Pillion Mounting

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My wife is only 5'1" and has severe arthritis in her knees, so we have figured out an alternate technique which is much easier for her. With the sidestand down, I stand facing the rear of the bike and preventing it from tipping or rolling forward. Sylvia uses the rider's left peg and mounts as if she were the rider. She then scooches back onto the pillion seat and moves her feet to the pillion pegs. If the bike is on the centerstand it feels "safer" to her, but is more awkward for me and I fear damaging the centerstand.

I am 6'3" and have a 32 inch inseam, so it is relatively easy for me to lift my right leg over the center of the rider seat (taking care not to kick her in the process) when I mount up.

Sounds complicated, but very easy in practice and no "oopses" so far. ;)

FJRrambo    Wow!!! What a group. I post a question, come back 12 hours later and have 17 excellent responses. Well, at least most were excellent
Yea, they pretty well covered it -- and then some! Communication and use the rider's footpeg (your foot is on the ground, anyway). I'd like to add: I find it helps to think "co-rider"; in that, if she's involved in you're riding -- looking over your shoulder, anticipating, etc....it can be way more fun. btw, they're right about some gals' flexibility -- I once offered a ride to a dancer and she just stood there (on the ground) and swung her leg over the seat -- bags and all!
If only I could get her to stop dragging boots across the bag covers. Oh well, she's so much fun to, well, have along, I just let her mount up anytime/way/ she wants to.
Hey, Bob? Two words:




Oh, and you have mail...

My wife is 5'2" and the best way we've found is just as FastJoyRide says. I hold onto the left handlebar pulling the bike slightly towards me with the bike on the side stand. She uses my right shoulder to steady her left foot on the driver's peg, then shifts her left hand 'grab' to the handlebar grip and mounts the bike throwing her right leg over the bags and seat as if she is the driver then slides back into the pillion position. Fortunately, I'm still flexible enough to tuck my right leg in and go over the tank and drop into the seat. I'm relatively short at 5'7" and if I sit on the bike, kickstand down or not, the bike tends to want to go over on it's right side if she mounts after me. It's because I can't get both feet flat on the ground at the same time, I'm afraid. :blink:

Remember that the pillion footrest is a FOOTREST, it's not a step. When using it as a step a 108lb weakling probably exerts twice that weight in downward force momentarily.
Physics was likely not your best subject. A 108 lb person "stepping up" on anything.. will only put 108lbs of force on it. If they jump on it, yes ..they can exert more than 108 lbs. Foot pegs are designed to support more than a persons weight. How much force they can take is likely diffrent from bike to bike, but the general guideline is to design the footpeg to withstand something between 600 pounds and the breaking point of the structure securing the mount itself. The latter is done so if the bike falls, the peg is supposed to break off before it starts to bend the frame or whatever it is attached to.

Most pegs on bikes today are made from cast aluminum, and secured with a steel pin. In an accident , the cast aluminum should break off before the force is transmitted to the frame.

The "low end" of its breaking force will vary with the design and intent of use. The lowest figue that was given to me was derived from using an average weight..which the japanese seem to think is 195 pounds...and then multiplying that by the highest expected force the bike would likely encounter. Meaning a dirt bike would have fairly strong pegs to support the rider and a passenger in a jump landing.. (does one jump much with a passenger?) and a "cruiser" type bike that's pegs are more forward would not need as much strength if the seating postition did not allow the rider to place as much weight on the pegs.

The rough figure for the average street bike was 3 X the average weight..or about 600 pounds. This was the low end. Sufice to say , I doubt your girl freind is in any danger of breaking off a footpeg if she uses it to step up with.


I think the easiest way for a passenger to mount the bike is:

1 put it on the centerstand for stability

2 have her get in the front seat then slide back to the passenger seat.

3 you then get on the rider seat

4 start the bike and put it in gear

5 both lean back a bit

6 rev to 4,000rpm and pop the clutch

Your on your way. :D


gr8eyes dont you find the pillions helmet scrapes the ground when you take off like that
