Pet Carriers

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I've said it once, I'll say it agian...
Best darn cat carrier bar none!

Ok, the entire office is looking at me like I'm nuts. Thanks for the laugh.

I'm asking for input. A neenerweb search yielded this contraption which looks solid and functional.My dog is a 18lb Jack Parsons (Jack Russell) Terrier.
Mary, the dog groomer, says that that's the best (of all shown here) -- 'Moto-Pets' Road Hound.

She also says: "It's a 'Parsons Russell'....".
He's a mutt that closely resembles a Parsons Russell :) I knew "Parsons" was in there somewhere..

I have an idea that I'll be working on this weekend. That moto-pet thing might be the best, but it's also $200 above what I can afford :)

Paging Mr. Charlie Hoss. I believe he travels with his dog on occasion.
Sorry I'm late. Just tuned in to this thread.

We have an 18 lb Bichon who just goes nuts when we ask him if he wants to go for a motorcycle ride. He rides between us on Arlene's lap. We limit his rides to about an hour since it's a bit uncomfortable for her after a while. He feels like a basketball is between us. He wears "doggles" and really gets some smiles in traffic and at a local MC ride in.

This isn't a solution for your 4 hour trip, just FWIW.

I haven't read all the replies yet, but I've seen bikes with modified topcase covers for carrying small dogs. Seems like it would be a rough ride back there.

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How about this method...



I think that's the dumbest thing ever. The guy is risking his dog falling off the bike. Yes, I've heard of people riding around with their dogs on the tank. And yes, I've heard of horror stories of dogs falling off the bike at a high rate of speed. :angry2:

I think that's the dumbest thing ever. The guy is risking his dog falling off the bike. Yes, I've heard of people riding around with their dogs on the tank. And yes, I've heard of horror stories of dogs falling off the bike at a high rate of speed. :angry2:

That's my biggest concern.

I might try the pet pouch, as it's pretty cheap.
