Thanks to all for sharing their (perhaps personal) pre-ride thoughts. As a longtime student of the science of the mind called Zen (I wrote a book about Amazon for "ZenWise"), I also appreciate those who don't have a ritual, and simply ride. Riders who live to ripe old ages are probably those who combine a bit of luck with a lot of "in the moment" focus, and that doesn't come easily...pre-flight mantra / affirmation or not.
Yes, sometimes I meditate in the "conventional" sense (cross-legged, eyes half closed, focus on deep breath control, eliminating unwanted "pop-up" thoughts). There are countless forms of active meditation: running, skating, dancing, mountain climbing, etc. For me, (and, I'm guessing, many of you) motorcycling is one of the most intense forms of "being here, now." Drift off once too often, though (ex: "Wow, what a beautiful sunset!"), and it's game over.