Puuuuurfect Ride

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Prescott Valley, AZ
Today's weather was just too good to waste working so, around 4pm headed out on the FJR with a buddy in tow on his GW. Route was Hwy 132, Hwy 49 East bound to Mariposa, gas stop and continue on 49 to Darrah Road at Bootjack, then to Triangle road to Hwy 140, then to Hornitos Rd, Merced Falls and arrive back at home all in about 2 or so hours. With Rush playing in my ears (the band, not the Radio talk show host) temps in the mid 70's light to no traffic, 5 (friendly!) LEO's (2 on Hwy 49 near the river) this ride was the perfect cobweb cleaner! It's been said before, but THIS is the reason we live in Commiefornia and put up with all the BS! No pics, too busy having fun, trust me on this.



Riding Hiway 49 and the Gold Country is indeed as good as it gets!

Hopefully your Rush soundtrack included Working Man, Fly By Night, and Spirit of the Radio - my Rush faves.

I wanted to break out of the office today for a ride, but alas, work called.


CAJW:Riding Hiway 49 and the Gold Country is indeed as good as it gets!

Hopefully your Rush soundtrack included Working Man, Fly By Night, and Spirit of the Radio - my Rush faves.

I wanted to break out of the office today for a ride, but alas, work called.

Yes, the mp3 player had those along with Ghost Rider and Tom Saywer which worked well with the rythmn of Darrah Road. Perfect pavement and a great roller coaster/quick reversal turn section that warrants a return trip. The only issues were a couple of residents pulling out from driveways on curves and bambi made a few appearances.

Dreamline from roll the bones is a good one to cruise to. In the end the song red barchetta pretty much sums up riding twisties for me.

Dreamline from roll the bones is a good one to cruise to. In the end the song red barchetta pretty much sums up riding twisties for me.
I've got to admit, when I saw a post on this thread by odot I figured I'd be ragged on for something (after all, it's Friday) and much to my surprise, I agree with his comments. Is that scary or what? Me on the same wave length as odot? :eek: Guess I'd better look for a good therapist.
