Planning a PA to SoCal ride in January - Thoughts?

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2008
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Eastern PA
Well its been a crazy year for my job and the estrogen level in my house with the wife and 2 teenage daughters has been escalating towards Thread Level Red lately. I have decided to take the entire month of January off and am planning a ride from PA to SoCal with a stop in Vegas along the way as well as some other "sights" like the Grand Canyon. I'm in no rush. I am looking at a southerly route along or in proximity to Interstate 40 but may divert to Interstate 10 if need be. This sin't going to be an iron-butt type ride and rather I am expecting only about 400 miles per day. I want to take my time, stop for extra time if I need to and just take a leisurely pace.

The plan right now is to ride there, visit with oldest daughter is San Diego, leave the bike there until Spring and fly home. In the Spring I'll fly back out and take a more northerly route home.

So besides heated gear, my AMA MoTow card and the FRJ assistance directory any words of advice? Also I think I will be ready for tires once I get to CA or maybe Vegas so I am looking for any suggestions on reputable Dealers or Shops in those two locations where I call ahead of time and arrange for the new rubber.

How do you feel about ice, snow and salt? Take a rough cut at your route then every 500 miles or so take a look at historical weather over a few years. The mid-west gets a lot colder'n what you would expect. Pay particular attention to the mountains beginning in Colorado and/or New Mexico. As a note about the Grand Canyon, you will pass near or through Flagstaff -- a well known snow skiing area
I'm thinking that you will need to go a lot further south than what you are planning. While you are having an excess estrogen problem at home I'm pretty sure you will run out of testosterone before you get to the Rockies.

I'm thinking that a cozy flight to SCA and a rental might make more sense.

Edit: Dare I use the T word.

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What he said. Notice city number five. There are more southerly and lower elevation routes, but I even recall spending a nasty cold few weeks in San Antonio some years back in January and February. Well, the weather was cold. The Air Force made it nasty. At least it didn't snow, though.

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Geez! So nobody rides in those areas in January? I figure 8-9 days if I take my time which leaves me about two weeks buffer along the way if I get held up by weather. I'm prepared to hunker down for a couple days if need be here and there. Not going through Colorado

I realize with weather and short days it's a crap shoot but isn't that part of the adventure? I do appreciate the feedback though and will consider it. Maybe make some extra "contingency plans".

Still not discouraged...

make sure you let us know whne you are in San Diego......there is sme good riding around there.....


I doubt you'll be able to visit Grand Canyon as it is at high altitude and will likely be very wintery in January. A southerly route is likely to be passable and perhaps even fun as long as you watch out for the weather. Hope your electric and rain gear is up to snuff. SoCal will seem balmy in the 50s and 60s by the time you get there.

Doggone it, I just had my California licence punched today by the PADMV.

  • If you do go across 40 Stop in Amarillo and eat at the Big Texan. They have free limo rides from most of the close by hotels. Awesome place!
  • P1010150.jpg

If I am in the area again I want to visit Palo Duro canyon which is just south of Amarillo.
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I did a cross country trip in mid October this year (Seattle to NJ via ND, NJ - Seattle via 40). I deliberately did not post my ride prior to the trip in fear that people would think I was nuts for going that time of year. Really glad I did it even though bad weather seamed like it was knocking at my door throughout the trip.

Grand Canyon might be iffy. Albuquerque NM was the coldest on my return trip (woke to sub freezing). Ended up riding 40 all the way to california then up I5 to avoid the mountains. I suspect January will be worse.

If you are hard set on doing it, just do it. You can always go further south if weather pattern turns ugly. I found this interstate forecast website really helpful in determining likely weather patters along major interstates.

Good luck and have fun!

Thanks guys for the tip on Amarillo and also the interstate forecast. I am pretty determined to make this ride or at least attempt it.

Thanks guys for the tip on Amarillo and also the interstate forecast. I am pretty determined to make this ride or at least attempt it.
I didn't have time for the Big Texan, so I ended up eating at this small dive that had really good Brisquette sandwiches and bean soup.


Well I'm in New Mexico now and a big shoutout goes to Hotrodzilla (AJ) who I contacted through the FJR Assistance Directory for some local weather and road condition advice. Long story short I got caught in an unforecasted snow storm and was unsure about the approach into Albuquerque. AJ checked with his peeps and let me know the coast was clear while all the online resources were still reporting ice and snow.

This trip has been eventful weatherwise. That was the second snow storm I got caught in and have ridden in temps as low as 16. Now south of Albuquerque and heading to warmer climates. Thanks again AJ and also for the help directory. This forum rocks!

Hey great timing. The west has been cold but generally dry. A.J. is a great resource if you can get past his looks.

Good luck with the trip. I'll be doing a fly and drive back to PA as soon as possible.


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Finally made it to So.Cal on Day 11. One day late of my plan but still with enough time to spend a couple days with my daughter. All in all not bad for having to stop early two days due to snow. Things got much warmer after heading south after Albuquerque. Just a little windy coming over the mountains into CA on Interstate 8 but otherwise no more snow!

Bike is stored safely now in So.Cal awaiting my return trip in the Spring. I'm back home in PA. 2953 miles total and overall a great experience. The FJR never even hiccuped.

Here's the bike 30 miles short of Amarillo TX. The second storm I hit in NM two days later was even worse.


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