Please help me make Bail or they are locking me up with some Harley dudes

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL

I am trying To raise funds for MDA and will be put in jail at Heart of Dixie Harley-Davidson on Aug 9th

Please forward to your e-mail friends so they may help me also



Thanks :yahoo:

I was hoping for a few $5 or $10 hits, but You da man!

BTW These are tax deductable donations.


The chaps always stay at home, they are for the wife :rolleyes:

Now that would be classic, you locked up with some of your best friends, a bunch of Harley Dude's ....... there is a God.

(Sorry, I CAN"T HELP - just gave a hunsky to one of our dealer principles for the same deal.........pssst - don't bend over to pick up the soap)

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I'm in Kevin...stuff like this, we should support with a few seconds of our day and a few bux. I hope you don't go to jail with all them chrome polishers ;)

Come on now!

Give me some $5 pitch ins. My ass has to be there in 2 days.

And If Anonymous is on this board thanks!

OK, Fencer, I'm in, just went and picked up the boss from his jail cell at the mail. He says I'll be going to jail next year. He thinks I'm the one that turned his butt in, imagine that. Remember me for next year, I think I'm going to need some help.

OK, Fencer, I'm in, just went and picked up the boss from his jail cell at the mail. He says I'll be going to jail next year. He thinks I'm the one that turned his butt in, imagine that. Remember me for next year, I think I'm going to need some help.
Thank you Airboss!!

And Anonymous is a mem of this board.

We got some great Peeps!!!

I'm in. Now you and Paris Hilton will have something in common to talk about.
Thanks Steve.

Somehow I doubt Paris and i will talk. The conversation level would be over her head (I'm sure :rolleyes: )


Well man, it looks like you're gonna do a little time tomorrow. And remember: Resist as best you can, but if you get rolled up in a matress, just lie to us later. We don't want to know.
