Pushpin Removal

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I miss Don. 😔
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
I'm going to install a gps and battery tender pigtail this weekend, and will need to move some plastic out of the way to get to the battery. My question is; what's the best/ easiest way to remove the pushpins? I'm wanting to avoid scaring the plastic trying to remove them. This will be my 1st farkling on my baby, so I want to ne gentle.

I use a small ( 3mm? ) ball end of an Allen wrench to push in

the center to release the push pin and when possible, try to push

it out from the back side to remove. Make sense?

Yeah, makes sense. How would you push from the backside...pull the panel?

Most of them you can reach the back of them one way or another, but once the center pin is pushed, they shouldn't resist if you lift the panel they're holding.

Biggest caution is not to push the center pin all the way through, which you can do. Depending on the location, it may find a very deep dark place to disappear into.

Push the pin in, remove the whole push pin, push the push pin from the back to reset it, the pin should stick out past flush and when you put the push pin in you push the center pin flush to lock it in.

...and although it's pretty obvious, after removal push the center "out" so when reinserted, you can flush the center and lock into place.


Edit -- Marcus beat me to the punch, must type faster!

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Hmmm...that is good to know, thank you!

Also, SLK50...I.would have tried to pry the center pin out, if not for your advice...thanks.

10 gauge shotgun took care of mine nicely..
Why do people ask this **** anyway?
Ah ha now we know why you sold your FJR - you blew it away.

Some may ask for they do not know.

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Lay in a supply of replacements. You will surely loose one or more. The one lost will reappear 2 months later in your drive-way. Hate spending a whole afternoon hunting for one of those little fuckers.

Seems like no matter how careful I am I end up apein those little suckers no and then.

Nothin in the driveway so I keep acouple in my aux tool kit. Probably never use em but I ready.

I wasn't sure at first what was meant by pushpin. You are talking about the plastic rivets that are used in many places. I usually just push the center. Then I use my fingernails to get under the edge of the rivet and lift it out. You can also use a thin plastic blade of some sort instead of your fingernail without scratching anything.

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I think you can get a ****-ton of them from McMastercar for a pretty reasonable price. Maybe you could sell off the extras and make your money back.
