Product Report-Meguiars Tech Wax

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
First off, let me say-this stuff is the shizzle. And I'm being as restrained as I can be.

Read a blurb at the end of August Cycle World about a new product from Meguiars called Tech-Wax. The usual promotional stuff, but being a longtime fan of Megs products, and being in the parts biz, I got some to try, at a discount of course. It was said that it would shine like no other-true. It was said the paint would look wet-true. It was said it would go on easy, and not powder-true. And it was said it would come off with no powdery residue, also true. It does not leave any white, hard to remove residue on the black trim, a Godsend in itself. It has no self cleaning properties, so better not leave any bug junk on, or it will shine too. The gloss has to be seen to be believed-it truely does look wet, and deep, like a wet sand and buff. Slippery as hell, more so than any product I've used. Frank of course is Blue, so the effect is a little more pronounced than you Silver guys will experience, but the silver side panels have that multi-hue glow that only silver can produce. I can't recommend this wax highly enough, take it from 'ol Uncle rad, this stuff is everything you've wanted in a paint beautifier and protectant.

Meguiars Tech Wax-Pt # G-12718

18 fl oz liquid




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OK Rad, ya got me convinced. Be on my way to the local to get me summa that there stuff. But after all the crowin' about the glowin' - couldn't you have included a pic of Frank in all his shining armor? B)

Yup - it's good stuff. It comes in paste form, too. I used it last week on my Durango (now that's a lot of metal!) and it worked like a charm - looked better than new.

couldn't you have included a pic of Frank in all his shining armor?
Uh, he's a Blue one, and all shiny and shit. Seen one, seen 'em all :p

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I tried Meguiars Tech wax and liked it a lot. I still use it on the shield of my helmet. However, a friend recommended Zymol and that stuff really puts a shine on the FJR. The best thing about Zymol is that several weeks after you have waxed the bike, all it takes is a fine mist of water and a wipe off and the bike looks like you just spent hours waxing it.


A good review here:


Uh, he's a Blue one, and all shiny and shit.
Yeah, so shiny armor can be blue - ever heard of anodizing? BTW, mine's blue too, so there dammit. :D

Seen one, seen 'em all
I was just curious to see if the bike really looked a lot different with the new wax. But if yer ashamed to let us see Frank, I understand. :cry:
Uhh, rad: I'm not really "down", but I do feel the need to save you from potential embarassment in the future when you might find yourself chillin' with your dawgs, shorties, or old-school homies.

I believe the correct term is "shizzle", not schnizzle.


It figures!

Just when I spring for another bottle of gold class, they come out with this! :angry:

I've been using some Meguiar's products on my car with excellent results.

This Zymol sounds soooo good I'll probably end up using it as a night cream for my wrinkles :bleh:

Country boy that I am, I've been using the following on my bikes


Don't know what's in it (do I really wanna know?) but it sure works...


I've been using the Tech Wax for a while since someone mentioned it on the EZ board. It really does work well. :agent:

You guys have time to polish your scooters? Guess I'm doing something wrong, maybe I need to quit working or something.... :lol:

You guys have time to polish your scooters? Guess I'm doing something wrong, maybe I need to quit working or something.... :lol:
Hey, I thought this thread was about wax, not "polishing your scooters" or whatever other euphemism is popular today. :D :D

You know, if you "polish your scooter" too much, you'll need to get a corrective windshield.


You are sooooo right about this stuff! I have a cabinet full of different wax products, but this Tech wax works beautifully on my blue 05. :D

Thanks for the info Radman. I too saw the blurb in Cycle World and was planning on checking out this wax. I'll be getting some sooner now. :agent:
