Quick and easy??

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
I'm flying in to pickup my new (to me)

06 FJR this weekend. I need to find the

quickest way to hookup my Battery Tender

leads. I use them to run my Gerbing jacket

and gloves. I'll be riding to Michigan, sure

hope that weatherman wasn't on crack


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I am not sure what your battery tender leads have on the ends but assume one end is ring lugs that attach to the battery and the other probably the universal type connector that has a male and female plug. If that is the case, I had a similar problem when I picked up my 2005. I had to remove the right panel over the battery and hook up the ring lugs to the battery posts. There was enough wire to hang outside the plastic when all was put back together. I suggest you make sure that there is a fuse on the positive leg so if something goes awry you wont burn anything up. Hope this helps......... B)

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I'm flying in to pickup my new (to me)06 FJR this weekend. I need to find the

quickest way to hookup my Battery Tender

leads. I use them to run my Gerbing jacket

and gloves. I'll be riding to Michigan, sure

hope that weatherman wasn't on crack



Hope this message doesn't arrive too late.

I temporally hooked up a powerlet outlet socket on my '06 by removing the battery cover (check the owners manual for instructions) then connecting the cables to the battery and cable tying the powerlet to the metal brake lines on the right side of the head tube. Took maybe 15 minutes. Just make sure the leads dont' interfere with the handlebars/fork tubes when turned full lock to the right. Standing on the right side of the bike after the battery cover has been removed and it should all make sense.

Hope this helps,


Powerlet in the right front panel. Then you can push or pull power. Add a switch and get the ability to turn on and off without unplugging!


just remove one panel and attach the battery tender cable to the leads. I zip tied mine to the frame where it meets the steering column and routed it through the guide for the hydraulics.

Thanks guys. I picked the bike up yesterday,

and installed the wiring after reading the owners

manual. I thought I read people were having

problems getting to the battery. It was easy.

Thanks guys. I picked the bike up yesterday,and installed the wiring after reading the owners

manual. I thought I read people were having

problems getting to the battery. It was easy.
You'll find guys are having all sorts of problems on this site. Everything from relationship issues to forgetting to turn off their turn signals...heck, I read one thread where some guy was complaining his bike would always fall over every time he got off the bike. He had to be told the side stand was not an automatic deployment item. Fixed his problem. :p

I thought I read people were havingproblems getting to the battery. It was easy.
Probably the easiest bike I've installed a bettery hookup on. I ran mine straight down and tucked it in behind the horn, perfect.

Thanks guys. I picked the bike up yesterday,

and installed the wiring after reading the owners

manual. I thought I read people were having

problems getting to the battery. It was easy.
You'll find guys are having all sorts of problems on this site. Everything from relationship issues to forgetting to turn off their turn signals...heck, I read one thread where some guy was complaining his bike would always fall over every time he got off the bike. He had to be told the side stand was not an automatic deployment item. Fixed his problem. :p
Noone would ever have a problem here if they parked next to a fricken tree. :rolleyes:

Ain't no fricken trees here in Mi. ... Only freakin' trees, an they tend to eat bikes after a fashion.

Thanks guys. I picked the bike up yesterday,and installed the wiring after reading the owners

manual. I thought I read people were having

problems getting to the battery. It was easy.

Well some guys can't change thier shorts without the old ladys help... hence, the fjr tech page :eek:

where you be located mike?

What kind of "fashion"....just curious as I want to avoid any "mi-fashion" trees there may be out there.... :unsure:

You will need two leads a double parallel for the Bt and a single center pole of the gerbing. Cheep and easy.

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You've been watching the "red-green" show too often.....lay off the duck tape, eh? :eek:

Man, ya get the red green show way down there? Met Mr Smith and company this? summer in St ignorance Mi.

What a HOOT, isn't much different than the fella he plays on the t.v. show just a regular guy havin' a good time with life.


I'll bet that "red-green" dude can drink anyone on this forum under the table. Ya gotta be drunk to think some of that shit up..... ;)

I dunno. I did some time in the classroom teaching guys how not to kill themselves with propane several years ago an I'm here ta tell ya the guys from the U.P. , Minnisota? (Sorry i can't spell tonight) and Wisconson could knock down the beer like it was water.

I spent two years teaching and only after a year did I figure out how to beat em in the nightly contest.

