PreNERDS route scouting report

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Newburyport, MA
This lucky guy got to spend the weekend with youngest daughter as pillion touring the Whites on Saturday and Greens on Sunday.

Got a late start Saturday so defered so didn't get all my favorite raods, but got at least one of hers: Hurrican Mountain road. Rode it east to west this time. Still plenty fun and for some reason the FJR thinks it has wings on a couple of the bumps. We rode up through western Maine to Approach the Whites from Fryeburg area. A pleasant ride from Sebago up through North Waterford and Lovell Maine to get to Chatam where we pick up east end of Hurricane. Hurricane is not in great shape, but still enjoyable. Perhaps it will be blessed by the asphalt genie in the next year or two.

From there up through Bartlett, Crawford Notch to Twin Mountain was nice and very scenic as usual. We took rt115 to Jefferson and then east on 2 and finally south on 116 to Littleton where we stayed at the Maple Leaf motel. Clean, comfortable place, walking distance to Littleton. Biker friendly too. sort of a mini version of the Commodore.

On Sunday we headed out to Polly's Pancake Parlor for a delicious and hearty breakfast. Got in early enough to avoid the crowd. And the view was outstanding as usual.

Heading SE from there we went through Bath and Woodsville enroute to Montpelier, VT. I was very pleased with that section of route 302. Better than I expected. Good condition and very light traffic for a weekend. From there we heaeded south on 12 to Northfield then picked up 12 to Roxbury. We were heading for Waitsville so decided to go over the thinnest line on the map road that leads to Warren. I believe it is Warren Mountain Rd. Unpaved but in great condition and it offers some beautiful Green Mountain viewing. Shortly thereafter we stopped in Waitsville for a coffee.

After a quick break we headed south on 100 to pick up 17 West over to Mad River Glen. I've been on this road many times and love it. Great corners, views and elevation changes. Pillion loved it too. She must trust me a lot to not be scared out of her mind. We then followed 16 south to Middlebury and picked up 125 east. Another road I haven't been on in years but quickly remembered it is a charmer. From Hancock we traveled south to Bethel and picked up the interstate for the first time during the weekend.

We had a great time and the weather cooperated nicely. I was very thankful for the chance to spend the weekend with my baby. How many guys are that lucky to have a 20 year old that still likes to hang w/dad? Over 550 miles and not one complaint. Great kid!

But most importantly I got to check out some excellent Vermont Roads, Of course I checked out NERDS routes today and discovered that Fred is all over this already. Last year we spent more time in the northern part of the state, maybe this years we'll join in on the 'Gaps' rides.

So much looking forward to NERDS again.

Sweeeeet! and the fact you got to take this w your daughter!

Thanx for the pre-scout...

You def got me thirsty for some NE riding/touring. Lift-off now just a tad more than 2 weeks

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