Quin - A Smarter Helmet?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
Six Mile, SC
I saw this helmet mentioned on another site that I frequent. It does look interesting. No real mention of wearability and noise level though.



If we learned nothing from the Skully helmet fiasco, I'd stay as far away from any "kickstarter" projects as possible! Luckily I didn't buy in to Skully but I did get taken by the Kanoa earbud project for a measly $150.

If we learned nothing from the Skully helmet fiasco, I'd stay as far away from any "kickstarter" projects as possible! Luckily I didn't buy in to Skully but I did get taken by the Kanoa earbud project for a measly $150.
Agreed. But I like to look at projects like this. I'm willing to not get the kickstarter discount to wait for the project to actually be available. But sooner or later, someone's going to do it right. My interest would be higher if they were making a modular helmet. I think the most interesting part with this project is they aren't trying to be everything to everybody.

Helmet looks interesting and the price seems more than reasonable IF it turns out to be everything they say. I will not, however, even think about buying a helmet I have never even tried on!! Size is one thing but shape is another. Some manufacturers don't even make a helmet that I can wear comfortably. A good fit for one individual can be downright painful to another.

If we learned nothing from the Skully helmet fiasco, I'd stay as far away from any "kickstarter" projects as possible! Luckily I didn't buy in to Skully but I did get taken by the Kanoa earbud project for a measly $150.
Agreed. But I like to look at projects like this. I'm willing to not get the kickstarter discount to wait for the project to actually be available. But sooner or later, someone's going to do it right. My interest would be higher if they were making a modular helmet. I think the most interesting part with this project is they aren't trying to be everything to everybody.
I'm in the same boat! I watched the Skully project and then moved on to the Nand Logic Smart Helmet. With the advancement of all the technology going in to cars/trucks these days, why on this green earth can't they incorporate it into a helmet? Well...besides the fact that a helmet is significantly smaller than an automobile.

I'd definitely jump on a modular smart helmet project if one were to appear. I commute 150 miles a day, round trip, to work. My Nolan and Schuberth modulars are great in stop-n-go traffic when I need more air than with just raising the visor, but to have that kind of tech...that'd be icing on the cake.

Why can't they build a smart helmet? I'll guess that it has more to do with ...... helmet builders are good at building helmets and not good at building communication systems. By the same logic, communication inventors know little about building helmets.

And the final piece: no one has been able to work a partnership agreement that suits everyone financially.

Whoever makes the first smart helmet needs to put a good FM antenna into the hat's construction.

I went to the link and it talks about electronic technology but the first thing I want to know it about the technology that goes into protecting my head. Did I miss that part?

Pass. A solution to a non-problem. I'll stick with my Shoei and Schuberth helmets with my Sena 20S!

Pass. A solution to a non-problem. I'll stick with my Shoei and Schuberth helmets with my Sena 20S!
I'm with you. If my Sena goes out, I can unclip it and send it back and still ride. If the electronics go out on the helmet, I can't ride until my helmet comes back. It's not like it's got a modular electronic set in it that can be swapped in and out if something stops working (which it will for some number of people).

No thanks, I'll pass.

Schuberth C4 has built-in earpieces and antenae for Bluetooth and FM, and clip-in comms unit with radio if you are prepared for the cost.

Comms unit is a Senna, it and its battery are essentially invisible, but can be removed.

I find the C4 suits me very well, I use the audio side only for my Tomtom so can't comment on inter-rider communications. I believe it will talk to up to 4 users.

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It's one thing to make a cool website, it's a whole different matter to make a good helmet.

I'm willing to wait and let the early adopters get a price break. I want to wait until I can put hands on one and then decide if I should open my wallet.

Only mentioning this for the coincidence. When I opened my email today I found one from Skully Technologies--"Skully is Reborn!" I must have gotten on a list for updates from them; I sure didn't send them any money. Anyway, new ownership, new technology, blah blah blah. Guess we'll see when we see. Or not. Meanwhile, I like to try on my helmets before I spend any money on them.

My Nolans have built in comms. Nothing to bolt on, clamp on, or stick on. And theyre still removable if I want to transfer to a new helmet or send in for warranty repair. I dont do Kickstarter, but I must admit- I recoiled from Fobo when I figured out they were a) in Malaysia or some other country ending in sia, and B) they were pre-selling a product. When they finally started shipping, I bought, and its been flawless for years.

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Pass. A solution to a non-problem. I'll stick with my Shoei and Schuberth helmets with my Sena 20S!
Jeez man, weren't you paying attention? Those solutions are ugly and cumbersome. As motorcyclists, we cannot be seen as either. We have to be sleek and sexy.

Right...Like you, I'll stick with my Sena that has worked 100% of the time.

Only mentioning this for the coincidence. When I opened my email today I found one from Skully Technologies--"Skully is Reborn!" I must have gotten on a list for updates from them; I sure didn't send them any money. Anyway, new ownership, new technology, blah blah blah. Guess we'll see when we see. Or not. Meanwhile, I like to try on my helmets before I spend any money on them.
I got the same email, and like you, I didn't send them a dime. The Hell with that. I'd wager they're gonna get a bunch of money, but less than last time. They're gonna spend it on hookers and blow, AGAIN, and then slink away. They know people are willing to help along a second chance, but not so much a third. I'm betting it doesn't end well, especially at their last projected price-point.

Only mentioning this for the coincidence. When I opened my email today I found one from Skully Technologies--"Skully is Reborn!" I must have gotten on a list for updates from them; I sure didn't send them any money. Anyway, new ownership, new technology, blah blah blah. Guess we'll see when we see. Or not. Meanwhile, I like to try on my helmets before I spend any money on them.
I got that email as well.

Fred W posted: Commercial broadcast radio is so 20th century.
You are absolutely right, but it's my morning news when commuting and it's awfully fun to monitor FM radio stations when crossing a couple of state lines. Whatever's on the air goes into my overall impression of the cities and towns I pass through. Can't tell you how many times I've ridden between Tallahassee and Pensacola, thoroughly pleased by the old-time gospel music stations along the way.

HotRodZilla posted: <snip, snip> As motorcyclists, we ... have to be sleek and sexy.
Some of us are, Big Boy.

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