Planning Regional & National Meets

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
Originally, I was going to post this diatribe in the NAFO thread, then realized it was a hijack which = not good.

In the NAFO thread, the idea of running NAFO in non-Iron Butt Rally years was/is being discussed. Essentially, many of our WFO organizers, honchos, big Kahunas, also like/want to run the IBR. Given the conflict on time and resouces, then maybe it would be best to run NAFO in alternate years of the IBR?

Well, this got me to thinking, and I'm sure BrunDog can smell the stench all the way to his house.. yet here goes the .02 worth..


IBR vs NAFO... not likely I'll ever make the IBR, but you never know.. I have a 1960 R60 BMW that's itching for a good ride in the Hopeless Class - no GPS, no outside routing, no one to change my tires, set the points, adjust the spark advance, or adjust the mighty 6 volt headlight bulb, which, by the way, does not absorb water. :rolleyes:

NATO vs Regionals - now that is an interesting consideration.

...I'm almost thinking I'd rather hit several of the regionals than just one NATO. Sometimes smaller events make better events. And if the regionals were set up serially, complimentary, to each other, then it's possible a rider could take some time and hit them, geographically spaced apart, within a reasonable working mans time frame for time off. Kind of like an extended tour with several great FJR regionals tying the ride together.

As an example, I race MX with the OTMX (old timers motocross), they set up an entire series of races, starting in Canada, looping south to San Diego, then back across the Midwest, then back to the north. The retired guys literally follow the entire 'series' in their motor homes and trailers, racing each venue and having a blast.

Following this idea, it would be excellent if each regional could follow the other in a nice time sequence, so that retired FJR pilots (you boomers are all getting closer to the AARP age, you know what I mean) could follow the 'trail', those of us working stiffs could catch what we can..

I'm really just pulling this idea OOMA (figure that one out), but it would be great to ride with the HooterVille Goon Squad, then hit the next Feejer regional, maybe one more before heading back to the left coast..

Ouch. You made my head hurt. But what I think you are saying is that you wanna volunteer for NAFO staff. Is that correct, Mr. Carver? :)

Ouch. You made my head hurt. But what I think you are saying is that you wanna volunteer for NAFO staff. Is that correct, Mr. Carver? :)
Yep...that's what I'm hearing.

Actually I think in general people planning regional event calendars do so with some regard to others in mind. However, it quite often is not practical to try to dovetail smaller events for one's personal goal of a national tour via regional cool as that is.

I did dovetail CFR & EOM because the CFR organizer set up the two meets back to back...which was definitely appreciated. However, that can't often yer gonna have to pick & choose or attend them all anyway in your own IBR kind of way(I hear the IBR Rally Masters don't line up the bonii nice & consecutive either).

Ouch. You made my head hurt. But what I think you are saying is that you wanna volunteer for NAFO staff. Is that correct, Mr. Carver? :)
i know i'm volunteering, butt i might be continentally challenged, as i'm brundogs neighbor were we can just barely smell dcarvers "stench"... ;)

and, dcarver is on to something, kinda like following the 'dead' around, we can follow "_om's" around...

now, excuse me will i go check the mail for my AARP card and hit the 'early bird special' for dinner... lol...

geesh, sure sounded like a good idea at the time..

so tell me again why these events can't run at different times during the riding season?

Just don't run into the spring or fall semesters for NAFO, that prohibits us teacher types from going.
good point!!!

plus, don't schedule nafo on any obscure holidays or observances...

fock, let's just call in the politically correct police now and avoid the rush, later... :assassin:

:glare: :blink:



No stench, carver!

I think this is a fantastic idea. Not for me of course, that would mean riding LONG DISTANCES, which history has proven, I do not do. But for the rest of the feej owning world, this is brilliant!!! :clapping:


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Of course, there might be a conflict as to WHEN Yamaha can get their truck to the event (assuming the FJR owners still want Yamaha as a presence) since this event take place after the Laguna Seca event on the Left Coast, at least it has for the last 2 years.

And we probably should keep it during the Summer so that many can get off work easier during normal Summer vacation scheduling.

There are a couple of events around these parts that are back to back if the powers that be plan the east coast NAFO close to when the regional EOM is being held right now. Be weary... be very, very weary of planning the NAFO event in the dead of summer. The humidity... for those that have never experienced the east coast's humidity, it is God awful horrible over about 90 degrees.

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There are a couple of events around these parts that are back to back if the powers that be plan the east coast NAFO close to when the regional EOM is being held right now. Be weary... be very, very weary of planning the NAFO event in the dead of summer. The humidity... for those that have never experienced the east coast's humidity, it is God awful horrible over about 90 degrees.
Summers are hot. Springs and Falls are iffy. Winters, for the most part, are cold and wet. Whadaya gonna do? Besides, if it's in the summer months and typically centrally located, biased toward any given 'FO', then you'll always be hot and/or hot and humid... (NAFO is in late July mostly to accommodate the good folks at Yamaha whose schedule opens for us the week following the GP races.) Thinking that the geographical center of the Lower 48 is in central, north Kansas, with daytime highs in the 90's for July (and I'm betting that they are humid highs, too), I really can't see avoiding the heat.

Of course, my committee involvement beyond NAFO-1 is not likely to be in the same capacity, if any at all. For me to speculate beyond next year's event is rather pointless and unwarranted. Planning the next event will be left to the folks who form the NAFO-2 committee.

If I might suggest this: We are a gnat's hair away from finalizing the details for the venue for NAFO-1. Once that task is complete and we fill out the balance of that committee, we can then establish the basic committee for NAFO-2 (drawing from the ranks of the NAFO-1 committee for starters). Those individuals can then assume the task of dating and assigning location to NAFO-2, and so on.

I'm just sayin'... if NAFO's visit to the east coast is in July or August, prepare for little riding & probably low attendance. The humidity is unbearable & stifling.

The attendees will really like being soak & wet without having to don rain gear.

Granted, summers are hot period. The hot is way different when you throw in 70-100% humidity.

Signed, Girl w/ good A/C

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I'm just sayin'... if NAFO's visit to the east coast is in July or August, prepare for little riding & probably low attendance. The humidity is unbearable & stifling.
The attendees will really like being soak & wet without having to don rain gear.

Granted, summers are hot period. The hot is way different when you throw in 70-100% humidity.

Signed, Girl w/ good A/C
You got A/C on your bike? Damn, wish I had got that.

<snip>.... the geographical center of the Lower 48 is in central, north Kansas, ..... I really can't see avoiding ....If I might suggest this: We are a gnat's hair away from finalizing the details for the venue for NAFO-1.
I like Kansas -- easy riding. Salina (north/central) is a nice town and has an active motorcycle community.

Sounds good to me.....thanks for thinking of and promoting it.

Kansas it is, then..... :yahoo:

I'm just sayin'... if NAFO's visit to the east coast is in July or August, prepare for little riding & probably low attendance. The humidity is unbearable & stifling.
The attendees will really like being soak & wet without having to don rain gear.

Granted, summers are hot period. The hot is way different when you throw in 70-100% humidity.

Signed, Girl w/ good A/C
You got A/C on your bike? Damn, wish I had got that.
I want an A/C unit IN my helmet! :blink: OK...didn't mean to hijack the thread. I'd like to see a NAFO on the East Coast. Only way I can go.


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I would assume that since the WFO crew is planning this one that they will hand the reins to the next group who plans regional owners meets. Since THEY (Southern, Eastern, Southwest, Canadian, whatever, etc.) should know their local area one would assume they will plan accordingly.

Sheesh, let's get through the first NAFO and "tweek" things from there. :rolleyes:

I'm just sayin'... if NAFO's visit to the east coast is in July or August, prepare for little riding & probably low attendance. The humidity is unbearable & stifling.
The attendees will really like being soak & wet without having to don rain gear.

Granted, summers are hot period. The hot is way different when you throw in 70-100% humidity.

Signed, Girl w/ good A/C
You got A/C on your bike? Damn, wish I had got that.
Actually no AC on the bike. I have good A/C in my home, place of business & in my car... 'cause sure as hell, that is where I am above 90 degrees... not on the bike.

Although, someone could make a mint w/ an air conditioned helmet. How about air conditioned seats? Seems that wouldn't be too hard. There is already such thing in some SUV's & luxury cars.
