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Don't go confusing "who I am" (admin) with "who I am" (just another guy replying to a thread). :angry2:
Ooookay, but what I meant was you, as Admin, should know tone is difficult to nail right on the net. You're implying a harsher tone than exists Slapnpop. I'm simply saying that you have the experience to understand that you might be wrong about the tone you perceive.

1. As I mentioned in the thread, you COULD map for better mileage, but the people who put PC's on aren't looking for better mileage, they are looking for better performance. I can only recall one person taking a PC3 off for what they considered poor mileage, but don't recall all of the circumstances. Could you link some of these stories?
Link? No, I can't link to that because the ones I remember were told to me in person. They are on this forum, if they choose to chime in. I'm reluctant to 'out' someone in what seems to becoming a more heated difference of opinion that it needs to be.

Yes, I agree that most people install the PC III looking for better performance. The dnyo graphs show minor improvements in peak power and torque, but at a cost to midrange from most of the maps. Wally's "smoothness map" is one of the better compromise maps that gives a nice overall ridablity, but it still is at the penalty of reduced mpg.

I said I have done several mods which the end result is a more sporty bike. I didn't say I was trying to make a sportbike out of it.
I didn't say you were trying to make a sport bike out of it. Poseur - One who affects a particular attitude, character or manner to impress others. (American Heritage College dictionary)

Upgraded suspension for better handling, shorter shield for more air in the summer, custom paint and a short rear fender for purely aesthetic reasons. I made my bike more how I wanted to be. What's poseur about that?
What's "more sporty" about it? Improving handling is improving handling. Most bikes can benefit from that. Sport, touring, cruisers, etc. That's not more sporty. Shield? Sounds like you made a change to make yourself more comfortable in the summer. How is that "sporty"? You responded to your individual needs. Paint? That's not sporty, just your individual style, which is a great additoin for anyone and any bike. What's poseur? The rear fender is. Zero function, poorer performance then it was stock. You did it strictly for the way it looked. Ok, it's your bike and hey, it's ok to do what ever you want to it. But what are you trying to make it look like?

I humbly offer my apologies if I offended your sensibility. Please, feel free to bounce me off the forum if it will make you feel better about yourself.

The apology is completely a farse.
Yes, it was tounge in cheek. You sort of missed that.

I'm not going to 'boot you from the forum" for disagreeing with me, but it's rude for you to go around acting the ass.
Your perception is that I'm acting like an ass. I'm not really swayed by your perception in this case.

Personally, what I've seen is people using the PC III to attempt to, or in some cases fix things that are idicative of other problems. Smoothing throttle onset on an '06 with a PC III instead of replacing the throttle cam, which Yamaha altered for the '06 bikes. Trying to fix surging before going to the dealer and having the bike tuned with a EGA to fix it with the stock ECU. More power? You're shitting me. Who wants more than 125 wheel Hp and thinks the minor improvements of a PC III are a big improvement? If you want more power, that's fine, but the PC III isn't the way to get it.

Trying to fix surging before going to the dealer and having the bike tuned with a EGA to fix it with the stock ECU. More power? You're shitting me. Who wants more than 125 wheel Hp and thinks the minor improvements of a PC III are a big improvement? If you want more power, that's fine, but the PC III isn't the way to get it.
The stock ECU only corrects at idle and very low throttle.

More power out of the PC3 on it's own? No. The PC3 being realized to get more power out of other mods, such as a catless header, completely within reality.

People wanting more than 125 wheel Hp? Just about everybody! :lol:

Oy. :rolleyes:

I'm another one to say nay-nay to the PC III. Not needed, IMO and certainly not that much gain in performance, though some swear by the smoothness gains they feel in their pansy asses. Then again, if you go the full exhaust transplant route as has radman, it'll prolly help in the optimal tuning of that system.

But, ya know... I hadn't given much thought to that tassel idea of odot's. He may be onto something - I won't say what, though. ;)

If the PC will eliminate the low speed 1st and 2nd gear surging as some have reported I'm in. If it just so happens to increase the upper end performance and lowers my gas mileage then fine. Since the lame-ass dealer can't correct the surging, I guess I'm stuck with a $300.00 upgrade. To color everyone who is searching for a smoother ride as a bunch of cry babies is just wrong.

If the PC will eliminate the low speed 1st and 2nd gear surging as some have reported I'm in. If it just so happens to increase the upper end performance and lowers my gas mileage then fine. Since the lame-ass dealer can't correct the surging, I guess I'm stuck with a $300.00 upgrade.
Have you tried another dealer? Not all have EGAs to tune with.

You're funny Slap! :lol: You being who you are, you should know tone is tricky on the net.
Note the winky on the "silly gay ass" comment. Added frivolity! :yahoo:
I don't have a dog in this fight, but, you can add all the smileys you want to and it won't change the tone of your post history.

While I appreciate the work you do and the knowledege you have, I have come to expect a condescending

reply whenever you reply to a post you don't agree with. Many times I have read them and thought, "That was kind of harsh."

Maybe it's from working nights too much.(I can testify.)

Try to remember we are all friends here.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but, you can add all the smileys you want to and it won't change the tone of your post history. While I appreciate the work you do and the knowledege you have, I have come to expect a condescending

reply whenever you reply to a post you don't agree with. Many times I have read them and thought, "That was kind of harsh."

Maybe it's from working nights too much.(I can testify.)

Try to remember we are all friends here.
I tend to be abrupt. Not being married, I speak my mind with little forethought. Thanks for your willingness to post, I'll try to keep your comments in mind in the future.

Your perception is that I'm acting like an ass. . :lol2: :eek:k: :rofl:


Had an 04' for 19k miles and 2 years, traded it for an 06' which I now have 11k on, and both bikes have not had the mixture touched. I'm happy!

jeez -- it just boils down to what ya wanna do...

you can put the screamin' eagle kit in your harley -- and make it faster.

you can buy a gsxr1000 with >150 hp, and about 2.87 pounds per horsepower (ref: clicky )


you can buy an fjr1300 with >141 hp, and about 0.5279 HP/kg (ref: clicky ) or 4.61 pounds per hp.

if you push a bike beyond it's capability -- upgrade it, or replace it with something more intune with your riding needs. or if it's just your hobby -- farkle away!

either way -- farlke for fun, farkle for performance!

you're both right and wrong at the same time. :D :D

and the factories have to weigh cost, performance, DOT, EPA. etc...

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While have not and likely will not PCIII my '06, I agree that my bike's throttle response could be improved and SAFER than it is presently. I have to be careful transitioning from throttle OFF to slight throttle because this transition is ABRUPT. Under certain conditions, this can put a rider on his ass, bike sliding ahead or behind him and the passenger. Watch that pavement surface.

If smoothness is your issue, you may also want to try a TB synch if you haven't already. I had mine done at 8k and it was a different bike afterward. I suspect it wasn't well synched when new. A tech told me that's a common problem with many bikes these days. It really purrs now. No need for a PCIII in my garage.

If I feel a nasty need for more power, I slide down the bat pole to the bat cave and mount the K12S. With race airboxes and full ti Akrapovic header and exhaust....IT ROCKS. :assassin: Slipper clutch is next.


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can't hold my breath any longer

pcIII: plug it in, no more surge= :) , excellent power transition in twisties w/o clunk= :yahoo: improved power from low to high rpm uner wot = :D , fuel usage increase under all conditions = :p

no opinions, just facts with impressions = :ph34r:

can't hold my breath any longer
pcIII: plug it in, no more surge= :) , excellent power transition in twisties w/o clunk= :yahoo: improved power from low to high rpm uner wot = :D , [SIZE=12pt]fuel usage increase under all conditions [/SIZE] = :p

no opinions, just facts with impressions = :ph34r:
That's what I pays for your "smoothness"

Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble: This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:
Three little letters...EPA


Yes, I agree that most people install the PC III looking for better performance. The dnyo graphs show minor improvements in peak power and torque, but at a cost to midrange from most of the maps. Wally's "smoothness map" is one of the better compromise maps that gives a nice overall ridablity, but it still is at the penalty of reduced mpg.
Here's one of the first maps available (outside of Dynojet) from when the PC3/USB came out for the FJR.

Wally's map came out after this and was geared more toward "smooth" than max output (that's how it got it's nickname).

"Minor improvements in power and torque" are pretty much the stock-in-trade of the aftermarket performance industry. However, what you describe wrt top end only at the sacrifice to everywhere else seems to be what is generally reported in the moto rags when talking about race replicas that need to have their necks wrung to see the numbers published by the manufacturers. The PC3 for the FJR tends to bump the numbers all along the line. You can compare all the graphs on my page and see that pretty clearly. The differences are (often) a choice between max output vs smoothing out the curve (some do both).

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I have an 03. Low speed surge bothered the hell out of me in the commute. So in less than a year I put on a PCIII. Totally eliminted the surging. I only lost 2-4 mpg depending on riding style. Since I have installed the Holeshot full system, first the cans, retuned the PCIII, and then when the header came out I tuned it again with a custom map on the dyno. Unbelieveable power through all the power bands and even poking along on the freeway. I have lost about 10 per cent in gas milage which I deem insignificant. Others get less mpg than I without the PC. It is by no means a waste of money if you have aftermarket cans, air filter or headers. If the only thing it does is eliminate the low speed surge than IMHO its wortht the money.

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