Purchasing a FJR1300A or AE

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Thanks everyone for your input and suggestions. I certainly didn't intend for this to be an A vs AE issue, I was more curious about whether there were really any known problems with the automatic-clutch.

It sounds to me like there aren't any outstanding issues that would discourage me from purchasing an AE. But in the interest of full disclosure I JUST PURCHASED A NEW '08 FJR1300A!!!!!! I pick it up in the morning.

Any questions on my part regarding resale value of one model or the other was pure conjecture, I'm sure both will hold their value fine.

I'm almost ashamed to admit this but probably the biggest influence was the color, this is just about the sexiest bike in black I've ever seen. I'm so tired of silver, my last three cars were silver.

Anyway thanks again for the help, I'm sure I will have a thousand questions tomorrow...

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :dribble:

:clapping: I can't wait for tomorrow :assassin:

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :dribble:
:clapping: I can't wait for tomorrow :assassin:
My vote was for the 2007 in Black Cherry (a two day old example now sits in my man room).

At any rate, you are in for the ride of your ever-lovin life! I put 100 miles on mine this afternoon on one of my fave crooked roads - incredible!


Av8rider, congrats on the new ride! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I agree, the black one rocks!

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Sorry folks. Please let me apologize for my mis-worded initial posting. After re-reading my initial posting I realized I should have paid more attention to the way I laid out my wording. The thoughts I put forth were the analysis process that I went through in deciding which model to buy. Obviously a couple AE owners took offense and took my posting personally, so again my apologizes.

Lesson learned. To put my initial posting in better context I should have stated "I" would have felt lazy shifting an AE, and "I" wouldn't particular enjoy dragging the rear brake at low speeds, and "I" didn't see the need to buy an AE if "I" wasn't dealing with heavy traffic, etc, etc, therefore that's why "I" decided to buy the A model. For now on when I express my opinions I'll be sure to do exactly that so as to keep my opinions in context. And please notice there is no "I" in "YOU". And also I'll do my best to ignore comments like; 'FJR A-model's are antiquated.' (Regardless how funny comments like that sound.) :D

Bottom line. Why should any of us give a rats-a## which machine any other owner has already bought? Who cares? If you're happy with your decision, that should be all that matters. Then again, if a potential FJR owner asks for forum opinions, I see nothing wrong with providing a 100% open and honest opinion (based on an individuals selection experiences); be it pro or con.


Av8Rider - Congraduations! And no need to feel ashamed about the influence of color. When I bought my '07 I actually liked the color of the silver (AE) model a bit more more, but alas, we don't have a lot of choice in that regard. Enjoy!


Sorry folks. Please let me apologize for my mis-worded initial posting. After re-reading my initial posting I realized I should have paid more attention to the way I laid out my wording. The thoughts I put forth were the analysis process that I went through in deciding which model to buy. Obviously a couple AE owners took offense and took my posting personally, so again my apologizes.
Lesson learned. To put my initial posting in better context I should have stated "I" would have...
You're a big man for stepping up, SR-71. I very much appreciate your response. I deleted my little rant as a good will gesture in return and offer my apologies for going a little over the top myself.

Then again, if a potential FJR owner asks for forum opinions, I see nothing wrong with providing a 100% open and honest opinion (based on an individuals selection experiences); be it pro or con.
I couldn't agree more. :drinks:

SR-71, I would like to thank you as well for clairfying your position. I personally, am leaning towards the purchase of an AE and although I know some may not agree, it is much better to see an opinion expressed versus an attack or accusation made.

Like I said before, I have been lurking around this board for a long time now and this just confirms what a great community there is here.....


I also pondered the A vs AE decision and was also offered an AE buying incentive (the dealership was having a hard time moving the AE) - but I didn't take the bait and I have zero regrets. I also wonder... if I did decide to buy the AE model... and if later I started questioning my decision (for even minor reasons), would I really come forth and broadcast my mistake to the public? Or would I just learn to live with it? Who knows... But we all have our different wants and needs..., each to their own.
In any case, I heard there's a 5-to-1 buying ratio; A vs AE (which obviously Yamaha big-wigs anticipated), so it'll be interesting to see if it's financially worth it for Yamaha to continue the AE model in future years. Guess we'll see.

For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents...

Unless the majority of your riding time will be spent in areas that can really take advantage of the auto-clutch (i.e., high traffic - stop & go areas), and/or

* you're just generally lazy, and/or riding in the mountain twisties and high speed sweepers is a lot more fun on my 06AE than on my 05 FJR * you like new gadgets, and/or

* the possibility of more complex things breaking doesn't bother you (the just-one-more-thing-to-break theory), and/or nothing has broken on my 06 AE except the ignition switch after almost 30k miles[/COLOR]

* dealing with a slight learning curve and occasionally dragging the rear brake doesn't bother you, and/or almost no learning curve if you are smooth and not quick on opening the throttle openings on

* you don't mind exchanging a tad of fine low speed control for the ability to have the bike auto-shift, and/or see comment above

* if a buying incentive is important to you.., nothing unusual for folks to seek a bargin price

... my recommendation is just buy the A model and happily roll along with it. You sure are entitled to your opinion, live and let live is my motto


In any case, good luck with your decision.




Another thought... Has anyone considered how easy it would be for Yamaha to turn the AE into a FULLY Automatic bike? It wouldn't take much! Just a matter of having a computer monitor the rpm, load, and speed, and at the proper thresholds, have the computer make the appropriate up/down electrical shift connections. Maybe next year? Just imagine the threads that would generate!!!
