Punished or rewarded for motorcycle commuting?

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The plant i work at has 16 designated M/C parking spots. no one has ever complained. right across the street from the bike parking are 6 spaces that are raffled off as a United Way prize, which rotates every month.


As a University employee I have to buy a parking permit, for a cage (price based on salary) or a bike (one size fits all), and bikes may only park in motorcycle spots (marked, concrete pads). There is one area (usually holding 6-8 bikes) in most of the larger lots, but not all. Sometimes they're close to where you want to be, sometimes not. "Mine" is as far away from where I work as possible in the lot in front of my building, about 100 yards away. Most of the year I am the only bike in this lot, and essentially have a reserved spot. Just not close. Once in a while a car will park in the MC area during a conference, ect. & when I've called to ask been told not to block them in (my plan) but to park as close to the area as possible (this lot is all concrete, not all are). Because my bike has been in that spot every day, when there's no ice or snow on the ground, for the last 8 years, I don't get a lot of grief. People have even called the office asking when they don't see it on a day I would be expected to be here :) .

Odd. A military base without guns. If attacked, what do you guys do - threaten your enemy with paper cuts?
I didn't mean to imply that there are NO guns...they just don't le ME have access to them. Probably for the best.

The irony is this...I could drive a tank tomorrow if I wanted. Good times.

I am usually one of the first two or three people, out of about 100+, to arrive at the factory. I park wherever I want, and if the weather looks bad that includes inside the building.

bandit12 what a protest!

We have a few thousand people at our plant. All of the motorcycle parking spots are premium, meaning they are near the buildings or gates.

One area has no moto parking so each of us takes up one cager spot. I'm sure some are ticked, but oh well. When I had to park in that lot, I tried to share a spot with another bike, if available, just so we don't take up too many spots, some others did the same.

I'm sure if your company listened to the those few whiners, they may get more complaints as full cager spots are occupied by one motorcycle.

Good luck.

If they take away the bike parking, make a pact with every bike rider in the business to only park one bike per space, and come in early and park up front. When they see all the spots disappear making them walk farther (or is it further), they may realize their stupid decision was just that, stupid.
Farther refers to length or distance. It is the comparative form of the word far when referring to distance.

Further means "to a greater degree," "additional," or "additionally." It refers to time or amount. It is the comparative form of the word far when meaning "much."


My company shares the complex. The car parking is across the street and about a 1/2 mile walk. The Manager of the other company rides a BMW LT and has designated a concrete pad (used to be for dumpsters?) as the motorcycle area, inside the security fence, under guard, 50 feet from his office window, and about a 100 yd. walk from our offices. There are 4 or 5 of us who ride regularly, including one "lone-team", a married couple who ride their Goldwing and leave it covered while they're on the road.

Most of the government facilities I have seen have designated motorcycle parking. I was at the Sacramento City Corporate Yard this week and there must have been 40 bikes parked in that area. Many of the Federal and State parking structures also have a motorcycle area, as well as larger private companies (or they let bikes have the freedom to park in the striped triangles or other similar areas).

I'd make the case others have pointed out and trust cooler heads to prevail. Someone has eaten sour grapes and their teeth are on edge.

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Well I can say one (the only one) thing that is progressive abot WVU (West Virginia University) is that motorcycle parking is free and relatively abundant and yes are typically the closest spaces too (after handicap). For a cage you need a permit and that can take years here. Personally under the current change in trends from SUV back to green vehicles, i think they need to do more of this.

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Since gas prices and preserving the environment are hot topics right now, you can use those to your advantage. Point out that the motorcyclists are saving fuel by commuting in an efficient vehicle versus those who drive a gas-hog alone. Parking spaces (and thus expensive real estate) can be used more efficiently by putting 4-6 vehicles in each space verus a solo SUV. (Or two monster SUV's in each three spaces).

As for being near the building, motorcycles present a greater security risk, so if they are able to be seen from the building, they will be safer (and thus keep any loss claims down). It is also more difficult to walk to the building, wearing proper safety gear, so justifying the shorter distance.

Or...... let's look at this a totally different way. Anyone who drives a monster vehicle, using too much gas and too many parking spaces should be penalized for the harm that they're doing to the environment? Do you think that would fly? Assign them to the very furthest parking spaces and let the bikes and the Prius's have the near ones.

One area has no moto parking so each of us takes up one cager spot. I'm sure some are ticked, but oh well.I'm sure if your company listened to the those few whiners, they may get more complaints as full cager spots are occupied by one motorcycle.
That was what it took, for us to get some bike parking. I had gotten a warning, for parking in a handy little area next to some pump gear. Some days, there would be three bikes parked in the cross-hatched paint area. Other days, there was one SUV. After being warned, I complained about it and then took up one whole space. Since I get to work early, I had one of the premium spaces.

Then, after complaints of each bike taking up a whole space, the area previously warned off, was designated as MC parking. A barrier has been erected to keep the cars out.

I also work for uncle sam, and they cut ramps into existing concrete "endcaps" (I cant think of what else to call them) just for the two-wheelers. It also has the added benefit of being right up front.




I work at ZJX and some time ago, the cyclists united and purchased two of those covered parking awnings you see for sale on the side of the road for $695 ea. Butted them together and put lights inside. We now have covered parking in the far corner of the lot.