Possible Bike Club

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
Monroe, WA
Okay, here goes. I have an idea that's been brewing in the back of my mind for some time. Darlene & I have a non-profit social club (registered in the State of Washington for the past 3 years). The club is basically used to sponsor dances for our dance students (we teach ballroom dancing) as well as other social oriented events (picnics, single's nights, teen events, etc.). There are nice benefits available to bonafied non-profit organizations.

My thought was to include motorcycle (non-brand specific) in the fold with a couple of purposes. One, it allows us riders to get together for a common purpose, & two, to help the community-at-large in some sort or fashion. Please understand that I'm not talking about a club like the Eastcoasters have, i.e. vests, etc. And not a so-called formal club in any way.

One of the things that I do, as I ride around the countryside, is to keep an eye out for possible animal abuse (horses, cattle, etc.). I also notate missing signs, damaged roads, etc. I also ride to donate to the local foodbank, toys for tots, Children's Hospital, as well as generally giving something back to our community. Volunteerism seems to be at a low. I just think one person can make a difference, therefore more can really be good.

Another reason is to reintroduce the idea of people getting together socially... is just for the fun of it. Not ONLY just for a friendly ride around town but for short or long jaunts around our local area (Eastern & Western Washington, B.C., Oregon, etc.). There is so much to see.

The riders group doesn't have to be called anything. It's only if we have some special event, we are covered with non-profit status.

Just an idea. What are your thoughts on this?

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We'd have to get a better name if we didn't wanna get our butt's kicked when riding around in our club jackets.

[scene: At smoky dive bar in Monroe, a rough crowd is gathered. Auburn FJR saunters up to the bar, wearing his frilled "Razzmatazz" chartreuse jacket, and cooly eyes the Harley baggers snickering at him:. In a low, Clint Eastwood voice, he says: "Yeah, that's what I ordered, a Shirley Temple. You got a problem with that? Or perhaps you'd like to step outside for a dance off?" Fellow Razzamatazzers stand up at the bar in support , begin snapping their fingers like in West Side Story, whispering in a low voice "Razzmatazz, razzmatazz....]



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I've spent 3 years here in Seattle looking for a club that's pretty diverse, socially liberal, socially responsible, but still somewhat adventurous.

1) I don't wanna be forced to stay in formation behind some open-piped V-twin (even if it's not US built).

2) I don't wanna be forced to stay 5 below the speed limit just so some RUB can feel comfy with his butt jewelry.

3) I don't wanna have to endure some ritual service to ride/join/pay money to an org that does #1 or #2.

4) I don't wanna endure the antics of squids.

5) I don't wanna worry about being hit by the guy riding behind me.

I would join a club that was something like STN or many of the sport-touring forums. I guess my real answer is: Build it and they will come. Any club eventually becomes what the overall membership envisions. What do you foresee? What might your members want?

Interested, but more info would be helpful :mellow:

Not much available here on the Island, save for a cruiser bike club and some total jackass sporties. I'd travel for a sense of 'community' that is more than blips on a computer screen.


We'd have to get a better name if we didn't wanna get our butt's kicked when riding around in our club jackets.
[scene: At smoky dive bar in Monroe, a rough crowd is gathered. Auburn FJR saunters up to the bar, wearing his frilled "Razzmatazz" chartreuse jacket, and cooly eyes the Harley baggers snickering at him:. In a low, Clint Eastwood voice, he says: "Yeah, that's what I ordered, a Shirley Temple. You got a problem with that? Or perhaps you'd like to step outside for a dance off?" Fellow Razzamatazzers stand up at the bar in support , begin snapping their fingers like in West Side Story, whispering in a low voice "Razzmatazz, razzmatazz....]

That was phunny!

Except of course, that Harley baggers are the ghey riders in a Harley crowd. They would accept you. Everyone knows the customs and choppers ride up front with the real bad-asses and the baggers are forced to back pack status.


I knew youse guys would come up with something! :rolleyes:

Chartreuse? I was thinkin' more of a lime green with orange lettering! :clapping:

Anyway, Razzmatazz is just a vehicle for not-for-profit events. We had a liquor license at our banquet hall so it was very convenient for certain occasions. We never charged dues, as such. We always included membership as part of an event ticket price or cover charge.

I realize that there are clubs and a lot of internet gatherings (S-T.net, PNWRiders, etc.). I'm just thinking of a semi-organized vehicle to provide a place where we, as local riders, can benefit from friendships through a common interest in motorcycles, especially touring & seeing new places, varied cuisine, and maybe a little business-like networking.

no vests.... really. :p

Special Club Rules

1) No member will be forced to stay in formation behind any open-piped V-twin (except Ducati 1098's & the like. They're cool!).

2) No member will be forced to stay 5mph below the speed limit just so some RUB can feel comfy with his butt jewelry.

3) No member will have to endure any ritual service to ride/join or pay money unless said member insists on riding butt jewelry or installing sissyboy handlebar tassles.

4) No squidly-like antics allowed unless approved by a simple majority of riding members (sober nor not).

5) No hitting the guy in front of you unless pre-authorized by the guy in front of you.

:clapping: :p

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1) I don't wanna be forced to stay in formation behind some open-piped V-twin (even if it's not US built).2) I don't wanna be forced to stay 5 below the speed limit just so some RUB can feel comfy with his butt jewelry.

3) I don't wanna have to endure some ritual service to ride/join/pay money to an org that does #1 or #2.

4) I don't wanna endure the antics of squids.

5) I don't wanna worry about being hit by the guy riding behind me.
I think if we could make a mission statement somehow out of this, we might have something! :lol:

We'd have to get a better name if we didn't wanna get our butt's kicked when riding around in our club jackets.
[scene: At smoky dive bar in Monroe, a rough crowd is gathered. Auburn FJR saunters up to the bar, wearing his frilled "Razzmatazz" chartreuse jacket, and cooly eyes the Harley baggers snickering at him:. In a low, Clint Eastwood voice, he says: "Yeah, that's what I ordered, a Shirley Temple. You got a problem with that? Or perhaps you'd like to step outside for a dance off?" Fellow Razzamatazzers stand up at the bar in support , begin snapping their fingers like in West Side Story, whispering in a low voice "Razzmatazz, razzmatazz....]

Hey! how did I get to be the one suantering up to the bar???? :eek:

I got two left feet and white man's disease (no natural rythmn) :lol:

But seriously, I don't know if a club is the right answer. But I know several expressed the desire to do more sport touring desitnation rides during the good weather and get together for bench racing & socializing during the bad weather months.

We'd have to get a better name if we didn't wanna get our butt's kicked when riding around in our club jackets.
[scene: At smoky dive bar in Monroe, a rough crowd is gathered. Auburn FJR saunters up to the bar, wearing his frilled "Razzmatazz" chartreuse jacket, and cooly eyes the Harley baggers snickering at him:. In a low, Clint Eastwood voice, he says: "Yeah, that's what I ordered, a Shirley Temple. You got a problem with that? Or perhaps you'd like to step outside for a dance off?" Fellow Razzamatazzers stand up at the bar in support , begin snapping their fingers like in West Side Story, whispering in a low voice "Razzmatazz, razzmatazz....]

Hey! how did I get to be the one suantering up to the bar???? :eek:

I got two left feet and white man's disease (no natural rythmn) :lol:

But seriously, I don't know if a club is the right answer. But I know several expressed the desire to do more sport touring desitnation rides during the good weather and get together for bench racing & socializing during the bad weather months.

Hey! how did I get to be the one suantering up to the bar???? :eek:
I got two left feet and white man's disease (no natural rythmn) :lol:
Maybe it's because you suanter and everyone else saunters! :p

[SIZE=8pt].....whispering "razzmatazz.....razzmatazz....snap! snap! "[/SIZE]

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Hey! how did I get to be the one suantering up to the bar???? :eek:
I got two left feet and white man's disease (no natural rythmn) :lol:
Maybe it's because you suanter and everyone else saunters! :p

[SIZE=8pt].....whispering "razzmatazz.....razzmatazz....snap! snap! "[/SIZE]

I vote that our logo be:


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We'd have to get a better name if we didn't wanna get our butt's kicked when riding around in our club jackets.
[scene: At smoky dive bar in Monroe, a rough crowd is gathered. Auburn FJR saunters up to the bar, wearing his frilled "Razzmatazz" chartreuse jacket, and cooly eyes the Harley baggers snickering at him:. In a low, Clint Eastwood voice, he says: "Yeah, that's what I ordered, a Shirley Temple. You got a problem with that? Or perhaps you'd like to step outside for a dance off?" Fellow Razzamatazzers stand up at the bar in support , begin snapping their fingers like in West Side Story, whispering in a low voice "Razzmatazz, razzmatazz....]


My vote for funnniest and most creative post of the year! :lol: :lol:

Well, I think the past year presented some rather good PNW gatherings and kind of sets a good precedence for more. Two gatherings at Maupin, one at Packwood, one at AuburnFJR's house and one at Duster19's house. That is 5 notable events. All five were a little different and fun. Please note that these events were not organized by the well know core of veteran organizers (LD event folks), but just us, attended by some of them, and all turned out to be very informative and fresh. Small is good.

Volcano Ride: (Click for Pics) , (Clicky for more)

Maupin Fall Ride: (click for Pics)

End of Summer BBQ/Tech Meet: (Click for Pics), (Click for more Pics)


Tech event at Duster19's house. No pictures.

It takes a few of these gatherings to just kind of know each other and how we all ride. I'm up for more of these gatherings, knowing that I/we can't make all of them, more is better. What we need are volunteers to make CALL's. If we started now, we could have the first call at the Seattle Bike show, where we might meet up at the show or off site for lunch or dinner. Then in the late winter and early spring, we could start finding either day rides or weekend meeting places, maybe with someone being the host and identifying a good place to meet, and maybe also have a good two hour ride before leaving for home. We could still duplicate what we have done in the past as well and/or just invent new events.

I'm up for more gatherings. IMO we just need to keep it informal and aimed at riding to and from the event and also riding at the event. Here are my suggestions to make this successful:

1. Someone has to just step forward and make the plans. You don't have to expect 100's of people to attend, so the organization isn't much more then you would do for yourself. I would expect 3-20 to attend. Don't feel like you can fail at this. My first organized ride only had one of my friends show up. I was so disappointed until he said "It only take one to have a good ride". So if you plan a gathering, and you are the only one to show up (highly unlikely with FJR Owners) just make sure you have planned an ass-kicking ride. You will come home with a smile and hopefully picture to share with others. Next time it might be nearly as good when more show up. I know this is true because you guys can't keep up with me to keep me smiling. :rolleyes:

2. Someone has to step forward to make the plans.

3. Someone has to step forward to make the plans.

Did I say that more than once? That's all it takes to make these small gatherings successful. I wish I could have made one of the Tech events, just to talk shop. Other meetings that we could organize gatherings at are/or include: Hells Canyon Rally, Sport Bike NW, Seattle Bike Show. How about an organized campout?

A side note: Suggesting doesn't really get it done. You have to jump in with both feet and make the call. Everyone is a follower and will follow if you lead. It's easy.

By the way, my daughter just delivered a baby boy about an hour ago. :yahoo:
