Question about blue tooth headsets

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I wear custom plugs and use the speakers with my 20.

Just received a factory replacement for my 20, the first one was rendered inoperable by a Pennsylvania Thunderstorm.

The Sena techrep tells me the 20 is "water resistant" not "WATER PROOF"!

Come on, says I, the damn thing mounts on the outside of a motorcycle helmet, it is bound to get wet!

Just received a factory replacement for my 20, the first one was rendered inoperable by a Pennsylvania Thunderstorm. The Sena techrep tells me the 20 is "water resistant" not "WATER PROOF"! Come on, says I, the damn thing mounts on the outside of a motorcycle helmet, it is bound to get wet!
That's discouraging to hear John. I was going to keep my Sena 20 speakers completely out of my helmet because I use earbuds exclusively but I figured the exposed plug-in for the speakers at the main unit would be too exposed to the elements & allow rain inside. That's obviously the case if it's even allowing water in with the speaker jack still installed. I'll bet the jog dial is not a complete weather seal either, which really sux for a $300 unit.

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I tried about every type of earbud you can think of. Conventional ones, I mean. Silicon bulbs, big ones, small ones. Some worked okay, some worked poorly. Twigg mentioned Shure 215K's, so I tried them. They are better quality, and provide far better sound and noise blocking, than anything else I've tried. They are more comfortable than any regular earbuds I've tried. The lead coming off the ear monitors has a sheath for the first few inches for durability (it looks like kevlar, but I don't know for sure). I use them pretty much daily under a Shoei or Nolan. When I fly, I take them with me because they block the ambient noise in the aircraft so much better than regular buds. Your mileage may vary.

If you want to retain your hearing, plugs or phones with noise block properties are a must at highway speed (with the stock placebo windshield, even they may not reduce wind noise sufficiently, regardless of the helmet worn). I use Shure 215K monitors. They do a very good job of blocking wind noise, sound great, and in spite of the noise reduction and audio, I can hear a prius in the next lane.
I'm assuming you really like you're Sures? I have a set of Etymotic M5s, and they're kind of 'tinny.' My Sony buds sound vetter, but don't block noise as well. Thinking of trying the Sure buds.
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I wear custom plugs and use the speakers with my 20. Just received a factory replacement for my 20, the first one was rendered inoperable by a Pennsylvania Thunderstorm. The Sena techrep tells me the 20 is "water resistant" not "WATER PROOF"! Come on, says I, the damn thing mounts on the outside of a motorcycle helmet, it is bound to get wet!
This past Christmas, I drowned my several years old SMH-10 in a day long deluge traveling from NC down to FL...with a crackle and pop, near the end of my trip down, it died. No amount of drying time would bring it back nor let it take a charge. Ended up buying a replacement. That was a surprise given how many times it'd been through storms and did just fine.

I tried about every type of earbud you can think of. Conventional ones, I mean. Silicon bulbs, big ones, small ones. Some worked okay, some worked poorly. Twigg mentioned Shure 215K's, so I tried them. They are better quality, and provide far better sound and noise blocking, than anything else I've tried. They are more comfortable than any regular earbuds I've tried. The lead coming off the ear monitors has a sheath for the first few inches for durability (it looks like kevlar, but I don't know for sure). I use them pretty much daily under a Shoei or Nolan. When I fly, I take them with me because they block the ambient noise in the aircraft so much better than regular buds. Your mileage may vary.

If you want to retain your hearing, plugs or phones with noise block properties are a must at highway speed (with the stock placebo windshield, even they may not reduce wind noise sufficiently, regardless of the helmet worn). I use Shure 215K monitors. They do a very good job of blocking wind noise, sound great, and in spite of the noise reduction and audio, I can hear a prius in the next lane.
I'm assuming you really like you're Sures? I have a set of Etymotic M5s, and they're kind of 'tinny.' My Sony buds sound vetter, but don't block noise as well. Thinking of trying the Sure buds.
Well, I just ordered a set. Will be here on the 18th. $86 shipped. Not too bad. I hope they sound as good as you and the rest of the reviews say, and are comfortable. These Etymotics are lacking in the comfort department.

My wife and I use the 20s with Westone custom molded earbuds. Around town I just use the speakers as I don't get over 35 mph. Just curious for those that have had water problems what are the symptoms? When we got to Spearfish we were soaked to the bone and now my unit crackles and pops and the sound is intermittent through the speakers. Water related? Other than that I love the setup.

I have Etymotic hf5s that I used with my iphone but they hurt in the helmet. I have speakers installed in my Shoei Neotech and the Etymotics rub on them. I just use the speakers for commuting to work.

For longer rides I use Shure SE215s (thanks Twigg!) and plug them into the Sena 20s audio out. They are extremely comfortable and while the audio isn't quite up to Etymotic standards the sound isn't at all bad and the comfort much more than compensates for any fidelity loss.

If I just want noise reduction the best thing I've found is plain yellow foamies. They cost almost nothing but sure do work!

Junior, sounds like wet issues to me. Contact Sena and start a case through their online customer service site.

Excellent thread. I have been considering Sena for when my Shure's wear out. I'd have gone postal if I bought a comm system for a motorcycle and it went out because it got rained on.

I'm investigating ways to "Protect" my 20 from the rain. First thought is a Magnum sized Condom stretched over the unit.

FWIW, my SMH 10 has seen a ton of rain and hasn't failed yet. I probably just jinxed myself, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I use an SMH 10R and have ridden in some nasty rain without issued. I wear earplugs and the speakers are way loud and clear enough. I can talk on the cell at 60+ and the person on the other end can't tell I am not at home.

I'm investigating ways to "Protect" my 20 from the rain. First thought is a Magnum sized Condom stretched over the unit.
We have two way radio mics in our snowmobile helmets and the humidity from breathing and the cold used to render them useless in quick order until we tore the wind baffling foam off them, cut a small circle of quality nitrile glove and used a small rubber band (the ones for braces are perfect) at the base, two seasons on my last mic. I have used multiple wraps of a small rubber band as well.

Lots of riding in the rain with my Sena SMH10 and no problems in the probably 5 years I've had it. I live in Seattle and ride all year long, so it gets wet a lot.

My only complaint is that if I sync my phone to my Zumo 660 so that I can see the caller ID when someone calls, then the sound quality during calls sucks. Apparantly calls sound great if you sync your phone directly to the Sena, but I want to know who's calling before answering (and no, I don't have bill collectors hounding me ;) ).
