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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2005
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After this past weekend the WTB (wife to be) wants me to enlarge some pic's and frame them. I like all of 'em so I'm trying to get a concensus on what most people would like,and why, especially since some of you guys are photographers and pilots. Thanks and please be kind. Here are the candidates







and the rest






Again thanks for your input!

my pick:

1. crop the bow of the boat out of the Oracle shot and that's a winner (the bow distracts me)

2. I like the contrails from the props in the first pic but I'm not sure the pic is sharp enough to enlarge.

3. rotate the Red Barons pic to have the planes flying from lower right to upper left then frame it.

nice work

1, 2, 3, 7, and 11....all made into custom wall murals and placed throughout the house. You would never have to paint again (read more time for riding). After all she didn't specify a size did she?....Excellent photos by the way...

5 & 2 have the best sharpness and color balance

3 has jpg artifacts on the wing edges, crop the bow and the red's are too saturated.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 lens flare, sharpness and dust on lens could be cleaned up

Helpful notes: When using your KONICA Maxxum 7D I noticed was set to f/11 and the telephoto max was f5.6 at 1/350 on your AF 28-75 mm F2.8 (D), tells me your priority was getting a sharp shot, but your shutter speed at 1/350 is way too low for avation shots. Plus 3008 x 2000 are way too big for your camera to write fast enough to your Compact Flash. Shoot a smaller file, set your camera to shutter priority at 1/500, Auto WB, Auto ISO and shoot away.

the sail boat pict looks fake.. By the way the plane is not allowed to fly with in 1000' of those boats..

I think plane was added to picture....... I coulod be wrong but then the fine to that pilot ouch


tHANKS ZZK the jpg artifact is actually gone when i enlarge to 50% on the corel program it just came out like that here(it makes it look crappy!) Also, i was trying to get a nice movement from the props instead of freezing them like usual,actually had to 1/90th for the cg chopper! The f/11? well iwas trying to get more blue out of the sky,got me on that one. I bought this thing in february and this was my first digital airshow. Thanks for the tips, will definitely take your recommendatios w/ me to the Edwards afb open house in oct! I usually shoot the fast movers @ 1/2000 @ f/5.6 or 6.3 w/ my tamron 200-400mm but will be bringing my tokina 80-400mm w/ as well as my tamron 19-35mm, any recommendations for desert lighting?

And jdog,what appears as a boat in the foreground is some morons tent on the beach(idiots,them NOT you sir) and the boats in the background? Just the way the light refracts on the lake, they're actually about 3/4 miles out!from where i was standing they looked far smaller to the eye,the lens really helped bring 'em in though.

Thanks all for the advice and thoughts, anybody going to EDwards AFB airshow? OCT 28-29 if anybody's going, plus it would be cool to meet summa yall, since this years budgeting and time constraints due to the wedding pretty much rules out any fun stuff 'til oct when we get back from honeymoon in Hawaii! Again, thank you all. Ride smart ,be safe

I sent you a pm and email with better photos.

Angels over Stat of Liberty,My fav

A history shot of a P31, F-16, A-10, & 14, and a few others. look at the shadows on the water behind the carrier.


I think a pic of an apache blowing up a taliban stronghold would be cooler.

Those are all great shots. Well done. I enjoyed them all.

Even the ones that are slightly off center are very cool. Cropable. It looks like that was done on purpose so that you could add text just to the side like an ad poster or "thoughful moment" (insert poetry, etc.). Sweet!

Hope to go to the Indy Air Show today. Supposed to be IFR and then showers later today, so it's dicey. Certainly not going to be ops for gorgeous pics like above.

In two weeks Terre Haute is having an airshow. Both days on the weekend. No jet team this time, but still a show that will last probably well over 4 hours. Ya'll come! I'll be working the ramp.. maybe on my AE.

Terre Haute Air Fair Sept 16 & 17.

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2. I like the contrails from the props in the first pic but I'm not sure the pic is sharp enough to enlarge.

everything else is pretty derivative. you could buy a high-quality framed version of nearly any one of them and save some cash on the cost of a custom enlargement. the prop contrails are pretty unique to the things i've seen.

Numero uno. All great shots. #1 gets my vote due to unique-ness. I'm with Bounce and co. on the idea of the enlargement of other pics..
