scenery and twisties. And at 6:32am there were no other vehicles on the road...Me and 1 state trooper. He was not at a speed trap but simply traveling in the opposite direction and I am assuming he clocked me with "instant on" radar. The posted speed limit for Bull and all the other self rightious travelers was 55. I was doing 77.

If I intended on only traveling the speed limit on straight roads, I would not have bought a motorcycle that will take 25mph corners in excess of the said posted speed limit in first gear!

Hey...if I have to pay the ticket, no big deal. I made a mistake and will pay with no complaints. I realize that is part of the game and my moral/ethical responsibility. However, if do to his mistake, I can get a free pass...Good for me and I will take advantage of it. I will also pass the info along for any other riders that may so choose to benefit from a similar circumstance. If others do not want to benefit, they can just not read the thread and/or move on.

FYI...Next week I will be back in the Mark Twain National forest for a couple days just for the pure riding enjoyment. I promise to not exceed any posted speed limits. ;)

I don't know about MO, but in MI there is what is called "advisement". This is an option given to the judge where you pay a fine (usually the same $ as is normal for the ticket) BUT is expunged from your record after usually six months, during which you receive no other ticket. If you DO get another ticket during the alloted time period the previous ticket goes on your record. And no repercussions from the insurance company (assuming you didn't get another ticket).
May be an option for ya. Good luck-


Hope this helps
In Kansas and Arkansas they call it 'diversion' rather than 'advisement' but it works exactly the same. Not sure if they have something similar in MO but it's worth asking.

To the guy who said if you get tagged for speeding you should just man up and pay the fine, well IMHO that's just stupid. The various local jurisdictions didn't set up these other programs for the fun of it, they WANT you to take advantage. And when you have the option of paying a fine WITH insurance consequences versus paying a fine WITHOUT insurance consequences, the correct choice should be obvious.


So here's my bottom line - the twisty handle on the right of your bars manages your speed. The signs on the side of the road tell you how fast you're allowed to go. If someone deliberately takes the risk and decides to twist the grip and go faster than the signed limit, he or she risks the performance award. If you do all that and get one, you should man up and pay the bloody thing instead of look for wimpy assed ways to weasel out of the consequences of your actions.
I might be the best darned rider on the planet - but is there two sets of rules for the good riders (or drivers) and the bad ones? I think that's too complicated a question for this thread - we need only pay attention to the simple one - if you speed and get busted, do you pay your fine or try to weasel out?

How someone answers that question tells me a lot about their character.

Sorry guys - I'm not trying to be beligerent or piss on anyone's grass - just sharing my views and I don't expect everyone to 'buy into' them.

And just for the record, I've received a couple of performance awards myself in the past. But they were both when I had decided to push my speed over the limit so I can't really complain. I was speeding, I got busted, I paid my penalty. Sounds like a fair enough system to me.
Let's imagine that you go to court and the judge says "You are accused of exceeding the speed limit. However, there is a technical error on the citation that the officer wrote. You can nevertheless plead guilty and I will fine you and put points on your record, or I can dismiss the case because of the's your choice, which do you want, fine or dismissal?" I suppose you tell him you want to pay the fine, right? To do anything other than pay the fine would be "weaseling out", right?

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Of all the things I could say about the direction this thread has taken, I believe most would get this thing closed. So let me be the first to say nothing.

If in court and the judge said, "pay the fine and receive points on your record OR it can be totally dismissed?" Sorry to say I would take the judges offer for dismissal and tell him thank you and that I would ride more cautiously in the future.

So what you are saying is: If you were pulled over for speeding and the officer gives you a warning, you would say to him, "oh no officer, I was speeding, please give me my earned ticket!" Get real. I just couldn't do it. I guess I am just an irresponsible, lowlife, scumbag, wimpy assed, weasly, generally all around bad person?

I prefer to think of it as the TV cliche that is actually fundamentally true.....that you're innocent until or unless proven guilty. Instead of just admitting guilt by paying the thing I always make the state prove with a preponderance of evidence that I did it.

...for some reason that have failed to succeed at that the last 4 citations.

No guilt whatsoever. But, if others feel guilty and wanna pay the ticket...they can exactly what they want. The free world thing isn't a cliche either. ;)
