Punished or rewarded for motorcycle commuting?

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Aug 1, 2006
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The company that I work for, has for many years provided motorcycle/motorscooter specific parking areas. These designated areas usually accomodate 4-6 two wheelers and also have a large steel plate embedded in the asphalt for kickstand usage. Well, it seems that some 4 wheeled commuters have complained that the motorcycle designated areas tend to be closer to the buildings than parking areas for cars. "Lifes just not fair" as the story goes. So, as an apparent 'mea culpa' to the cagers my company plans on eliminating designated motorcycle parking areas.

I'd really like to hear from forum members that work for a companies that: provide motorcycle designated parking areas, provides encouragement and/or perks to those that use energy efficient transportation to commute, have any tales that are related to this subject.

Help! as I plan on waging a fight to stop the planned action.

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The company that I work for, has for many years provided motorcycle/motorscooter specific parking areas. These designated areas usually accomodate 4-6 two wheelers and also have a large steel plate embedded in the asphalt for kickstand usage. Well, it seems that some 4 wheeled commuters have complained that the motorcycle designated areas tend to be closer to the buildings than parking areas for cars. "Lifes just not fair" as the story goes. So, as an apparent 'mea culpa' to the cagers my company plans on eliminating designated motorcycle parking areas.
I'd really like to hear from forum members that work for a companies that: provide motorcycle designated parking areas, provides encouragement and/or perks to those that use energy efficient transportation to commute, have any tales that are related to this subject.

Help! as I plan on waging a fight to stop the planned action.
Just another example of political correctness gone out of control. What kind of a dick head would complain about that anyway?

My employer (Uncle Sam, DoD) built a concrete parking area right up front for motorcycles. It will hold about 14 or 16 motorcycles and is almost always pretty close to full.

They also offer $150 per month (IIRC) to participate in a "van pool" which is offered in conjunction with Enterprise Rent-A-Car. The employee must pay the remainder of the costs to be in the van pool (not sure how much).

What kind of a dick head would complain about that anyway?
You'd be surprised...

We have about a city block of real estate under the control of my organization. Many folks have old "beater" bicycles that they leave at work and use when going from building to building. It's faster, easier, and doesn't use fuel. Believe it or not, a few years ago, someone bitched about people riding bicycles during working hours. Ultimately the complainer was told to sit down and shut up, but it took up some time and energy to quiet the complainer.

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We had parking spots recently added for bikes. No plates, but the asphalt is cured enough that it's not a problem.

We approached it with the attitude that it would save spots in the parking lot...and they chose a spot that wasn't up front, but wasn't in the North 40 either. The problem if they take them away you end up using a full spot...which could create some animosity and your bike "accidentally" tip over.

It's probably a delicate item best not served with a war mentality, but I'd push on the "saved" spots idea.

We've got 'em, concrete slab and close to the entrance.

We've got a MC club at work too (not company sponsored).

I like the saved parking spots idea. Also with gas prices reaching $4.40 per gallon, and climbing, your company should be looking to expand the two wheel area instead of eliminating it. Motor scooter sales are up 22% in the US.

I see that you live in Bartlett, TN. Assuming that your employer (it's FedEx, right?) is nearby perhaps you could see if the municipality where your employer is located has any "motorcycle friendly" policies. Some cities, towns, etc. actually encourage commuters to ride motorcycles. Reasons range from fuel savings, to reduced traffic congestion, to less wear and tear on roadways. Just a thought.

Like GunMD, where I work is actually owned by The Navy, which also has a concrete parking section closest to the gate. There are some drivers that complain, but security is pretty strongly on our side. I personally think it's funny that unless the person doing the complaining here gets to work before 5:00AM, they wouldn't be able to park there anyway because the closest spots do seem to go pretty early.

The security guys here like to keep the bikes where they can see them. Plus I guess it does make sense to have them grouped together to ensure you get 2-3 bikes per spot.

Once again, another case of fighting ignorance. Best of luck to you.

I also work for uncle sam, and they cut ramps into existing concrete "endcaps" (I cant think of what else to call them) just for the two-wheelers. It also has the added benefit of being right up front.



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Concrete slab at my job too. 4 bikes max. But only 2 ever ride in anyway(1 besides me). Parking space is real tight at this lot and the dickheads where I work will actually complain if I take a regular spot!

Funny thing here at GD (Navy property) is the concrete will hold up to maybe 15 +/- bikes, but when the weather is nice I've seen over 30 at a time. When it gets to where the bikes don't fit, they actually cone-off as many spaces beyond as needed - just need to use the plate under the stand if it's hot.

When I arrive on the bike in the morning and the designated spaces are all full, I just park on the sidewalk near the bicycle parking. For some weird reason I seem to get away with stuff like this with the bike, which is nice.

I only get semi-annoyed sometimes with the guy who rides his scooter and parks on the concrete on hot days when folks like me end up on pavement and need to worry about sinking. He's a nice guy and just doesn't realize it though. One of these days, I may try to politely mention it to him that on the hot days he would be nice to move down.

I work in a building of about 500 humans and parking gets very tight. We got the building services manager to paint lines to designate 4 slots near the loading dock (great spots). Cars weren't allowed to park there before, so it wasn't a big deal. So you may want to see if any areas are accessible on 2-wheels but not 4. Like Iggy, the hot button was "saving spots for cages". What's cool is that there's a security camera there watching the dock, and the bikes are in the picture.

Although I don't use it, there is a pretty new, isolated, elevated, and 'fenced-in' motorcycle parking area with an electronically controlled gate entrance (non-functional) located immediately outside the entrance to my plant. Cagers can drive into the plant and park within a couple of dozen yards of their work assigned areas but for safety reasons motorcycles are not permitted, therefore a walk for a 'biker' is from one to ten miles each way inside the plant depending of course on where your job is inside.

Its funny, but there was no company mention of the parking area when it was being built a few years ago. It took about two summers before anyone started using it, as it is just strange looking enough that no one knew what it was. It looked like the unfinished foundation for a building with a loading dock and ramp system on the side. It looks to hold about 30 bikes in some manner but the bikes in the rear could be 'locked- in' and the ramp is really too sharp of a turn-in and abrupt in pitch for low clearance bikes. I get the feeling that they designed it in a 'vacuum' with no motorcycle enthusiast's help. What a shame since it probably cost 10's of 1000's of dollars. The concrete alone must be 36" thick and the perimeter fence / gate is 10' or so. :rolleyes:

I got one MC spot right next to the Carpool spots approved where I work. We can also park in the carpool spots.

My approach was that the DOD allows Motorcycles special priviliges like the HOV lane and the company would be smart to follow along and allow a small privilige to motorcycles because they save gas. They actually went for it.

:clapping: :yahoo:

My state gubment bldg provides a concrete parking garage. Spaces are limited and assigned. I'm a lucky one I have a space. I think it likely pisses some people off here in the bldg that my bike takes up 1 space in the garage.......because there is a motorcycle designated area w/in the parking garage and it's proximity is really no better than most others given the design of the garage. There is direct access into the bldg from each level. The motorcycle specific spot will hold probably 8-10 bikes and most days there are about 4-6 using it.

Some have grumbled I should release my space...and park in the motorcycle area...but on nasty wet and cold days I come to work on 4 wheels instead of 2...some people don't seem to understand...or maybe they do understand but just don't care. Whatever.

Some of the buildings on the campus where I work have MC specific spaces, with a steel strip along the center for side stands. These are always right beside an entrance to the building. In the winter the MC only signs are removed and the cages use the spots. I have seen an occasional cage in the MC spot, probably some guy who parked there all winter and figures it's now his spot. My building doesn't have MC spots, so I hog up a whole cage spot. When I go to the office I usually get there pretty early so I get a spot near the door anyway.

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Just park on the closest piece of concrete to the front door (usually the sidewalk) until they put it back and explain that if your bike tips over in the parking lot you will send them a bill.

I park where ever I wish but usually have to put up with a tongue lashing from Mrs. Justo, the tailor's wife next door with whom we share parking spaces...

"Hey, youa no parka di motarbeek der! Custahmah needa walk too fah! You parka ovah der!"

That happens no matter where I park it. Good thing I have the ignore feature set to max.

One question for your military base parkers: Why in the world would security be a concern on a military base? Don't you guys have guns 'n shit? :p

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