Possible Ride Tomorrow, December 31

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
My son Alexander is visiting from U-Minn, where he's getting his PhD in physics (takes after his dad :no: ). Bless his heart he loves to go riding on the back of the bike with his dad. So tomorrow we're thinking of going for a ride. I thought I'd take the roads out past Lake Berryessa, then maybe head into Calistoga for lunch, then toodle down the Silverado Trail. Should be a nice day, 'cause it never rains in California; not lately anyway. Fellow forumers interested in a mellow pace are welcome.

Maybe something like this....

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Hans, for a little interesting twist, pull that route between points C and D onto Morgan Valley Road to the north to divert through Lower Lake. It's a really cool road with surface fords (a little goaty in the south end).

How early would you be leaving? I could pretty easily pick this up at Covell Valley Road near Putah Creek, but I need my beauty rest on Saturday.

Oh, and will there be a speech at Busters?

I'll have to join you guys one of these days. That looks like a great ride. I think I need a little more time in this saddle to shake off my old clunky cruiser legs and get used to the new handling before I ride with others though. I'd be too slow for you guys in the twisties. I still have a lot of confidence building to do. The old Vulcan did a good job of breaking down my confidence in corners. Time to build that back up. Happy New Years guys! One of my New Year Resolutions will be to make it to one of the local rides.

Martini, not to worry. Unlike most cruiser group rides, we don't tend to ride formations, but ride our own ride to waypoints. There are some very good FJR riders, but I have never been made to feel uncomfortable with whatever pace I choose to go. My previous bike was a Suzuki C90 cruiser. About as big, heavy and unworthy in corners as they come. After 23K miles this year on the FJR, it's a world apart, but just because you have that much performance, doesn't mean we always use it. The road along Berryessa in particular gets some debris in the curves this time of year, and many roads have slick wet spots in the shaded northern sides; it's wiser to anticipate it, than have to react to a surprise.

Besides, this is JB we're talking about. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the comment, Tom! I do love riding around Napa but most of the time we're going up there in the car when it's time to do pick ups at the wine clubs.

This ride might be just the ticket... especially since I'm booked and wouldn't be able to do the New Year's Day ride, which I'd love to do as well.

JB, what time were you thinking of doing the ride and where in Concord would you be meeting up? I'll look to confirm I don't already have an engagement planned and if not, I'd be interested.

Physicists on motorcycles....love the imagery...have a great ride and try not to generate any Feynman diagrams.

We're planning to leave Concord at 10 AM. Our first stop will be Monticello Dam near point B. Tom, we could meet you there. Google maps puts us there about an hour from Concord, and we'll be taking it easy. Martini, from Concord to the dam is pretty much all in-town or freeway driving, and it might be frustrating to try to stay together when we are unfamiliar with each other's riding styles. I would suggest you meet us at Monticello Dam.

Echoing some thoughts Tom had above, unless I'm with one or more bikes going through a town with lots of signals, I don't want to do any formation riding--not on the freeway and definitely not on single-lane roads. I like the bikes around me to be plenty far behind or in front of me as the case may be. I want to be able to be where I want to be in my lane when I want to be there. It's one of the reasons I only did one HOG ride when I had my Sporty: I couldn't stand being pinned into one place.

Okay. I should be able to make this. My goal will be to get to Monticello Dam at 11AM then. If I'm there first, I'll kick back and hang around until noon. If I don't see any FJRs pulling up to the dam I'll head off and follow the map you have planned. It looks like a fun ride and should be quite an adventure. I'll figure out a direct route from my home in SF to the Dam, put it all in the GPS and hopefully I'll meet you guys there. If not, have a wonderful ride and have a great New Years!



(Mr. Martini) - This is my host name for my podcast. It kinda stuck.

Tim, just take 80 up to Vacaville, and hang a left at that location I showed on my hastily prepared map. Tonight I'm going to enter the trip into my Garmin. Please PM me your cell. I'll do the same.

Tom, if you come, bring your radio. I'm bringing mine.

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Yep. I have it entered into my Zumo. I'm building the same map so I'll have it on me. I'll shoot you my cell now. It looks like Google Maps thinks it will only take me an hour to get there from my home as well. Fingers crossed. :)

Hell, did they disable PMs on the forum? Can't find it anywhere, and I get a message saying I don't have access. <snip>

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Let's all call JB on his cell and wish him a Happy New Year.

Or try to sell him something. :lol:
My cell is 1-800-EAT-SHIT. :D
Liar. I called that number and Old Michael answered.
Worse yet SacramentoMiguel, called same number you did and Old Michael, ShinyPartsUp and Sinead O'Connor answered; all three of them. I think they're making a Paddy Sandwich in NorCal!


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Did this ride happen? I called last night, and indeed it was answered by Mr James Burleigh! I had to back out due to executive order that we had to get ready for hosting a party tonight for about 25, and sadly, had to bury the cat today.
