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R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Central Point, OR
Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble:

This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:

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Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble: This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:
I haven't done the PCIII thing. I'm fine with my bike...

Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble: This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:
Two words!


They do it cause they can..LOL

I have found no need to do it to mine. I'm real happy with the way it is stock. BUT if I rode one with the PC III I might feel differently.

I have been real happy with my bike as stock (although have +5 points via the Barbarian Mod), but I just bought a PCIII anyway, to see how well it works. If it is a waste, I'll pitch the bitch. Don't think so, though, given all of the commentary around how it smooths out the bike.


I'm also happy with the performance "right out of the box". There has been great testimony of improvement using the PCIII but it hasn't been a factor for me, and yes, I'm sure the emmissions has a lot to do as to why Yamaha doesn't run the fuel map that way.

Although I haven't had my FJR all that long I haven't felt the need to do any of the mods others have. No Barbarian , PCIII, or throttle spring. I'm fine with the bike the way it is.

Been riding mine for 2 years bone stock and was very happy with it. But after 2 years I felt like it was time to try something so I went with the PCIII.

I am running the stock map that comes with the unit and so far I love every thing about it. Great upgrade! But you don't need it that's for sure. I'm going to try the Wally Smoothness map here in about an hour.

What I have found so far is a smoother idle, great improvement in throttle response and generally a much more "willing" feeling from the bike. You will never realize how lean these bikes are in the middle where you ride until try one of these. That said, I could have rode it forever and been happy stock. But the need to play with the bike finally overwhelmed me and I'm not disappointed.

Hope this helps.


Be real careful about assuming "most people" have done something just because you read about it on the internet. PC III installs are far less common than you might think if you start asking.

I'm quite happy with my '04 w/o the silly gay ass PC III. ;) It is not a "fix all" for the various issues people have or think they have. What it does do, and do very well, is burn more gas. :lol:

If you wanted a sport bike, trade your FJR in on one and be done with it. Otherwise, just ride it some more until you find the things you want to change.

Oh yeah, and I have 60k on my '04 and it still has plenty of power to go as fast as I would ever want to. Sorry if I'm harsh, but get your bike, ride your bike, then decide what things bother you. Then work on those. There are some really good tips for 'fixing' some of the things riders don't like about the '06 bikes, (and all the earlier ones), here, so try some searches too. Put single words in quotes to help find things better.

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Be real careful about assuming "most people" have done something just because you read about it on the internet. PC III installs are far less common than you might think if you start asking.
I'm quite happy with my '04 w/o the silly gay ass PC III. ;) It is not a "fix all" for the various issues people have or think they have. What it does do, and do very well, is burn more gas. :lol:

If you wanted a sport bike, trade your FJR in on one and be done with it. Otherwise, just ride it some more until you find the things you want to change.

Oh yeah, and I have 60k on my '04 and it still has plenty of power to go as fast as I would ever want to. Sorry if I'm harsh, but get your bike, ride your bike, then decide what things bother you. Then work on those. There are some really good tips for 'fixing' some of the things riders don't like about the '06 bikes, (and all the earlier ones), here, so try some searches too. Put single words in quotes to help find things better.
Sounds fair to me I really don't like changing from stock anyway was just curious and as I expected form this great forum great answers.

Be real careful about assuming "most people" have done something just because you read about it on the internet. PC III installs are far less common than you might think if you start asking.
I'm quite happy with my '04 w/o the silly gay ass PC III. ;) It is not a "fix all" for the various issues people have or think they have. What it does do, and do very well, is burn more gas. :lol:

If you wanted a sport bike, trade your FJR in on one and be done with it. Otherwise, just ride it some more until you find the things you want to change.

Oh yeah, and I have 60k on my '04 and it still has plenty of power to go as fast as I would ever want to. Sorry if I'm harsh, but get your bike, ride your bike, then decide what things bother you. Then work on those. There are some really good tips for 'fixing' some of the things riders don't like about the '06 bikes, (and all the earlier ones), here, so try some searches too. Put single words in quotes to help find things better.
I concur. Put some miles on your bike to determine how YOU want to change it. When I first joined this forum I read about all the farkles & I thought "Man I got a lot to do!". However it's all about preference and how much riding you do. I've only ridden 5k and I have changed very few things (sliders, top-case, case stickers, bar-end weights, & hopefully I've been good so Santa will bring me brake light modulator). Most of the stock works just fine for me for the riding I do (work commute and the weekend 100mile joy ride). I doubt I'll do any more farkles until I spend more quality time the bike.

On a similar note the wife and I joined an annual pop-up camper forum camping trip a year ago. I couldn't believe how much farkling goes on within this group. My wife laughs cause I call it a 'farkle frenzy'. If you have a farkle, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire The A-Team

Be real careful about assuming "most people" have done something just because you read about it on the internet. PC III installs are far less common than you might think if you start asking.
I'm quite happy with my '04 w/o the silly gay ass PC III. ;) It is not a "fix all" for the various issues people have or think they have. What it does do, and do very well, is burn more gas. :lol:

If you wanted a sport bike, trade your FJR in on one and be done with it. Otherwise, just ride it some more until you find the things you want to change.

Oh yeah, and I have 60k on my '04 and it still has plenty of power to go as fast as I would ever want to. Sorry if I'm harsh, but get your bike, ride your bike, then decide what things bother you. Then work on those. There are some really good tips for 'fixing' some of the things riders don't like about the '06 bikes, (and all the earlier ones), here, so try some searches too. Put single words in quotes to help find things better.
While you make some good points, I think your tone and wording is very off-base here.

Agreed, PC3 mods are the minority of bikes (I don't have one, either). They do not "burn more gas" necessarily. They let you map the Fuel Injection as you see fit, and there are maps that will give you BETTER gas mileage than stock. Most people who run them are looking for more performance, though, not better gas mileage.

Adding performance to the FJR does not mean you "wanted a sport bike." That's like saying that if you add an aftermarket saddle to your bike, you should have bought a goldwing because you really wanted a touring bike. This statement by you is trying to assert opinion as fact.

I have modded several things on my bike, and the end result is more "sporty" than a stock FJR. I do NOT want a sportbike, though. That's why I bought the FJR and not an R1. It doesn't mean there aren't things I would change.

The part you got just right was:

Oh yeah, and I have 60k on my '04 and it still has plenty of power to go as fast as I would ever want to.
It goes as fast as YOU would ever want to. Doesn't mean other people are wrong for wanting more, you just have lower expectations.

Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble: This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:

You already got the best advice: ride it first for a couple thousand miles before you change anything. I did that, then I relaxed the throttle spring and did the barbarian mod. Now I am very happy with throttle progression and low speed manuevering. Acceleration at speed was never an issue, but then I didn't buy it to run quarter mile drag races.

The only required farkle you really need is the leather tassles that hang from the bar ends....if you don't get that you will be sorely out of place in this forum/crowd. :eek:

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You're funny Slap! :lol: You being who you are, you should know tone is tricky on the net.

Note the winky on the "silly gay ass" comment. Added frivolity! :yahoo:

I've been around long enough to talk to plenty of PC III users. No one gets better mileage with the PC III than they did w/o it. Several FJR onwners in fact have taken them off due to the poor mileage, regardless of map. If you have A. personal direct experience, or B. documented proof that someone is consistantly seeing better than stock MPG with a PC III, please share it. In this particular instance, I believe my opinion is equal to fact. Not becase it's my opinion, but because I have never seen, read about or spoken to any PC III owner that got better than stock mpg. And I've talked to plenty of them at places like the TechWest events, the WFO events, (including those events prior to them being called WFOs) and LD gathers/events.

Yes, OK I admit the sport bike comment was off base. I just get tired of people that don't understand that a 650 pound bike isn't ever going to handle or perform like a 400 pound bike. My bad. :confusedsmiley:

"more sporty" eh? Ok dude. Sounds kinda poseur to me, but what ever floats your boat.

Nah, I totally blew that part about it going as fast as I wanted to go. It goes as fast as you can go too. Unless one of your mods somehow changed the gear ratios or the fuel cut/rev limiter.

I humbly offer my apologies if I offended your sensibility. Please, feel free to bounce me off the forum if it will make you feel better about yourself. :eek:

<snippage>...They let you map the Fuel Injection as you see fit, and there are maps that will give you BETTER gas mileage than stock. Most people who run them are looking for more performance, though, not better gas mileage.Adding performance to the FJR ......I have modded several things on my bike, and the end result is more "sporty" than a stock FJR.
I've got some questions, too, about "improved performance" -- kinda' ambiguous term without accompanying specs/charts/graghs/etc, imo? True, without the restraints of meeting tail-pipe emissions -- lots of map variations may work. One of the things EPA regs have given us (in the last 30 ~ 35 years) is the best performance/reliability/economy continuum we've ever had, automotively -- imo. Not to say it doesn't come at a cost -- both $$ and, sometimes, "driveability issues". Enter mods like PC III. Now, I'll readily listen to folks who say the PC III solved their perceived roll-on issues, or "whatever" -- but, when it comes to perfomance increases.....I'd like to see some documentation. :unsure: ;) p.s. I do understand "sporty", tho -- no documentation needed.... :p

Don't go confusing "who I am" (admin) with "who I am" (just another guy replying to a thread). :angry2:

I've been around long enough to talk to plenty of PC III users. No one gets better mileage with the PC III than they did w/o it. Several FJR onwners in fact have taken them off due to the poor mileage, regardless of map.
1. As I mentioned in the thread, you COULD map for better mileage, but the people who put PC's on aren't looking for better mileage, they are looking for better performance. I can only recall one person taking a PC3 off for what they considered poor mileage, but don't recall all of the circumstances. Could you link some of these stories?

2. The specific thread I was thinking of was lost in the old EZ board hack, in which a MPG map took a long distance rider from low 50's to nearly 60mpg. I can offer this thread where one user saw no overall change in MPG, and the average loss is stated to be 2-4 mpg. I don't consider that unreasonable for the benefits you gain in engine response.

"more sporty" eh? Ok dude. Sounds kinda poseur to me, but what ever floats your boat.
I said I have done several mods which the end result is a more sporty bike. I didn't say I was trying to make a sportbike out of it.

Upgraded suspension for better handling, shorter shield for more air in the summer, custom paint and a short rear fender for purely aesthetic reasons. I made my bike more how I wanted to be. What's poseur about that?

I humbly offer my apologies if I offended your sensibility. Please, feel free to bounce me off the forum if it will make you feel better about yourself.
This is a repetition of the same comment that I included tone for in the first place.

Sorry if I'm harsh, but...
The apology is completely a farse. If you were apologetic you shouldn't have typed it in the first place, and wouldn't have posted it. The apology then is just a CYA because you know the way you post is going to agitate people.

I'm not going to 'boot you from the forum" for disagreeing with me, but it's rude for you to go around acting the ass.

It's one thing to add farkles and make comfort changes to a new bike but I don't think one should have to start making changes to fuel mapping, throttle springs and cams, wiring changes etc. just to get the bike to run the way it should to begin with.

I'm very happy with my 06 and not planning on making any changes but I rode an 06 on a test ride and it was down right scary, I'd be really pissed if I bought that bike and couldn't return it or Yamaha wouldn't make it right. I'm very sympathetic to the ones that got stuck with bad 06s, there can be a really big difference in bikes of the same model year and I can't figure out why. I test road two 05s and they were both great. feliz

Ok I am bad. I should have said that a few riders on here do the PC III. & other mods to performance. And have reported mostly good results. I was just wondering why the manufacture doesn't listen to and adapt some of the maps that are used.

I am sure one of the reasons as stated is the EPA.

I apologize for being to broad in my statement.

But on thing I won't back down on is the great people who are on this site because if I do have a problem I know I will get help. :yahoo:

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