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For those who don't think we are customers just because money does not change hands - ya'll really don't understand the full meaning of what a customer is. I make a living dealing with exrtremely large customers.
Er, how do you 'make a living' from non-paying customers? 'Full' meaning or not, I ain't no fortune 500 company, but I do have customers. Lots of 'em. None of them get my services or products for free (well, the blonde who met me at the door back in '81 in her open robe got lots of free service, but that's another story). If they did, I'd be a philanthropist and they'd be beneficiaries.

How'dja like that slappy? I just upgraded your ass to philanthropist! Go figger! :lol:

I posted earlier in this thread about the G2 throttle cam. I also posted this information on the Micapeak FJR1300 listserv a while back, having picked it up from this forum. One of the '06 owners did the G2 mod and posted the following to the list. Re-posted here with permission.

I just wanted to pass this on so some of you might realize that it's not a difficult job and it does work. Richard's first hand experience is a lot better than my subjective opinion. :D

Some will recall Constant Mesh's recent posts regarding

the herky jerky throttle fix for the '06. I've suffered from the same

throttle control problem since I bought my '06 FJR. So after reading

their post I called Sam at G2 Ergonomics the next day and ordered the

recommended TCS system. Last Sunday I installed it in about 10 minutes

and went for a ride.

I'm here to tell you that if you ride an '06, its the real deal. A

genuine improvement that I noticed as soon as I turned the corner an the

end of my street. Smooth, even throttle control. So I kept on riding

to some of the tightest, twistiest roads E. TN has to offer, including

"The Dragon". No more hesitation while rolling on the throttle out of

slow corners or fast sweepers. Just smooth even control. Wow, its

changed my bike in the most positive way. I may even have to tighten

the middle throttle spring up a revolution after undoing it to trying to

correct the stiffness.

For only $64 my FJR is now a joy to ride.

No affiliation with G2, just an extremely happy customer, blah, blah,

blah, YMMV. But if you ride an '06, just do it and be happy.

The two pieces I ordered from G2 Ergonomics are:

RM-40-900S Street Bike Tube $ 39.95

RM-40-400Y TCS Cam 400 $ 20.00

Both came in silver. Sam, the proprietor of G2, told me he's in the

process of updating the website, so that's why all the current listings

are for dirt bikes. I'd suggest giving him a ring to place your order.

See you somewhere down a twisty road........

Richard C.

Smoky Mtns of TN

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Which thread was Richard C’s post in? Have gone back 60 days. Still haven’t found it. Would like to review :read: the thread.


Which thread was Richard C’s post in? Have gone back 60 days. Still haven’t found it. Would like to review :read: the thread.

Richard isn't on the forum, he's on the Micapeak FJR1300 listserv. That's why I posted his comments here.

The original thread from the forum is HERE and can be summarized like this for the throttle issue:

>From 'Constant Mesh' - (The problem)

The throttle cam profile is not progressive. It's actually the opposite of

progressive, maybe could be called counter-progressive.

In a progressive tax rate system the marginal tax rate increases as income

level increases. In other words the slope of the curve is steeper for higher

levels of income.

>From this analogy the throttle cam is the opposite of progressive. If you

plot a curve of throttle butterfly percent open versus throttle grip percent

open (throttle valve on vertical axis and throttle grip on horizontal axis)

the slope of the curve will be at its maximum at lower throttle grip


At lower throttle grip openings the rate of change of the throttle valve

opening is exaggerated. As the throttle is opened more and more the rate of

change decreases.

Seems to be just the opposite of what would be desirable. Someone must have

concluded that the FJR was too subdued at low throttle positions. So they

exaggerated the throttle control, giving the rider more bang for the buck

for small changes in throttle position.



'jwit6' again -

Next thing to fix is the non linear throttle cam issue. Fred H went with a

piece of 14 guage copper wire wrapped around the throttle body cable spool.

It works, but it's not symmetrical. Same effect could be had by modifying

the curve on the throttle grip spool. And there is a product that might fit.

It's called the G2 Ergonomics Throttle Cam System. . See page

26 of the December Cycle World.


Update post -

Well I asked the tech at g2ergo about using one of their throttle tubes on

the FJR and they said they had already done it. Here's their reply...


"I have just the thing for you! Actually the VERY first FJR that I

put a TCS on lives in Slovia which is a country by Yugoslavia. He was an

excellent tester and we even talked on the phone a few times. If you get the

tube that I make for a street bike and my #400Y cam it will make your bike

PERFECT! I will guarantee it 100% and it will fit in your stock housing, NO



Order info -

Just ordered it. Shipping Monday. Gave me a full money back guarantee. Sam

says "

is made of 6061 aluminum and so is the cam. The tube costs $39.95, the cam


$20.00 and the freight will be $4.05. ($64.00)." He has an impressive

clientel. Doug Henry, Pridmore, Jordan, and Honda race teams. Says he just

signed a deal with Lockhart. Street bike versions are not on the web site

yet, so you have to call in to order. 815-718-5860 if you're feeling



Results post -

Received the throttle grip tube and cam today. Installed it and took a test

ride. It's a perfect fix. Throttle response is smooth and predictable.

Plenty of throttle available if you crank it on, but very controlled and

discreet at small openings. Slow speed maneuvers are a breeze. Also a

noticeable decrease in the amount of effort required to hold the throttle

open at cruising speeds. The reshaped cam profile provides a welcome

mechanical advantage over the throttle body return springs. No need for

Fred's fix, no need to remove a return spring.

Combined with the clutch slave cylinder retrofit, the bike takes on a silky

refined feel again. Nice tight trans, no perceived drive line slop. Smooth

imperceptible 1st/2nd/3rd gear shifts. Just the way it's supposed to be.

For those with the ability, you could save some bucks and reshape the

existing throttle tube to match the G2 Ergonomics #400 cam yourself. But

it's so easy to just bolt up their stuff and go. So all the whining about

the 06 throttle and clutch can be fixed for less than $140.00. To me it was

worth every penny.

Once I get the seat squared away this one is gonna be a keeper. And that's

quite a statement coming from a guy like me who tends to park a new bike in

his garage every other year.

The link above also contains info on swapping the earlier clutch slave cylinder to the '06 to lessen the force needed to pull in the clutch lever, etc.

Don't go confusing "who I am" (admin) with "who I am" (just another guy replying to a thread). :angry2:
Ooookay, but what I meant was you, as Admin, should know tone is difficult to nail right on the net. You're implying a harsher tone than exists Slapnpop. I'm simply saying that you have the experience to understand that you might be wrong about the tone you perceive.

1. As I mentioned in the thread, you COULD map for better mileage, but the people who put PC's on aren't looking for better mileage, they are looking for better performance. I can only recall one person taking a PC3 off for what they considered poor mileage, but don't recall all of the circumstances. Could you link some of these stories?
Link? No, I can't link to that because the ones I remember were told to me in person. They are on this forum, if they choose to chime in. I'm reluctant to 'out' someone in what seems to becoming a more heated difference of opinion that it needs to be.
Yes, I agree that most people install the PC III looking for better performance. The dnyo graphs show minor improvements in peak power and torque, but at a cost to midrange from most of the maps. Wally's "smoothness map" is one of the better compromise maps that gives a nice overall ridablity, but it still is at the penalty of reduced mpg.

I said I have done several mods which the end result is a more sporty bike. I didn't say I was trying to make a sportbike out of it.
I didn't say you were trying to make a sport bike out of it. Poseur - One who affects a particular attitude, character or manner to impress others. (American Heritage College dictionary)

Upgraded suspension for better handling, shorter shield for more air in the summer, custom paint and a short rear fender for purely aesthetic reasons. I made my bike more how I wanted to be. What's poseur about that?
What's "more sporty" about it? Improving handling is improving handling. Most bikes can benefit from that. Sport, touring, cruisers, etc. That's not more sporty. Shield? Sounds like you made a change to make yourself more comfortable in the summer. How is that "sporty"? You responded to your individual needs. Paint? That's not sporty, just your individual style, which is a great additoin for anyone and any bike. What's poseur? The rear fender is. Zero function, poorer performance then it was stock. You did it strictly for the way it looked. Ok, it's your bike and hey, it's ok to do what ever you want to it. But what are you trying to make it look like?

I humbly offer my apologies if I offended your sensibility. Please, feel free to bounce me off the forum if it will make you feel better about yourself.

The apology is completely a farse.
Yes, it was tounge in cheek. You sort of missed that.

I'm not going to 'boot you from the forum" for disagreeing with me, but it's rude for you to go around acting the ass.
Your perception is that I'm acting like an ass. I'm not really swayed by your perception in this case.

Personally, what I've seen is people using the PC III to attempt to, or in some cases fix things that are idicative of other problems. Smoothing throttle onset on an '06 with a PC III instead of replacing the throttle cam, which Yamaha altered for the '06 bikes. Trying to fix surging before going to the dealer and having the bike tuned with a EGA to fix it with the stock ECU. More power? You're shitting me. Who wants more than 125 wheel Hp and thinks the minor improvements of a PC III are a big improvement? If you want more power, that's fine, but the PC III isn't the way to get it.
motorcycles are as different as the people who ride them.opinions are a dime a dozen.i have modified my ride with an after market header,exhaust, and the infamous pc3,with custom mapping. having ridden my bike for a couple of years these improvements are just that,improvements over stock.epa who.and yes you can do awheely and smoke the tire.long live freedom.

I give this thread an 8.5 for shit stirring. Kinda entertaining! Can't remember a better one recently. B)

However not having the mental capacity or interest in reading all the shit. Let me concur with at least one part of it.

The PC111 makes the bike noticeably more responsive especially in the low to mid range and the G2 fixes the crap throttle that Yamaha for some unknown reason inflicted upon the ought six.

Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble: This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:
Soo - Your going to open that can of worms again. If you dont like the way your bike runs ( choppy abrubt throttle ) then try the Barbarian jumper mod. It is FREE of charge and you can always change it back if you dont like it. If you are not satisfied with that install a PCIII. My 06 runs great with the Barbarian Jumper Mod. Some day I might install a PCIII but right now I dont have any reason to :rolleyes:

always remember: Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one !!!

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Ok as a new FJR owner (not sure when it will arrive but paid for it) I have read all the great pages on this site :dribble: This site has also helped in my decision to buy the bike (great bunch of people). What I want to know is most everybody has done the PCIII thing and improved the bikes ride and performance, So why doesn't yamaha do this at the factory? :blink:
Soo - Your going to open that can of worms again. ......
Actually, it wasn't was the new guy jbud that reopened a thread that was over a month old with some weird response or quote. I don't see any forward progress on this thread and even some beginnings of personal attacks.

I give this thread an 8.5 for shit stirring. Kinda entertaining! Can't remember a better one recently. B) However not having the mental capacity or interest in reading all the shit.
Even more reason to close this steaming pile of poo thread.

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