
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Don't knock it. I can take the twisties at full throttle...

I'd never knock it man - my first 2 wheeled 'true love' relationship was with a K100RS. No bike I've ever had since then has matched the feeling I got with that bike.

.... but my 06 FJR lights my candle these days. :D

.... but my 06 FJR lights my candle these days. :D

Only a candle....hope you don't tick your FJR off with that statement....could be some jealously there :lol: ....

Be real careful about assuming "most people" have done something just because you read about it on the internet. PC III installs are far less common than you might think if you start asking.
I'm quite happy with my '04 w/o the silly gay ass PC III. ;) It is not a "fix all" for the various issues people have or think they have. What it does do, and do very well, is burn more gas. :lol:

If you wanted a sport bike, trade your FJR in on one and be done with it. Otherwise, just ride it some more until you find the things you want to change.

Oh yeah, and I have 60k on my '04 and it still has plenty of power to go as fast as I would ever want to. Sorry if I'm harsh, but get your bike, ride your bike, then decide what things bother you. Then work on those. There are some really good tips for 'fixing' some of the things riders don't like about the '06 bikes, (and all the earlier ones), here, so try some searches too. Put single words in quotes to help find things better.

The problem, as I understand it and see it, is more specific to the 2006 FJR. It certainly was on MY 2006. Now it is fixed. That is all I care about. Whether ANYONE else has the problem (or recognizes he does) really doesn't matter. However, the feeling of "trepidation" EVERY time I came off idle at a stop sign or when making a slow, full stop 180 degree turn in a parking lot is now GONE. I am no longer wondering if while doing these slow speed maneuvers I'm going to end up picking the bike up off it's side or not. :dribble: :dribble: That makes riding this bike, for me, MUCH nicer! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Oh, I now have almost 5k miles on my 06 in the last 2 months. Over 22,000 miles on my VTX1800C over the last 18 months. I think I'll keep em both. ;) B)


Thank you LastChance and c2insa! I have had an 06 for 3 months and I was looking for someone who had tried the PCIII on an 06. I only have 3300 miles on the bike so far with a 2000 mile trip to the gap last month as the bulk of that (annual m/c trip). I didn't notice the leanness in normal commuting or the fall look at the leaves rides. It wasn't until I hit the gap that the "bang" of the fuel delivery became very apparent/annoying. I was riding 2 up following another couple on an 06 and in 2nd gear/3-5000rpms it is almost impossible to roll on the throttle smoothly out of a corner. I could watch the bike in front of me lurch just past the apex and then we would lurch at the same spot. Comical, but very distracting when leaned over on the pegs. You go start to corner with the only focus being on moving the throttle .00001% to the point where you are overshooting the application point by 20-50 feet and even then, LURCH. I only got it smooth on 3 corners and those were uphill ones where I wasn't fully off the throttle. When it happens right, the pure smoooooth power is so intoxicating and so connected to the pavement. Pure riding nirvana, which is why the other 2,796 curves while lapping gap'dom were so annoying. My first ride last weekend with my regular riding group (HSTA) it makes itself apparent when pushing even 1 up. Same place, mid-high rpm's, 2-3 gears coming out of a corner. I wanted to give the bike a few thousand miles to see if it cleared or my riding style could be modified but it didn't/can't. The throttle spring mod has been done but not the Barbarian since it isn't off idle where my problem is. I don't mind spending the money if I know it will fix it. It looks like it has on yours. I guess I know what to ask for for Christmas!! :D This board really rocks!

Now out to the garage to hardwire the radar detector in!


I was talking to my other local '06 buddy about some wallowing in the suspension while full tilt riding last weekend. He's 40, I'm 36. He mentioned that when following the fastest leaders and experiencing suspension wallow, we are getting old enough that one option is to slow down. I said we are old enough to know it's an option, but not old enough to take it!

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Slowdude - I'm curious, why would you jump to spend $300 on a PC III to fix the throttle cam problem when you could spend $64, ($39.95 for the tube + $20 for the cam and $4.05 S&H), and buy a new G2 Ergonomics Throttle Cam System? G2 You need the #400Y cam. They haven't updated the web site to include the FJR, so call to order.

Others on this forum have proven this works perfectly for the '06's problem and is a direct fix for the problem, not a work around by re-mapping fuel curves. Search jwit6's posts to find his direct feedback from making the change.

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Slowdude - I'm curious, why would you jump to spend $300 on a PC III to fix the throttle cam problem when you could spend $64, ($39.95 for the tube + $20 for the cam and $4.05 S&H), and buy a new G2 Ergonomics Throttle Cam System? G2 You need the #400Y cam. They haven't updated the web site to include the FJR, so call to order.
Others on this forum have proven this works perfectly for the '06's problem and is a direct fix for the problem, not a work around by re-mapping fuel curves. Search jwit6's posts to find his direct feedback from making the change.
I guess this gets us back on FARKLES original question "So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory?". Whether its $64.00 on a G2, $300.00 for a PC, or $.03 for a piece of copper wire in my mind it shouln't need to be done period. In my particular case, I feel like I have the ability to install a $300.00 PC which would then actually make it a $300.00 fix. I don't feel I have the ability to install the G2 which would then involve a "professional" Yamaha dealer who may or may not do it depending on the time of day that you ask and would more than likely end up costing me more than the PC. Its definitely a tough call in order to make the bike what I think it should have been out of the factory. Other than this one nagging, annoying condition, the bike is damn near perfect out of the box and now that I read everyone elses input I see that it isn't a problem on all of the '06's....I'm just one of the lucky ones.

I guess this gets us back on FARKLES original question "So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory?". Whether its $64.00 on a G2, $300.00 for a PC, or $.03 for a piece of copper wire in my mind it shouln't need to be done period. In my particular case, I feel like I have the ability to install a $300.00 PC which would then actually make it a $300.00 fix. I don't feel I have the ability to install the G2 which would then involve a "professional" Yamaha dealer who may or may not do it depending on the time of day that you ask and would more than likely end up costing me more than the PC. Its definitely a tough call in order to make the bike what I think it should have been out of the factory. Other than this one nagging, annoying condition, the bike is damn near perfect out of the box and now that I read everyone elses input I see that it isn't a problem on all of the '06's....I'm just one of the lucky ones.
I hear what you're saying Axeman, but I think you have it a bit backwards. We can only whine about what Yamaha did or did not do at the factory. That solves nothing. The real question is what can we do to fix the issue.

I disagree with your comment that this isn't a problem on all the '06's. All the '06's had the changed throttle cam design. It's simply that not all owners are bothered by it. Some adapt to it more easily than others. That may simply have to do with what you rode before, along with our natural differences as unique individuals.

Apples to apples, if you're going to pay for installation, it's probably going to cost you the same labor costs for both. And you run the risk of the dealer turning you down if they are not familiar with either product. (which I feel is unlikly. They want our money!) IMHO, I don't think the G2 install would cost you $236 from a reputable dealer! And I didn't include S&H in the $300 PC price. ;)

The G2 is simple to install, it's just unbolting some stock parts, swapping in some new parts and changing the grip over, then adjusting the cable slack.

From the G2 site:

1) Attach cam to tube with grip securely installed. It is recommended that grip glue is used and safety wire installed. Allow time for glue to properly set per manufacturers recommendations.

CAM200/400 - Installation instructions.

1) With engine turned off, slide tube/cam onto handlebar.

2) Insert throttle cable into top half of throttle housing (not attached to the handlebar).

3) Pull inner cable as far as possible and hold with thumb (see picture) - similar to technique used to attach throttle cable to carburetor slide.

4) Insert inner throttle cable end barrel into cable "keyhole" on CAM200/400.

5) Attach throttle housing to handlebar, install cable pulley and top throttle housing cover per manufactuers recommendations.

6) Adjust throttle cable free play per manufacturers recommendation before operation.

I took a few test rides on 06s prior to buying mine and they are not all the same, some are terrible, some aren't. Mine 06 has the smoothest throttle control of any FI bike I've owned and I've had a few, absolutely perfect. Some I test rode where down-right scary and I made a bee-line back to the dealer first chance I could.

I have a friend who owns a MC riding school (no MSF here)and the first thing I did after picking up my bike was head to his training area and go through his training course and easily did all the slow speed tight manuevers required to pass our MV skills test then I immediately headed out on to some very tight twisties and had absolutely no problems, almost to my suprise. Since then I have found no glitches in the throttle/FI system in spite of trying. I had anticipated having to do all the mods but now plan on leaving the bike stock, it's fine although I recognize they're all not. feliz.

Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble: This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:

The placebo effect is very, very real.

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Don't go confusing "who I am" (admin) with "who I am" (just another guy replying to a thread). :angry2:

I've been around long enough to talk to plenty of PC III users. No one gets better mileage with the PC III than they did w/o it. Several FJR onwners in fact have taken them off due to the poor mileage, regardless of map.
1. As I mentioned in the thread, you COULD map for better mileage, but the people who put PC's on aren't looking for better mileage, they are looking for better performance. I can only recall one person taking a PC3 off for what they considered poor mileage, but don't recall all of the circumstances. Could you link some of these stories?

2. The specific thread I was thinking of was lost in the old EZ board hack, in which a MPG map took a long distance rider from low 50's to nearly 60mpg. I can offer this thread where one user saw no overall change in MPG, and the average loss is stated to be 2-4 mpg. I don't consider that unreasonable for the benefits you gain in engine response.

"more sporty" eh? Ok dude. Sounds kinda poseur to me, but what ever floats your boat.
I said I have done several mods which the end result is a more sporty bike. I didn't say I was trying to make a sportbike out of it.

Upgraded suspension for better handling, shorter shield for more air in the summer, custom paint and a short rear fender for purely aesthetic reasons. I made my bike more how I wanted to be. What's poseur about that?

I humbly offer my apologies if I offended your sensibility. Please, feel free to bounce me off the forum if it will make you feel better about yourself.
This is a repetition of the same comment that I included tone for in the first place.

Sorry if I'm harsh, but...
The apology is completely a farse. If you were apologetic you shouldn't have typed it in the first place, and wouldn't have posted it. The apology then is just a CYA because you know the way you post is going to agitate people.

I'm not going to 'boot you from the forum" for disagreeing with me, but it's rude for you to go around acting the ass.
Wow, I take some time off the forum because of your rude remarks to me. I come back to see what's happening and I see you are still treating your customers like second class citizens. Talking about being rude and acting like an ass!

I can almost forgive other forum members for such behaivior, but coming from the owner of the forum it is simply inexcusable to treat one of your customers this way. I think you really need to get your passive agressive behavior under control if you want to continue to run a successful forum.

Wow, I take some time off the forum because of your rude remarks to me. I come back to see what's happening and I see you are still treating your customers like second class citizens.
Customers? Since when are we 'customers'? Shit, if I were payin' to be here I'd damn well be expecting a higher ROI than your comments!

:lol: ;) really need to reread what was written in its entirety before making a comment.....but 1st maybe a reading comprehension course (so you could understand it)....(& yes I'm ticked over your comments)

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@jjsc6: time to reread the forum guidelines...and take a chill pill...and take a ride until your blood pressure returns to normal. This is a bar...not a church. Sometimes peoples' feathers get ruffled, but this is the place to be when you come back from that satisfying all-day feejer ride.

Hope not all the Texas riders are this touchy... :eek: ;) :)

@jjsc6: time to reread the forum guidelines...and take a chill pill...and take a ride until your blood pressure returns to normal. This is a bar...not a church. Sometimes peoples' feathers get ruffled, but this is the place to be when you come back from that satisfying all-day feejer ride.
Hope not all the Texas riders are this touchy... :eek: ;) :)

I don't need to read the guidelines, nor is my blood presssure effected by this forum. The threat of getting thrown off this forum because I'm not afraid to stand up to the owner of this forum is not something that concerns me.

The owner of this forum should know better than to make such a totally classless reply. It doesn't matter what the guy might have said to deserve such a tacky response, the owner of the forum should not have stuped to his level and responded in the thread - he should have done that via PM. Yes, I'm stuping to his level - I admit it. Perhaps you are were not around when the owner did the same thing to me - that is why I'm "touchy" about it. I was berated for sharing an opinion openly about some things that this forum does that I think could have been improved upon. In return, people called me an "asshole" and used the "F" word directly at me - but nothing was said to those people about how they handle themselves. There is a standard of conduct on this forum that would not be tolerated on any other forum I'm on (and I've been on plenty). So yes, I have reacted accordingly.

For those who don't think we are customers just because money does not change hands - ya'll really don't understand the full meaning of what a customer is. I make a living dealing with exrtremely large customers. I work for a fortune 500 company, and my job is having reponsibility for all sales to our largest single customer. I have been in this industry for 32 years, and have been doing what I'm doing now for 23 years. I have an excellent reputation for what I do. The customer I'm responsible for - one of the largest companies in the world, refers to the internal people who they service as their customers. They understand that what makes them a customer is if those people don't support them, they are out of a job. The only reason this forum is able to attract "forum vendors" (who do pay this forum money) is so they can sell products to us - the forum members.

Ya'll can feel free to think I'm the bad guy if you want - I've thought this through enough to feel confident in my opinions. If I don't fit in around here, I won't lose any sleep over it. But be aware that I'm not the first to leave this forum because for similar reasons.


I'm not going to rehash our whole situation again.

Suffice to to say that in the last go-around, only 1 person agreed with you, and everyone else was pretty strongly on the admin side of the court. Sounds to me like we were serving the majority of our "customer" base well at the cost of one or two "sales".

I think you and I differ on a basic level when it comes to interpretation of situations, and have much different expecations out of other people. I think that (at least as far as THIS group of people is concerned) I come out near the middle almost every single time.

The replies above tend to back that up.

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ok... well then

If I put on a set of hotshot headers and a PC111 do I have to use his map. Can I say, use a Wally smooth map.

What if anything will happen?

You see I am looking to lose a little weight (the bike)and maybe some heat (yes the bike again) I am not looking for HP (not the sauce kind)

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