Pet Carriers

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FJR Supporter
Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
Omahell, NE
At the risk of being ridiculed, I'm asking for input. My current living situation has the dog and I living ~4hrs away from my house (for sale) and the girlfriend. So far I've made the trek in the car because I can't leave the dog alone for the weekend and I don't want to board him ($40/day, ouch) nor do I know/trust anyone to look in on him. The trip would be much cheaper with the FJR versus the car and I don't need to take the car back every weekend.

So I've been searching for a way to transport him safely on the FJR. My first thought, evil as it will sound, was to find a used Gen II saddlebag and drill some air holes...I don't think he'd be very comfortable in that.

A neenerweb search yielded this contraption which looks solid and functional.

My dog is a 18lb Jack Parsons (Jack Russell) Terrier.

What have others done?

Skateboard and a rope............

Or you could just teach him to sit on the passenger seat and lean with the bike.........

(Have seen dogs do this)


Pet Rider

See post #68 in the above thread.

I ran into this guy and his dog at a backroads gas station. The dog had a leather vest, doggles and helmet. The owner had a belt around his waist w/ a strap on each side that hooked to each side of the dog's harness. The dog also had a carpet pad on the gas tank to give him better footing and to prevent scratches.

Hope this helps.

All great ideas..

My dog is a little hyper, so I prefer to have him fully-enclosed. :) and he has a tendency to want to steer if he's close to the wheel in the car... freaks out the people passing us (and they're on the phone)

All great ideas..
My dog is a little hyper, so I prefer to have him fully-enclosed. :) and he has a tendency to want to steer if he's close to the wheel in the car... freaks out the people passing us (and they're on the phone)
Yeah, that's a problem with them Russells.........................control freaks always want to be in charge. :rolleyes:

All the energy we put into bitching about f#@%&^*g cagers, and you want to turn your poochie into a - -- - a what? - - - a CAGER? No way! Ride Free, Jack Parsons! On the tank or not at all!

All the energy we put into bitching about f#@%&^*g cagers, and you want to turn your poochie into a - -- - a what? - - - a CAGER? No way! Ride Free, Jack Parsons! On the tank or not at all!
He's promised to the following;

no mobile phone use while in motion

no eating (or licking himself) unless stopped

I just don't trust him riding on the tank. If he catches a glimpse of a squirrel or rabbit along the side of the road, he'll try to go for it.

Unfortunately, for his safety, I think this road-hound device is the best. (Unless I strap a plastic carrier to the pillion seat.)

So I've been searching for a way to transport him safely on the FJR. My first thought, evil as it will sound, was to find a used Gen II saddlebag and drill some air holes...I don't think he'd be very comfortable in that.
A neenerweb search yielded this contraption which looks solid and functional.

My dog is a 18lb Jack Parsons (Jack Russell) Terrier.

What have others done?
Long ago I had a 35# mutt that grew up on the bike. From 8 weeks till well over a year only knew how to go someplace on the bike. Rode on my lap (would often sleep there) for miles. But for real long distance stuff had your basic dog carrier strapped to the back, w/the door facing the rear. Added a couple of latches so she couldn't get out by herself, but was easy to remove for bathroom breaks. Another method I used w/a Papillon was a gym bag w/a plywood insert that had a eye in it with a short leash that hooked to the collar so she couldn't get out. the gym bag's shoulder strap went on me & she rode on the tank with her head sticking out of the bag (zipped part way). There's always a way to make it work :) .

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Couldn't tell you the maker, but maybe you could take the idea and apply it to your top box experiment. Two fellows here that belong to the same group I do carry their dogs with them. One has a very small shitzu(sp) and his wife and he, on occasion, carries it in a front pouch, kind a like a child carrier. This dog has the goggles. The other fellow has a smallish dog, king of skinny with longish legs(after a search looks similar in size to the Jack Russell) and he rides in a saddlebag with a mesh dome over the bag. The dome had stays in it like a tent, leather hinges and leather straps to keep the bag shut. He told me that once he had not fastened the straps on a trip and a funny feeling made him look behind him and the dog had climbed from the saddlebag onto the seat...on the highway. I think that you could make a 'tent' to go over the top box and fasten the dog in with one of those dog seatbelts. Now the dog is safe and doesn't have to suffer the heat and can see out.
