Pic of the year !!

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From my trip form Arizona to Chicago:
Old and new............daddy and son.............



Along the Mississippi river,

Somewhere in Illinois...........


Somewhere in Missouri......


Somewhere in southwestern Kansas......


Somewhere in the Oklahoma panhandle.......

Oh Man that Fj1200 is exactly like I used to have! brings back some great memories! Seems we like the same things in bikes Skooter G! My 05 is grey too! :D

Man, some truly outstanding pictures in this thread!! :clap: There are some EXCELLENT photographers around here! Thanks for sharing.

Skyway!!!!  WTF?!?!?!  Where are you photos for crying out loud!  Spend the few  measly $$$ you made off me and upgrade your photobucket account cause I wanna wanna wanna see them!!!! :lol:
OK - just for you, their back up! ;)

ok ok here's two more from this summer's trip to Colorado...

Going up the road to Rocky Mountain National Park, CO (to get drenched)


Riding along the Poudre River above Fort Collins, Colorado, lots & lots of twisties as you follow the river up towards those rocky mountains


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183...awesome pics of Newfoundland!!!

Riding along the Poudre in Colorado is a LONG twisty ride with beautiful scenery. Hwy 14! Woohoo...worth taking that road from 14 all the way to 40 (and then some)

Colorado Natl Monument...great place to visit! I rode my bike (as in bicycle) UP that when I was 13. The ride down was a lot more fun!!!

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A shot of me rolling through Deal's Gap


Some of my most favorite shots I took this year...

Jake Zemke at AMA@Barbers in the rain


Miguel Duhamel at AMA@Barbers right as the track was drying...


A shot I grabbed while riding to Deal's Gap ... taken in September


And I leave you with "best story" shot of the year. I took this shot as a "warm-up" to taking pictures of my friends as they were about to come through Deal's Gap. A guy spotted this picture on the Internet, emailed me and wanted the full-size, we started talking, and discovered that we live in the same town! We now ride together on a regular basis and are now good friends! What are the odds? Very cool and thus the reason I like this shot so much.


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Sunset on the Puget Sound toward the end of the Peninsula one day run -


Olympic Rain Forest, same run -

