Puppychow's California Adventure...

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Dec 3, 2009
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It was finally time for a do-over and do right trip to So Cal. With that in mind I set off on Wednesday April 28th, right after the big storm which rolled through Nor Cal on Tuesday, there were still trailing weather systems from the storm moving through the area, but the idea was to leave “rain or shine” and try to make the best of the conditions and push through those weather systems to drier conditions on the Central and South Coast of California.

Just as I was preparing to leave, the moment I pulled the FJR out on the driveway, it started to sprinkle…


It wasn’t so bad, the FJR takes some rain in its stride effortlessly, a fact which I had heard often, but now had the chance to experience first hand. It rained off and on from Folsom to the Tracy junction on I-5, and then the weather seemed clear as far as the eye could see heading south on I-5, but I knew as I was turning onto Hwy 152 (Pacheco Pass) that I was turning into the storm for it poured almost all the way to Hollister, letting up sometime before the time I rolled into Mickey Dee’s for a quick Breakfast and to use their facilities. :)


From here I took a slight detour off the boring Hwy 156 route to Hwy 101. I turned left on Salinas Road from Hwy 156. Salinas Road is a one-lane road, a bit rough in the beginning, but not quite a goat trail, just expect a lot of road patch work (not tar snakes) and a few pot holes spread about, the road eventually becomes the San Juan Grade, which turned to be a nicely paved and smooth road (still one lane) with some very fun turns and not another vehicle in sight – takes you through a lot of cattle farms and some pleasing scenery.





After this fun little jaunt it was a quick ride down the slab onto Hwy 1 and this is obviously where I immediately developed a severe case of shutterbug fever, which I will be gladly sharing with you here shortly.

The vistas progressively became more and more spectacular, although the road itself was also so much fun that I didn’t stop at each and every turnout for pictures.

I will note here that this was my first ever trip down the California Central Coast along Hwy 1 (bike or cage) and I agree with Rich, I didn’t realize what I had been missing…

Ride-by shot of the coast-line…


Pulled to the side for these ones…




Historic Rocky Creek Bridge


Trusty Steed…





Historic Bixby Bridge






There was a lot of construction on Hwy 1 this day, they were doing repairs and maintenance on bridges, I even heard they were building a new bridge, but that is hearsay and I didn’t research to corroborate that, plus there was also landslide prevention/repair work going on. I talked to this very friendly fellow on about my 4th or so constructions stop along the route, I asked him if this was the last one or if there was more construction going on. He assured me this was the last, but alas, he was mistaken, there were 2 more construction stops after this one.

Here you go un-named stranger – if your wife is monitoring FJRForum, for whatever reason - she now knows that you were really working that day…


Another ride-by shot, blind shots with no regard to zoom or focus, but some of them turn out and I apologize for subjecting the reader to these, but I post some sparsely, or maybe not so sparsely, just for the effort (mine in taking them, yours for bearing with them)…


Some tourism spoilt “wildlife” incessantly begging for food. I didn’t feed them anything, although I would have thought these guys would have fattened up already with all the cheese and crackers being fed to them…

Four legged beggar…


This one had wings…


And back to more vistas…




Yours truly...



You can barely see Hwy 1 winding up to the left..


More ride-by shots as Hwy 1 opens up to some nice long sweepers and not a LEO in sight…


These guys were having some fun; can you spot them to the right?


Approaching Morro Bay and you can see the three chimneys and Morro Rock dominating the scene…


Getting closer…


…and closer…


Finally here, this other-side of Morro Rock doesn’t seem quite so photogenic…


Talked to this English couple who emerged from this eatery, I asked them what was good, they said they were disappointed in the Fish N’ Chips (you hear that Fairlaner?) and that they suspected they were served Frozen crab, despite the “Fresh Crab & Shrimp” sign. Despite their not so rave reviews, I decided to give the place a try anyway, I asked the girl at the counter what would she would recommend and she mentioned the deep fried calamari, I think I had a mini heart-attack just thinking about it, so I opted for the “Healthier” Halibut sandwich with a side of French fries (Ha! So much for healthier!) to snack on..


Is it owned by Shell? What is it? A Rotella plant?


I think this guy was doing the “50CC” run, think he will make it?


I was running late and my friends in Thousand Oaks were waiting on me for Dinner, so I decided to skip Foxen Canyon, so I guess I did not do everything right this time… I took the slab down Hwy 101 to Hwy 154 and took some ride-by’s of the vineyards and horse ranches along the way…



Another mistake followed when I blew right past the Lake View drive for the County Park where you could imbibe some great views of the gorgeous lake, I attempt to make-up for that glaring mistake by posting a link to a picture from another site (please let me know if this is against the rules or in bad form and I will take the link down), I only caught glimpses of this beautiful lake from in between the trees lining Hwy 154, this definitely calls for another “do-over & do it right this time” trip to Santa Barbara.


I managed to find another Vista Point and immediately pulled over hoping for some views of the lake, but no such luck, the views were still impressive, however my point and shoot seems to have well…missed the point…



The weather man had been calling for 20-25mph Gale force winds all along the California Central and South Coast with wind gusts of up to 40mph, however I never really felt them on the FJR, which was sweet, and it was all good until I pulled over to take this shot overlooking Santa Barbara, put the baby in neutral, right foot on the rear brake and got ready to take my picture and Wham! The wind gust almost knocked me over, it was time to stop being foolish and put the bike in gear, turn it off and put the side stand down…

Gorgeous view of Santa Barbara!


Not much excitement from here to Thousand Oaks, unless you count Rush Hour traffic as excitement, my friends were graciously waiting for me in their beautiful home in Thousand Oaks, I had my own spot in the garage for the motorcycle and I had a beautifully appointed Guest room to myself with my own private and attached bath. It was like staying at a very upscale bed and breakfast. It also happened that were doing a small family celebration for their daughters birthday, and I felt honored to be included in the festivities and the great conversation which flowed well into the night before I finally decided to call it a night and slip into the covers for a well deserved good night’s sleep.

More to come later..

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It's reports like this that make me ashamed that I don't have the self-discipline to stop and take pictures. Guess I'm just a selfish bastard. Maybe a helmet mounted point and shoot with a remote control?

I never grow tired of Hwy 1 coastline pics, simply breathtaking. San Juan road is a great "short cut" to take after the masses start heading out from the MotoGP in Laguna. Albeit a bit longer and slower, but almost no traffic. When I rode over Bixby bridge weekend before last, is it just me or was that powerline awfully close to the railing? I know, I shouldn't notice that kind of stuff while clipping along at 28 mph behind a motorhome parade! Great photos.

...... I turned left on Salinas Road from Hwy 156. Salinas Road is a one-lane road, a bit rough in the beginning, but not quite a goat trail, just expect a lot of road patch work (not tar snakes) and a few pot holes spread about, the road eventually becomes the San Juan Grade, which turned to be a nicely paved and smooth road (still one lane) with some very fun turns and not another vehicle in sight – takes you through a lot of cattle farms and some pleasing scenery.
That was some ride ....you ain't puppychow anymore, ...in reno we've promoted you to DogFood. Great Ride report with one exception:

I ain't never been on Salinas road (pisses me off when someone rides roads I'm not familiar with)

.....and from the looks of it ...that is my kind of groovy fun. I will be checking it out very soon. Do you take it all the way to 101 ? seems the west end is the most spirited?

...and assuming this is it?


...... I turned left on Salinas Road from Hwy 156. Salinas Road is a one-lane road, a bit rough in the beginning, but not quite a goat trail, just expect a lot of road patch work (not tar snakes) and a few pot holes spread about, the road eventually becomes the San Juan Grade, which turned to be a nicely paved and smooth road (still one lane) with some very fun turns and not another vehicle in sight – takes you through a lot of cattle farms and some pleasing scenery.
That was some ride ....you ain't puppychow anymore, ...in reno we've promoted you to DogFood. Great Ride report with one exception:

I ain't never been on Salinas road (pisses me off when someone rides roads I'm not familiar with)

.....and from the looks of it ...that is my kind of groovy fun. I will be checking it out very soon. Do you take it all the way to 101 ? seems the west end is the most spirited?

...and assuming this is it?

RJ, I guess I forgot to tell you about that road. I ended up on it last year on the way to the RTE at the Sperry's place. Most excellent road and a nice shortcut to Salinas. Way better than that goat-track you had me riding back from Happy Camp to I-5.

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Great report and photos. I agree that the coast is cool. Its not very far from my place but I hardley ever go there. I need to work on that. Myself and Glas1/2ful did make it over that way on Saturday but we didn't have time to stop because we were doing our first SS1K.

Woke up bright and early at 7AM <_< the next morning and checked my messages and was glad to see a message from Redtail, saying he was available to lead me through the Santa Monica Mountains that morning - Awesome! We setup a meet-up place and time and he was kind enough to agree to ride over to where I was. My friends are early risers despite enjoying their "newish" retirement and they made a great breakfast for me - such class acts and I had a great stay!

Rode to the meetup spot a little early and Redtail rode in spot on time, we chatted for a little bit - checked out each others rides, confirmed our route for the day and then off we went...


On Portrero road heading towards Decker Canyon, Decker canyon was a blast - very tight and very fun twisties.


From Decker Canyon we swung a right on to Mulholland Hwy towards Hwy 1 and the ocean. This stretch of Mulholland Hwy had a lot of road debris to watch out for.

Reached the ocean and Redtail headed towards Neptune's Net...


The place was deserted as this was a Thursday morning (and they were not even open yet), we were the only two there. I hear this place is over-run by 100's of bikes and cars and the "stuntas" are spilling onto the median on Hwy 1 popping wheelies. But today, we were the only two posers around :)




Puppychow.. (Redtail's camera)


Dog's are not allowed, but I guess puppychow is OK? Didn't wait around to ask...


Off to Latigo Canyon from here - which was soon to become my favorite stretch of road in the Santa Monica mountains, are all Richard's fast? This one (Redtail) sure seemed to make me think so, but he laid some great lines for me to follow on Latigo Canyon and by the time we emerged onto Kanan Dume road I had had so much fun I was almost dizzy with excitement...

...but first I stopped for a quick shot of the ocean from the early part of Latigo Canyon.


Made our way to the famous (or infamous) Mulholland "Raceway".






Interesting read..


Rock Store .. without the crowds, or a million cars or bikes or Jay Leno...also I think the camera appears to remove about 5 inches off your height...


I had mentioned Topanga Canyon to Redtail so being the customer oriented tour guide he was, he lead me to Topanga Canyon Road, total cager trap with no way around them slow pokes, sorry for dragging you through here Richard!


We stopped for lunch in Santa Monica and enjoyed our meal and the conversation, look forward to seeing you at WFO Richard, bring the Mrs too!

Marched onwards to Del Mar through the Los Angeles slab, it was still early in the afternoon and the traffic was moving along just fine, with no unexpected cager trickery, as I was passing along Camp Pendleton - I noticed they were flying sorties right off the freeway, tried to snap a quick picture the last one for the day - here is the result...


Destination for the day - my friend's condo in Del Mar Heights. They had a previous engagement but were tracking me on SPOT and decided to stick around when they noticed I was going to pull up any minute, they set me up in my room and took off, leaving puppy with the run of the house, but I was tired this day and promptly fell asleep.

More to come later.. thank you for reading along :)

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Double Barrel Ride Reporting....Way cool.

Those are some great scenic shots on both, coastline and terrain were just inviting...

Thanks for sharing...

I suppose the second report could be titled "Dueling 05' FJR's" :rolleyes:

Awesome ride report!

My wife and I did Hwy 1 about 8 years ago now. We rented a car in Vegas and drove up to San Francisco. LOVED that time driving around California, seeing the places you just posted reminds me we're overdue to return to CA.

Now that we live in Seattle, I see a run down the coast coming on the FJR... :)

Thanks for sharing puppychow - great report. :)

Thanks for the kind words guys! I am going to wrap up the other 2 days of ride reports this weekend, I just haven't found the chunk of time to put it together.
