Photo Sharing in Google: alternative to Photobucket?

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Nov 4, 2015
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Stockton, CA
MAN!! I looked around the various areas about how to post photos to the forum, both here in Misc-Images and Videos, and in the "Software and Board Operation" area on the home page, and all I see are photo placemarkers, or the big square Photobucket 100% storage used dial and the command to update your account to allow 3rd party hosting. (Only later do you find out how much that little "update" costs!).

I saw on another post how it was described how you could right click on a photo you wanted to insert, do the "copy image location" action, then paste that into the IMG link on your posting. Well, I sure couldn't get that to work for me from pictures I had either directly on my computer (since I don't wanna share a folder directly on my computer with the ENTIRE INTERNET, or at least the ENTIRE LOT OF Y'ALL, since providing a pipe directly into my PC might have unintended consequences (like stealing my cat pictures or sumthin'), or in a shared folder I created in Google Photos. The copied URL from a Google shared photo (with a recommendation from another forum post to add -tmp.jpg to the end of the address URL itself also did NOT work at all, as the forum error would pop up when trying to publish that "that extension is not allowed" or some other such roadblock.

Soooo, I DID figger out how to share an entire folder, with however many photos therein contained. Comments can also be added to the bottom of each photo, which is what I did with my first attempt at this, my post of SW-MOTECH mirror extenders. Since SacMike wanted to know how to do it, to see if it can work for him, here's what I did.

1) First, you gotta have a Google account. Easiest way is to set up a Gmail account, so gonna assume if you don't already have one, you can figger how to set one up and use an authentic, serious address, and it will be in the format "" (although that one's probably already taken by now, all the GOOD ones are!)

2) go to Google Photos: and Sign In with your Google account (I'm not quite sure if you can set up a Google account without a Gmail account, but just make it easy and set up the damn Gmail account!)

3) Go to the blue Albums icon on left and Add (+) a New Album

4) Various ways to get photos into that album, either by clicking "select from computer" in top right text, or just drag 'n drop anywhere into the album area. You can upload in the order you want them to display in the album, but you can also always change the order of pictures in the album later by going to "edit album" from the Google "three dot menu" up top, and then drag the photos in the album around to change order

5) Now BACK to the 3-dot menu for "Sharing Options" and there you'll find your URL Share Link

6) Copy and paste it into your Forum Post.

Here's the link to the "How to Share" album I made, so you can see the steps. Once you're at the album, click on the first picture to display it alone, then you will see comments at the bottom, and you can go to next pic by finding the right arrow over on the right side of screen, which (as USUAL with the frickin' egghead engineers at Google) you CAN'T SEE unless you hover over that area!!!). Of course, once you view the second photo, there's a hidden LEFT arrow on the left side to go back. Half the time in Google, I'm wandering my cursor around the screen to see what useful function they've hidden that only shows when the cursor gets near. GD coding nerds just wanna show off their "clean interface". Anyway, here's the link:

(You may also note there are other ways to Share an album, but this way does not require you to "send a link" to anyone, which is an option you may find wandering around Google Photos, in which case I just send the link to my Gmail address, so I can get to the screen with the Damn 3-Dot Menu and get the share link!)

Hope this helps, and let me know if anyone finds a better way to share pictures. This way, unfortunately, doesn't allow the pictures themselves to show up in the post itself, but maybe someone knows how!


And can Ignacio or someone describe to me how to create a "see this thread" link, so I can reference and link to other forum posts in my own posts? Better than doing a "quote" for the entire thread, just how to create link in my thread to the desired other thread. Thanks!

Check the Hostage of Photobuket thread. Would give you post # and page # but can't see that info from my phone.


This is a google photo. It is from a "Shared Album". Right click the image, copy image address, paste into the image dialog box, add "-tmp.jpg" to the end and that's it. I think you have to edit the size in Google Photos to make it appear smaller. This is using Chrome on Windows 7.

Edit: It appears that the Google Photos images may not be all that reliable. I had posted a photo of a lighthouse but it had disappeared when I went back. I just edited the post to re-insert it and it is OK - for now...

Flickr and Imgur are other "free" options that seem to work (at least for now).

Note: For Flickr, you have to edit the image location before submitting the post otherwise it is a direct link to your Flickr site.

On the desktop Flickr site, go to your image, click the right hand arrow at the bottom for the "share" dialog box, go to BBCode, choose the image size you want, copy the link and paste directly into your post (not using forum tools). Remove everything to the left of the first IMG tag and everything to the right of the second IMG tag after pasting but before submitting. So far, I like Flickr better than Google but will use both until they follow Photofucket's lead and change the rules.

This is a Flickr image of my new grandson...


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and Flickr offers a free terabyte of storage. I know that's not enough for people who back-up all their photos in a cloud account, but it's plenty of space for my needs.

WoodyPecker posted: <snipped a bunch>
...... I saw on another post how it was described how you could right click on a photo you wanted to insert, do the "copy image location" action, then paste that into the IMG link on your posting. Well, I sure couldn't get that to work for me from pictures I had either directly on my computer

Two ways to post photos on this Forum ...

In every case, you must have the URL (internet address) for the photo. The URL starts with https:// and MUST end in jpg . That URL gets pasted into the sub-window that appears when you click the 'insert image' icon on the editing menu bar.

Sometimes, you can help yourself by editing the underlying BB code (computer-speak) in your post by clicking the 'light switch' icon in the upper left corner of the editing menu bar. That switches between human-readable stuff and the underlying BB codes that cause the human stuff to change fonts, font size, font colors, etc.

You can insert images using the BBcode [ img = insert image URL here! ] or by using the toggled pair of BB codes [ img ] and [ /img ]. (Note that I have inserted spaces to make the BB code visible in the human-friendly display.)

It isn't hard to do; try it a few times and you'll get comfortable with the process.


In Chrome, you can right-click on a picture and select "copy image address" to get the URL. If the picture's URL doesn't end in .jpg , you won't be able to post it here. Look around on the internet for a similar image, using a Google search for images.

Here's an example inserted that way. (To see the BB Code, quote this post, then toggle the 'light switch'. You'll see the image's URL; it's from the finest college football website ever.)


In Internet Explorer, right click on a photo and select "properties", then look for the Address (URL) listed in that window. With a copy-paste maneuver, you can copy that into our website's 'insert image' sub-window. An example is below.


Note that you can use the FJRForum 'insert image' icon, or you can switch to view the BB code and insert the URL between the [ img ] and [ /img ] image pair of just insert it into the BB code [ img = ].

If you're just looking for generic photos, like some feckin' Irishman used to do around here, you can search Google images, find the image, click on 'view image' which opens only the image in a new tab, then right click to 'copy image address'. Insert the URL between the [ img ] and [ /img ] toggles and ... there you go!


The same rules apply for photos you have taken and placed into your little photo-hosting corner of the internet:

1) Obtain the photo's URL.

2) Paste it into your post using the 'insert image' icon, or by writing your BB code to insert the URL.


... Soooo, I DID figger out how to share an entire folder, with however many photos therein contained. Comments can also be added to the bottom of each photo, which is what I did with my first attempt at this, my post of SW-MOTECH mirror extenders.
Thanks for that; the extenders and the angle-of-view pics are great!

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From another forum I occasionally play in:

1. Go to Google photos

2. Click on image that you want.

3. Click on "share" icon

4. Select "get link"

5. Copy and paste that link into a new window

6. Right click image and select "open link in new tab"

7. Right click image and select "Copy image location"

8. Paste link into forum under insert other media, "Insert image from URL"

I have tried all these suggestions with google photos and it's still hit and miss. sometimes it allows me to share outside, but most often it does not.

Today I found a new hosting site and I'll try that one for awhile.


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