problems with 07 model

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On my 07 I have taken out the slack on the throttle cable using the adjustment on the cable near the grip. Today I made the Barbarian Mod. My readings prior to the Mod were:





I added +7 to all, which seems to be what most recommend. I will ride it to work tonight and see what happens. I hope to perform the throttle spring mod in the coming days but I am having a difficult time finding the pics that were posted showing the area in general. Anyone have that link?


On my 07 I have taken out the slack on the throttle cable using the adjustment on the cable near the grip. Today I made the Barbarian Mod. My readings prior to the Mod were:C:01=5




I added +7 to all, which seems to be what most recommend. I will ride it to work tonight and see what happens. I hope to perform the throttle spring mod in the coming days but I am having a difficult time finding the pics that were posted showing the area in general. Anyone have that link?


Try this

I will soon be eliminating the third spring on my 07. It's just too much tension on long rides and especially when wearing winter gloves. Probably not so bad in warmer weather with thinner gloves.
Can you (or someone else) please explain in more detail this tension issue and throttle spring thing since 1)I don't hang out here often, 2)Search is not my friend, but you might be, and 3)I just came off a 1200 mile day wearing winter gloves and have no complaints... BUT, maybe there's something better or something I'm missing?

Thank you kindly in advance.

